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Should I ask her out or get to know her better first?

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Sorry this is a bit long:


There is this girl that I liked since 9th grade. We both know eachother and talk to eachother occasionally although not very often (once or twice a week). We're both in 12th grade now and this year I'm starting to change my image, I'm a lot less shy around people now and I even decided to tell her that I like her. When I talked to a few friends one of them recommended me to ask her to come to lunch with me (we have a class together right before lunch). Then another friend told me I should talk to her a bit first. So I decided I would ask how her weekend was before class and then ask her if she wanted to come to KFC or a pizza place near our school for lunch after the class. The before-class idea failed because I had a bio test right before that class so I came a bit late and sat in the back row (all other seats were full). I decided that not being able to talk to her much would not stop me from asking her to come to lunch with me and at the end of class I was about to come up to her and ask her. But right as I stood up 2 of her friends came up to her and started talking to her so she didn't even notice me. Then we had last class together as well, where I actually managed to sit next to her (but she went somewhere before class and only came back 10 minutes later right when the teacher was in the middle of a lecture, and he hates to be interrupted. I talked to her a bit and she smiled but most of our conversations were about school. I really don't know what to do. Should I just come up to her and ask her to come to lunch with me tomorrow or the day after and then we could talk more there when I'm less stressed about how not to sound to stupid or would it be too weird if I just invited her to lunch with me while not being very close to her. And if so, what do I do to get to know her better, how do I start the conversation? Also, I'm not sure if she might like me too or if she's just being polite because there are some weird things she did. I remember back in 9th grade when we were going to the same afterschool math school and mom of one of the kdis was giving us all a ride there. There were 5 of us, 2 guys, that girl, and another girl and me, and they already knew eachother pretty well. And we would usually be the first people to come to that school and they would often go to the pizza place nearby (not the same pizza place as near our school) and she would always invite me to come, and if I said that I was busy or soemthing she kept asking me if I was sure, and if I would change my mind just come to them. In addition to that, every single time she comes up to a teacher at the end of class to ask him soemthing and I come up after her she keeps telling me to go ahead of her, even though I always refuse. Also, last year when we were doing after school tutoring outside of school, she would usually wait for the bus, and I would walk, and once she said she wanted to walk with me (she said it was because she needed to get some exercise etc.), so I said "ok" but warned her that I walk fast. On the actual day when the tutoring session was though, she told me earlier in the day that she changed her mind. And 2 weeks ago when I came to my math class late and there were no desks left she wanted to free her desk so I could sit there, and again I said no. She is kind and nice to many people, not just me, but I haven't seen her doing things like freeing up desks for other people (or maybe it just seems to be this way to me because my mind isn't thinking straight because of these feelings towards her), or perhaps she just feels sorry for me ever since 9th grade when I used to be a loner. As I already said I do occasionally try to talk to her but most of our conversations come out about school stuff and homework. Another problem is that I know that she doesn't have a lot of free time now, because she stopped doing that tutoring program she did every year and said she needed more time to prepare her college applications. And yesterday after physics (at the end of school) my friend invited me to go get a picture taken in the Russian club, I asked her if she wanted to come (me, her and the friend who invited me are all Russians) and she said that she had to go to another club. So I'm really not sure if she might like me, or if she's being polite, if she's very busy this year or just tries to make up polite excuses, and if she is busy is there a chance she might reject me even if she likes me just because she is afraid that a relationship will take too much of her time? Sorry if this seems dumb, but I get really nervous in these situations and this is the first time I'm seriously considering about asking a girl out. Thanks.

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it sounds as though she likes u, just as much as u like her. but obviously i think shes a little nervous about the whole thing. so instead of asking her out, talk to her, ask her what she thinks about having a relationship with you and if thats something she would like or if now is not the right time. most important, LISTEN!!!! trust me look into her eyes the entire time you talk to her, u can tell alot and she will respect you alot more. sorry if i sound demanding im a physcology major so i deal with this stuff all the time. honestly the worst thing that can happen is she says she doesent have time, if she says that then say "no problem i hope we can still hang out." if ahe has never been in a relationship it will be hard for her and u its nerve racking, just listen and dont take things too personally.

hope it helps

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