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how long should I wait for a response?

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I called my ex...and asked if we could talk with one another, face to face.

My ex said yes, maybe next week...but would not set a date. I did not want to push, so I now have to be patient and wait to be contacted.

I think I did the right thing by calling, because I thought about it for a long time, and I was calm, and I was truly prepared to hear 'no I don't want to talk with you'.

I have no idea what will happen...part of me thinks my ex won't even contact me again.

If I don't hear back, do you think I should give up?

How long should I wait to hear back before I call again?

Any advice would be welcome.


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AAAHHH the waiting, not knowing, you feel insecure, stupid, regretful, angry, hurt........alot of emotions tied to this game.

You left alot out, why did you break up? Is she dating someone? Are you?

Perhaps if you broke up with her or hurt her feelings she is making you pay while waiting it out, hence, revenge is so sweet. My personal opinion do not wait live your life, if she does call or whatever than talk, do not get caught up in mind games hun, believe me you have your whole life to do not waste it on this state of mind of not knowing. Yes, it is hard and it will get harder, it has to to get better. Just keep your head up!

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She broke it off because she was scared...she felt overwhelmed by her feelings and the intensity between us...that was several months ago.

She also said that she was uncomfortable, but couldn't figure out why.

I was devastated...I couldn't eat or sleep.

I never did anything 'wrong'...we never argued, I never raised my voice, never swore at her, never hurt her in anyway at all. I was always loving and kind, patient, and very giving. I gave her whatever she wanted.

I can't figure out what went wrong.

At first I tried a few times to communicate, but she ignored me.

She sent a few emails saying that she felt uncomfortable and needed space.

That's when I started to use 'no contact', I needed to heal and get over the loss...I also did not want to bother her any more.

I cannot let go because I don't know her side of things...and I feel like I really need to talk with her to understand everything.

I still love her, but I want closure on the past, and maybe I will be willing to try again IF that is what she also wants.

She was very hot/cold in the relationship, she would pull me in, then push me away.

Should I call her next week to set a date to meet?

I really don't know if it is healthy for me to be waiting like this...

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She broke it off because she was scared...she felt overwhelmed by her feelings and the intensity between us



DUDE!!...I just got the same line!!


This is the new line of dumping me-thinks. But I think I have your problem solved.


I never did anything 'wrong'...we never argued, I never raised my voice, never swore at her, never hurt her in anyway at all. I was always loving and kind, patient, and very giving. I gave her whatever she wanted.

I can't figure out what went wrong.


There's your (and my) problem. Face it ladies, you all want a guy with a wild side that you can tame. You want a solid, together guy and take the credit. You want his friends to say "he was wild until he met you!!"


Truth is, I was with a lady before "I"M SCARED" chick. She was totaly together and strong. We did TONS of things together...never fought...never was mean...and TONS of great nookie!! So hang in there bud, they are out there. Ladies that don't need to tame the lion because they are strong themselves and arn;'t intimidated.


OH YEAH... I got the strong girl back and feel like an ASS letting her go. I know I suffer from the "gotta save them first " syndrom. Won't happen again.

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