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Does anyone know a good undetectable keylogger?


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What's a keylogger? Something to tell you what sites a person has been to?


Its a program usually only appears in the processes that logs a persons keystrokes...Usually used maliciiously by hackers to gain passwords and logins...Also used by employers to monitor employee internet usage...And occasionally for suspicious boyfriends and girlfriends...

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Its a program usually only appears in the processes that logs a persons keystrokes...Usually used maliciiously by hackers to gain passwords and logins...Also used by employers to monitor employee internet usage...And occasionally for suspicious boyfriends and girlfriends...


... and for seeing what your kids are up to when they're doing things you've asked them NOT to do!

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I'm Alive..... yup, it's wrong. But sometimes, necessary.


Don't get all high and mighty on us. You sit up there with your morals, and the rest of us, who choose not to be ignorant and find out what is happening with our S/O's, will be down here in reality!

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Am I the only one that thinks that it's wrong?


There's a time and a place for most things. Whether EllisBreaks is right or wrong in this particular instance is largely something between her and her bf.


If she has asked her bf what is going on, he has lied and is discovered by a keylogger then I'd have to think she is justified in knowing what is going on. She's got more than her own future to consider.


If on the other hand he was truthful and the keylogger shows nothing then she will feel badly for distrusting him. This may have a further negative impact on their relationship but it will be their own doing.


If a keylogger is used in a situation where somebody's password or other personal data is discovered and the person doing the discovery is not entitled to that information then it is wrong.


In my case where I have minors in the house and I pay for the computer, the power, the internet connection and the software being used, and considering there are pedophiles roaming the internet then I feel I'm justified in knowing exactly who the kids are talking to about what. They've been informed than anything they do on the computer is subject to our monitoring and approval.


I think in this specific case, Ellis is justified in using a keylogger. But that is simply my opinion and it may not be shared by others. And as I said above, either way, good or bad, she is the one who has to live with the consequences. I hope it turns out for the best, whatever happens.

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and you can't possibly imagine someone thinking differently than you? being like THAT would destroy MY soul.


I try to listen & be tolerant of peoples beliefs instead of trying to preach my own, especially on a site that is supposed to be for this kind of thing. Support, understanding and help...... not judgement & forced morals.

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Who's computer is it? If it's hers, or joint then it is not a place for him to keep private information. The only way it would be to store his personal and private information would be if it were his and his alone.


As an aside, one thing employees often stumble over is that the computer sitting on their desk that only they typically have use of is NOT a place to store any personal data you don't want anybody else to see. Somebody else owns the computer and system it's connected to, so thereforeeee it's not private information. Also, I think these days in a divorce preceding computer data can be subpoenaed, as can phone records and various other things like financial and toll highway records. Pretty much any data that is recorded anywhere is up for review in ceratin situations.


I'm still not taking a moral stand on whether Ellis is right or wrong. Just more things to think about. Comes down to the fact if you don't want to get caught doing something you're not supposed to do, then either just don't do it, it do it in such a way as you'll never, ever get caught!!

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I'm still not taking a moral stand on whether Ellis is right or wrong. Just more things to think about. Comes down to the fact if you don't want to get caught doing something you're not supposed to do, then either just don't do it, it do it in such a way as you'll never, ever get caught!!


I am not making a judgment on her either. I'm only explaining the ONLY reason I haven't done that since people were discussing whether it was wrong or right. I have heard many differing opinons on the subject, but when it comes right down to it, I haven't because I'm afraid of what I will feel like after it's over. I've certainly had the urges to do this very thing.

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Yeah its an invasion of privacy..not cool at all.


I know it sucks that i have to resort to this sort of thing to figure out if my horrible suspicions are correct, but it needs to be done, and yes i will be forced to face the consequences... what ever the outcome.


I thought you were going to help me, did you change your mind?


Hmmm. This post doesn't make sense in comparison to the other ones.


Who's computer is it? If it's hers, or joint then it is not a place for him to keep private information. The only way it would be to store his personal and private information would be if it were his and his alone.





It's mine.

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I haven't because I'm afraid of what I will feel like after it's over. I've certainly had the urges to do this very thing.


I would rather know the truth, and face the pain. I can't spend the rest of my life wondering, if the person i plan on growing old with, is getting his kicks on the side, because he sure hasn't been getting them with me.

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I know it sucks that i have to resort to this sort of thing to figure out if my horrible suspicions are correct, but it needs to be done, and yes i will be forced to face the consequences... what ever the outcome.


I thought you were going to help me, did you change your mind?


Hmmm. This post doesn't make sense in comparison to the other ones.




It's mine.


Ellis im going to help you dont worry i understand your situation. I told you its the same as mine..my ex told me i had nothing to worry about until i sent those text message faking another person. ARGHHHHH horrible, lies lies lies.

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Ellis im going to help you dont worry i understand your situation. I told you its the same as mine..my ex told me i had nothing to worry about until i sent those text message faking another person. ARGHHHHH horrible, lies lies lies.


Ok, sorry I guess i just misunderstood you there.


Well, I hope you find out what you need to know very soon.


Good luck.


Thanks Miss Firecracker. I hope that my suspicions are wrong.

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It's mine.


Yeah ... I sorta figured it wasn't his alone! Based on that alone I'd have to say you're justified in knowing what's going on with it.


Thanks Miss Firecracker. I hope that my suspicions are wrong.


I hope so too.


If that's the case then I imagine you'd make the keylogger go away quietly and never mention it. What he doesn't know about it I think in this case won't hurt him. Then we'll have to worry about whether you're okay with it all. We'll take care of that if and when it happens.

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