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I didnt really know where to post this at. I have been dating a girl for about a month now. Things moved along really quickly. I could tell she was really falling for me hard about two weeks ago. I was scared because i didnt think I wanted a serious relationship, but I just went with the flow of things. We slept over each others house at least 5 nights a week, had amazing conversation and even bettter sex. Our bodies fit together very well.


We had very different pasts. I Have been in long term relationships in the past. My last girlfriend was with me for 4 years. She moved far away for school, we treid to do a long distance thing but she ended up dumping me in may. She broke my heart, I was sad everyday until I met this new girl.


On the other hand, the girl has has a past of one night stands, month long flings, and bad luck dating guys who didnt treat her right or were otherwise sleazy. It appeared that she saw something in me, as if I was her savior from the long string of bad men she had come accross. I was her chance to end the one night stand period of her life and build a loving stable relationship. This scared me, but I was OK with it.


Yesterday she tells me she just found out she is moving to the other side of the country (We are on the east coast, she is going to california). Before she met me, she signed up for AmeriCorps. She didnt hear back from them until last week. The word finally came in that she was accepted. She didnt tell me at first because she was scared about how I would react. So she finally told me yesterday....the worst part is that she is leaving in 3 DAYS!!!!


She cried her eyes out last night as I held her. She said she wished she met me sooner, so she didnt sign up. She talked about us staying together long distance (which i dont see working). We cried and basically told each other how much we meant, and that we were falling in love and it was going to be ripped apart before it could finish developing. Then we had unprotected sex. Afterwards she asked me, "What if I get pregnant, Will you marry me??" I didnt know how to answer this...


This is such a tough situation. I am falling for this girl badly, and we only have 3 days left to spend together!! Life sucks sometimes.

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It does suck sometimes. But look at the positives. You fell in love again so you know its possible. You met someone and it seemed to "click" initially so thats possible to. So with all these possibilities......



I would let her go. Its one month in and she will be on the otherside of the country. Unless there is a chance to be together in the next couple of months I would let this one go. And look at all the other possibilties.

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