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Book Talk

What is a good book for a 13 year old boy?


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  • 5 weeks later...

I'd recommend Darren Shan books... Cirque de Freak ect. I was given them as a gift years ago, and bar HP there the best books I've ever had


Well its about a 12 year old boy, who goes through the transition of human to half vampire, and becoming a vampires assistant.


They pretty dark, but they are good books. When I read it, I couldn't put it down, I was about 14 at the time and I'm not a big reader. This and Harry Potter are the only books I can read.


And I think there is about 13-14 in the series. But they are worth investing in. It's a dark thriller but it has good morals. Its a very boyish book...


Though I believe they may be british, so I'm not sure if they are avialable oversee's. Dont hold me to that though. If there not available, you can buy them online.

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