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Got any advice on being single?


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This is for anybody dating or single but I have a feeling single people can help me out on this a little more since they are in the same situation without being bias. I will still take advice from couples too.


It's that I want to adapt to being single, so any advice on how you do it while still staying sane would be nice to start with thanks.


See ya later 8)

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hey there ck,


so i understand your single! hey dont frown, being single is NOT a bad thing (why does everyone think that). you dont need a girlfriend to have fun!


my advice is too keep yourself busy, with things you like doing. go out with friends if your not a solo runner. the great thing about being single is that you get more choices opened up to you (as well as ones that have closed). being single gives you freedom to put you first, second AND third! how good is that!


ok ok obviously u cant be busy 24/7, one time or another your gonna be completely alone, perhaps before bed or any day where you just dont do a darn thing! these moments can sometimes be horrible, coz you start thinking. try to stear AWAY from your marital status, and think whatever the hell you want! what i usually do is spend alot of time with friends, if not out, then on the phone, and i also spend alot of time online or playing video games or watching tv.


theres also reading, writing (anything), taking up a hobbie (if you like sport..or..something else?) and so on. i also draw alot.....thats my scape goat out of alot of loneliness. every now and then i do get lonely though, cant escape those, but try not to dwell on it and pretty soon you'll be one set single dude!


ofcourse if you have any doubts or bad feelings come back and tell us, we're always here to help!


goodluck! (GO THE SINGLES!)



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I actually find that having good friends of the opposite sex helps a lot, plus who knows where those friendships will lead, basically just like the last poster said, keep yourself busy, and enjoy the time that you have alone, being with someone can get hecktic(SP?) at times, so just enjoy the time you have without a serious relationship.




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Because there was some this person I will not post any names up here; who actually tried to make fun of me because that person had a relationship and I didn't have a girlfriend. So they would brag and go on and on about how happy they were and how lonely I was just to take shots at me.


I kind of made my mind to try to go it alone single and see what happens, but yeah I know what ya mean when you say sometimes there is a time where you can't be doing something 24 hours a day everyday, so you actually have time to dwell on it at times. If anybody has any solutions to that I'm all ears

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oh dude dont pay any attention to those who make you feel bad about being single!


i recon odds are, their relationship isnt that perfect anyways. and just think! you dont have to worry about the almost inevitable heartbreak at the end.......when it happens to this guy, he'll understand.


as for those pesky times alone.....theres not much you CAN do. i know how hard it is to try and not think about something, and it actually makes me think of it more!.........times like those, try and not think of being without a girlfriend lonely......even with a girlfriend you get times like these.......try and think that everyones single at one time or another, and that your gonna have the best time, and if a relationship with someone would arise at sometime, so be it!


i mean your not gonna be alone forever, so make the best of your individual space while you got it!



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Hey man i think relationships are like double edged sword ;


they can be gr8 , but believe me they can be a lot of trouble too


i was in one about 5 mnths back it took me about 3 mnths to get back to being single but i did it


i learnt french,golf and swimming in the summer also i went for a holiday and then currently i got a job in a law firm;


what i am trying to say is that explore ur boundaries do what u wan to do right now rather than wasting ur time looking for someone ,


girls will come along and before you know it they with there cute smile will make u a insane man again heheh


i would love to be with a girl but i am ready to wait to be with the right one than to risk myself with the wrong kinda person


so man go there , do paragliding or bunjee jumpin something that will make u feel alive and free


g luck

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Actually it's a girl who was saying all of that stuff. And her relationship wasn't all smooth either


I have the exact same feeling like when you try not to think about it that is the first thing that pops into your mind.


Maybe I won't be alone for ever and maybe I will, so as of right now I'm preparing myself to be alone witch is why I'm asking these questions. I can at least be ready for it.

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Hey ck,

Im in a relationship but i know how it feels to be single.Its a crap feeling to be honest. But what i can say is that you should definitely enjoy your time alone while you dont have anything or anyone to answer to.At the moment the whole world is your horizon,it still can be if your involved,but its one less thing to think about if you know what i mean.


You will find someone one day,i know probably a thousand people have told you that but its true,and like an earlier poster said,relationships can be more trouble than they are worth sometimes,and once you get yourself in the whole dating thing its hard to let go.


You shouldnt be setting yourself up for being alone for the rest of your life,coz thats not going to happen,unless thats how you want it(which i dont think you do)just set your sights on YOU for the time being,you can improve yourself,work on yourself and do all sorts,theres a big world out there for the taking.-and relationships are a very small part of that.

Maybe you wont have to do the looking,maybe she will find you.


Have fun,just think yourself lucky your not going through a horrible break up right now!!


Good luck,hope i helped a little,sorry if i repeated a load of stuff you've already heard.Luck!

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Yeah but what should I do? I mean besides the things I'm already doing. I go to school and work whenI do have time for myself which is very little I do try to inter act with people and play sports which relieves stress a little.


But what else is there to do? Everthing is just so boring and when it gets boring that's when the crappy feeling kicks in and messes up my whole day. Well I know I'm not clear but maybe I am searching for what should I do with the time I do have?


Of course I don't want to be a lone but reality is stuff happens nothing is promised even love. I know that first hand already with experience. So I just want to prepare so I won't be beating myself up over this. Cause you probably will be out with your boyfriend and won't be here for me to say "I told you so"


Yeah it is something I heard before but I appreciate any answer right now really. Destiny takes it's course and I can't blame anyone in here but my own life.

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  • 1 month later...

Go to the shooting range! Fire off a couple rounds and feel better about everything. I tried it the other day....worked great! You forget about everything and just have fun when you are shooting off rounds at the range! That and then you think about shooting all day and how you can improve next time! TRY IT.....and most of all HAVE FUN!!!!!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey CK, it's tough being single after a long-term relationship... even if the break-up was inevitable. I broke off an engagement about a year ago and I thought I'd never get out of the depression even though I knew that it was the the right thing to do. I'd sit and stare at the wall for hours. So, I know a bit about what you're going through.


It has been almost a year now that I've been single... in the beginning, I tried everything I could to fill up that empty space that was missing in my life. Dated extensively.... through link removed, blind dates through friends/family members.... guys I met at lounges/clubs.... And I found that these things didn't make me feel better or stronger... in fact they seemed to make me feel more dependent... My day was made or broken by exterior forces, and that really sucked... because it was like riding a roller coaster.


Ok, anyway, the point is, the best way for you to enjoy your single life is to first stop and appreciate your freedom. Look at your week S M T W R F S.... and think of it is opportunities to do all the things you've been interested in trying out... and do it. It doesn't matter if you don't like it once you've tried it.... move on to the next activity. Think of it as a marathon.... try as many interesting things as you can.... and you will, (I can almost guarantee) find a passion that is within your control..... It's inevitable that you will meet somebody...and the truth is, once you're married with kids, there are a lot of cool things you won't be able to explore anymore. (any married couple with kids will tell you that... not that there's anything wrong with family life... just different)


Don't look for happiness in somebody else. Look for it within yourself. That is the best advice I can give you.


Good luck,

Princess JJ

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