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physical reactions?


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Nerve cells in the brain are closely linked to those in your stomach - closer than any other organ I believe. This is why you get "butterflies" in your stomach when you get nervous, why we feel nauseous. I don't know about the heart, but I'm thinking that its also very closely linked with our brain matter. There was a study done to see the emotional effects of those who had had heart transplants. This one guy who was a vegeterian received the heart of someone who LOVED KFC. After the transplant, he developed a certain penchant for KFC.


Interesting, huh?

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ive experienced those symtoms also... its horrible... thats why they say "stress can kill ya"... maybe not literally, but it just breaks you down physically... i would rather be stabbed with a knife then slowly die from all the emotional symptoms that have plagued me...


i wish all of you well... hugs... beebee

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