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Where to do 'it'?? - GUYS AND GIRLS I NEED HELP!

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hey people,


i would really appreciate ANY replies...because i value everyone's comments.


My girlfriend and I are ready to have sex....but the problem is we have no where to do it...I mean my house is out of the question because there is always someone here and her house is out of the question for the same reason.


I want it to be an enjoyable experience for her but I have absolutely no idea where we can do 'it'! Can anyone suggest somewhere where we can do it where we will both enjoy it without getting caught by one of our parents or brothers and sisters??


Thank you.

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Hold your horses, boy. You'll end up regretting it. Don't do it because there's still a possibility of her getting pregnant... Wait 'till marriage... She's probably not the one you will marry, okay?


I want to have it with my boyfriend too... But we cannot. We're just teens and we do not know what could happen...

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You are out of your mind.. But fine, throw your life away... It's not mine. Just because you won't wait you'll screw it up for no reason. Cool.


Just tried to help... Go on and make your mistake, boy. Just don't come crying to the board like aneight year old after something bad happens.

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Starlette, please lay off the guy. Your views are very narrowminded and unhelpful, even outdated. There are people much younger then 16 who have unprotected sex all the time, with partners they share no interest in besides wanting a good ride. If you want to worry about "today's youth" (which, by your others posts, you are a part of) you should perhaps worry about them, not about a young couple who love eachother and want to prove it to eachother in a protected manner. So please, take the advice of Thumper the Rabbit, "If you ain't got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all". To help out needhelpnow, I must say don't do it in any place you or she is not comfortable, or that you may be interrupted. If you cannot find a good enough place, perhaps you should wait until you can use either one of your guy's houses, even if that may be an incredibly long while. Sorry if that is not exactly what you wanted to hear, but don't just rush things, it could ruin it and first times are hard. Peace out.

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who says that they might not get married any way, its possible??


any ways, hmm...lets think... do you ever get the house to yourself, or does her family ever leave? it could be done then. but even though you are both ready, don't rush into it. i mean, the time will come when you will get a chance to be alone for long enough time to do it. if you love each other you can wait. im not saying that im against you having sex, because if you both really feel like you are ready & love each other a lot & want to do it, then i don't see why you wouldn't. im just saying that there's no need to rush & try to find a certain place to do it, just wait for the chance to come a long. it will soon.

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First of all.......i just want to say to Starlette that I appreciate your input and I accept that you have your own views but I dont think its fair that you are judging me and not accepting that I really do love her. I honestly dont think you should be posting replies to people that are genuinely seeking help about matters, when you just give them negative responses.


To Duncan, nameofthegame, and enadevoli I really appreciate your help. Of course we will be using protection!!


Its sooooooo rare in my house to ever be home alone...we are a big family and theres always someone here. its pretty much the same at her house but i mean i guess we can just wait for the right time. i want it to be 'perfect' for her....so i dont want to rush it. I mean the last thing I want is for one of my brothers or sisters to walk in...or even worse, my PARENTS! LOL


But thanks again for everyone's advice but if anyone else has some suggestions, please feel free to respond.


thanks people.

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If you know someone who is old enough to get a hotel room - save up and ask them, even if it's an older sib of one of your friends. I'm assuming neither your parents nor hers would be exactly thrilled to discover, even at a later date, that their kids were having sex in their home - even if you can get the chance, it's one of those things that just gives you one more thing to worry about, and you don't want a nerve wracking experience here or something to guilt trip about. It's kinda hard to relax if you're waiting for someone to walk in, or Mr Officer Sir to ask what you're doing as he knocks on the car window!

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  • 4 weeks later...

*sigh* first of all im a 15 year old girl so im about ur age. i wanted to no, how the heck do u no ur ready? my advice is to wait till ur out of high school. by that time u cant find a place or get a car. also you won't have to worry about not getting ur diploma cuz a kid came along.and dont think abortions the answer. whole other topic. lol. also if you can't wait till then you can't prove that you love each other enough to do it now. my mom got pregnant when she was 16. she wasn't expecting that. she had to get an abortion. also sex can change a relationship. just give it a little more thought be4 you do nething. sry i dont want to b mean but i dont want nething bad to happen either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I am 17 first off, and I am currently sexually active with my girlfriend. She was a virgin, and we did it in her room when i slept over. We have done it in my room, our guest room, my car, and once late night on the beach. The most comfortable I have had it was definitley when we were home alone.


The places, a Hotel. I have a credit card and a fake ID so its a bit easier. I am really good friends with a bartender, and he could get me a room too if I really needed it. My sister whom I am very close to, I could ask her too if necessary. Last years prom, I got a hotel room because it was a group of us getting it, so some of the lower end hotels (it was a hyatt, very nice in my opinion) they don't want to just lose business.


Next would be doing the risky beach scene, now it was about 2 o'clock in the morning (we were botha bit drunk too)... so that was tricky but interesting. Not quite suggested.


The car, in my opinion the best, cuz you can just park in the back of a random parking lot, that no one parks at, and its pleasing. Its also really hot when the windows fog and all. Its very relaxing for me, cuz I love my car and her hehe.


My friends have done it in their girlfriends apartments, dorm rooms and so on. Some have done it late night barren parks. Pool, thats a bit intense, I don't like the water in my way, slower push. A bathroom, one of those like 2 sex bathrooms. You go first she waits a few minutes, then just goes in, and all is well.


You would be surprised at the number of places you can do it. Its really not that hard to find places. My girlfriend's parents know we are having sex, and they allow it cuz they been through that time of their lives too so they understand.


Talking about "readiness"... well i feel as tho sex is not how ready you are... its if you feel like you care for a person and they care for you, its just a way of "connecting." As long as a condom is between you, all is fine. One thing though for protection we do is that she is first of all on the pill, second I wear a condom, and third we use the Vaginal film that has spermicidal fluid that kills sperm. As long as you protect yourself, your fine.


Sex is special, it says "I care about you this much" and I think that is its purpose at a young age. Take care, and good luck my friend. hehe its fun. (well not the first time, don't expect the same thing you see in the movies, take it careful buddy... it hurts, some bleed a little.)


Always trying to help another.

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First of all, don't listen to Starlet or murmaid girl. Plenty of people have sex, and very few get pregnant. You just hear more of the pregnancies than of the sex that goes unmentioned. And besides that, having sex after marrying is no guarantee that you love someone. People get married after knowing each other for a week, you think that marriage will last? What if you decide to divorcE? I bet starlet would never have sex after that... right? Starlet, your backword ways of thinking, and aggressive means of imposing your beliefs on people is annoying and illogical. I'd hate to think what kind of hell your children will go through or what kind of thoughts you'll stick in their heads. Grow up.


Secondly. How old are your siblings? Aren't they trustworthy enough with this information? Just tell them you and your lady want some privacy. If they're older than you, I'm sure they'll understand - it's hard for me to picture them running and telling your parents.

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For Mischivo: you have obviously not seen any surveys on teenage pregnancy lately, have you? That's what I have been working on for a while. And A LOT of girls get pregnant. Let's face it: birth control is not as easily available for young kids as it should. Many people believe that just bc BC is available, kids will have sex earlier than they would normally have, which is not true. If you want to have sex, no one will stop you. You just won't take advice from anyone.

I can say that more than 90 percent of all pregnant teenagers in the study I'm helping with never gets married to the baby's father, they don't have stable relationships and they do not use BC, either bc it'sn not available to them bc of their age, or because they just can't afford it.

For you: A teenage pregnancy will not only ruin the relationship, but also your lives. At least her life... so if you really care for her, be careful. If you can't even get a room, why bother? It certainly won't be what she dreamed of, and maybe it is a sign that you shouldn't be doing this yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i dun it in my room my mum n dad were asleep the baest thing is i got to try my room out i have just finished makin fitted furniture and when it was dry(the paint) we got it all sorted kertain n stuff that knight we crissioned it so that why i think it was my best place



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