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The tale of two girls

Clementine orange

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She likes me (she really does, she's made it obvious) except I like her best friend (alot - she is totally intoxicating) is there any way I can work this? I'm starting to hang out with the "she likes me" girl simply because she hangs out with the "I like her" girl all the time. This is blatently unfair of me.


I think the "I like her" girl is starting to figure it out (I don't hide my "fawning" real well). I'm on the cusp of being a complete jerk.


Someone is going to get hurt here.


Just exactly how fair is it in love and war?


Plus I'd go back to my ex in a heartbeat...

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Oh, you bad boy!!!!!

How about just asking out the one you like and stop hanging out with the one you don't like.


I've seen this scenario...

It goes like this:

I slept with the one I don't like, but I still want the one I like...and than:

- oh, the one I like likes me back so I slept with her and we hurt the one I didn't like and now she's on Ena and you guys are telling her how horrible I am

- oh, OMG the one I don't like, I slept with her and now she's pregnant and I am posting on ena about that and the one i like





You bad boy

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lool...hm..don't you have a number of both of them????

Oh, please don't tell me you call the one you don't like and she calls her friend out too?? hm..in this case threesome is possible lol


intoxicating...? that has written sex only all over it?lol

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Oh, just ask her out Clem... The "she likes you" girl will be bitter but her friend can't help you like HER and not... well, HER.... Wait was that confusing? LOL


Trust me, she'll get over you. And then you and "you like her" girl can live happily ever after! Well, unless of course your ex re-enters the picture. In that case, pass me the popcorn.

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You're not going to like my advice ...


Because you have apparently led on the "she likes me" girl to the point where she has feelings for you, I think it would be inappropriate to go after her best friend and possibly screw up their friendship.


Your big mistake was to blatantly use the "she likes me" girl to get close to the "I like her" girl. You are right ... someone is going to get hurt ... your fault, so it might as well be you. Leave them both alone.


The person who came up with the proverb "all's fair in love and war" should be locked in a room for a month and forced to read ENA posts!!!



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