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Question for all the ladies


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I've always wondered that too. Sometimes I get the flu. I cough and get stomach cramps. But I am still pleasant to be around, and I still go to work and hang out with my girlfriend and the guys. I don't throw things and call people names and eat a lot of chocolate. Periods can't be worse than the flu.

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Obviously you're a guy so you would never understand..

Actually alot of times, atleast for me I'd rather suffer with the flu rather than deal with a period. I mean, not only do you have cramps, bloating, headaches but you're also gushing blood (Sorry to be so gross about it but geez.. wanna argue it.. ) and then there is this thing, It's called HORMONES and this thing does affect the body in weird ways (IE mood swings, etc). Do you honestly think women enjoy getting periods?


and saying "periods cant be worse than the flu" , Dood! you will never ever experience a period so how can you even say that?

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Periods can't be worse than the flu.


It's a completely different thing. I don't agree with the "blame everything on PMS" line but a woman experiences hormonal shifts when having a period. Some more than others. That plays with the chemical balance in your brain, it's not just physical discomfort though that doesn't help.


Think about it in terms of being drunk, something is fundamentally changed, you cannot just act sober (as much as some people may try).

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yeah, you're a guy so you don't understand lol.


it's very painful and you get bad mood swings

well, i do.

i don't neccerssarily blame it on my period


everyone else does...


i've actually thought about how to get rid of periods cause they are that bad...

but then again

i want children

so just gonna have to cope.

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Well one time I severely tore a ligament in my ankle. The pain of a period is surely not greater than that! I was still able to function at work and at home and maintain my hormones and sense of humor. Even more that that, I have suffered a bladder infection. I peed out blood, which is the closest thing to a period I suppose. It felt like I was peeing needles and would drop me to my knees every time, but I never lashed out at loved ones or blamed the condition of my life on it. I never even wanted chocolate. I will never understand women I guess!

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The root hyster- comes from the Greek word for womb. So, the psycholological disturbance termed hysteria was originally believed to be a disease of women and resulted from some disturbance in the uterus. Its origin is in the late 17th century.


Similarly, a hysterectomy, first appearing in English in the mid-19th century, is the removal of the womb, or uterus.



i believe the world would be a different place if men menstruated.


now enough of this type of talk. i'm going to my room with a big bar of chocolate, a weepy movie and a hot water bottle.

i may bite if disturbed.

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LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! periods do make some girls break out-- so thats true.


moods-- yeh you know you can control em.


its really stupid to make it an excuse tho.


its also an excuse for many women to just be a b*tch and say, i was on my period.


you can get upset cuz i dont like periods, i would rather not have em at all.. that be nice.

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Well one time I severely tore a ligament in my ankle. The pain of a period is surely not greater than that! I was still able to function at work and at home and maintain my hormones and sense of humor.


Tearing a ligament is unrelated to hormones. It's the hormonal changes involved in a woman's menstrual cycle that cause mood changes.


However I do think that if women are aware of their cycles it can help them control their mood swings a bit better. If you know when to expect your period and when to expect PMS you can figure out why you're feeling "off" and sometimes just knowing it's caused by your cycle can help you control it.


As for having a hysterectomy to avoid period pain, I wouldn't go that far, but it was SUCH a relief while I was pregnant and then breastfeeding not to have my period. On the other hand, if you want to talk about PAIN try giving birth...

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I don't agree with those women who use their period as an excuse to stay home from work, or to be complete B's.


I do however know what its like to double over from cramps while driving to work. I've had to pull over a few times. And the bloated feeling makes me really ill. I tend to get really really tired when I'm on my period.


But its a part of life, so get over it and go about your daily lives.

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Oh, and I can't forget to add (I dont know if it happens to every other chic or not) but it feels like you've been kicked in your groin the entire time you're having your period.


This is exactly how I described it to one of my male friends and he still doesn't believe this is true! While my periods have gotten lighter and less intense, all throughout high school and in the beginning of college I had a ton of trouble with them. My legs would literally go numb and I would be in some of the most intense pain I've ever felt (and I've landed up in neckbraces before...so I've felt a lot of pain!) And that's not the worst part of it - they would last for a full 7 days with heavy, heavy bleeding (I'm talking a minimum of 5 pads a day!) This is probably a reason I seriously hated high school - I would seriously miss at least three days every month because I couldn't walk. (I did see a doctor and they just asked me if I was sexually active. I wasn't at the time, so she told me I was fine...I'm still wary about that statement as legs shouldn't just go numb.)


As for girls blaming everything on their period...I know I get very hormonal and emotional during this time (more so now...I traded numb legs for weepy eyes!) While it's not impossible to control your emotions, it's hard when you just start crying for no reason. But then again, all girls are different. My mood swings are not that bad and I can manage them...I just tend to disconnect from everyone around me when I'm on my period. It's an emotional thing I guess.



When my periods were really intense, I did find myself wishing for a hysterectomy. It was one of those "this is a really bad idea, but it could work" flashes. Wishing for a hysterectomy was more of a silly thing...I would never get one done because of period pain. If I survived my high school periodness, I can survive most things.

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One time my ex-gf lashed out at me over the phone while away on vacation in Finland for 2 weeks (the only time she called me over her trip) because she was upset that I was posting comments on myspace with a couple of girls that I know casually.


After I apologized profusely for something I still thought was no big deal, and after she re-evaluated her over-reaction to the situation, she made this akward, half-assed apology that she was having her period that day. Sheesh! What a great excuse for taking your BF's head off for something so lame as posting comments on Myspace, who has been missing you dearly and e-mailing you every single night.


But I digress. Usually whenever we had a huge fight or she would say something real hurtful or mean, she would always excuse it on her period, and never take any responsibility for her words or actions.

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I really dont think there is a way to describe "period pain" its like so many things all in one go, it isnt just PAIN, its discomfort, it makes you weak and wobbly, the stomach cramps are incredibly painful, just the feeling of losing blood and the hassle this causes in daily life and having to plan your life round them (lol) it makes you lightheaded and have headaches, it makes you tired, it can give you hot flushes or make you incredibly cold...and it always raises your body temperature ever so slightly...and in doing this is disrupts your sleep....these are just physical symptoms...


Thankfully for me, altho i get all of these, i only get them for a couple of days leading up to, and then the first two days...but i know many women who literally double over in pain and have to stay at home simply because they cannot walk no matter how many hot water bottles or ibruprofen they take!!


Plus i like the guy who said about it cant be worse than the flu..and then people that said women who have time off for their periods...most men who have flu (aka a cold!) that I know take around 3-4 days off whenever they get a sniffle!!!


Having had both period and flu...i can tell you periods ARE worse than flu, simply because there are so so many symptoms and aches and pains etc that you cannot medicate for them all and fix the tiredness and lethargy also!!


Men are incredibly lucky!!


p.s oh but yes i never use my period as an excuse for my MOOD...i do get more snappy but i dont excuse myself...i am just more aware of it so i stay away from things that are likely to make me snap...but i think its fair for women to say that they feel damn right horrible and ill because of their period...just because its something that happens every month or so doesnt mean that it is an easy thing to go through!! If you want to compare it to the flu lol then imagine knowing you are going to have the flu every month...and just waiting around wondering when abouts its going to come lol

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