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Being Boring When I Care

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Recently I have been talking to this one girl online who lives near by me and is interested in me very much, however our conversations been pretty dull and I fear it will turn her off pretty soon. I have a personal profile set up in this one dating site and it's completely written in my own tone, meaning almost every sentence has a joke or some sarcasm in it. I get messages about it pretty much daily, so obviously that's not the problem.


The problem is that if I talk with a girl who I'm interested in, I become a complete bore. My AIM conversations will be filled with smilies, I will be all "That's awesome!" and not make even one single joke. I fear that if I make a small sarcastic remark or a joke, I might get out of line, say something stupid, or straight up offend her, which obviously I don't want.


So to be honest, I haven't had many girlfriends because of this. The ones that I did have either lived very far away from me or were out of my league, so I didn't "care" about making that good first impression. I didn't care if they got weirded out by a random joke or offended when I poked a little fun at them.


Are there any tips you guys could give me? I'm going to call that girl later tomorrow and I don't want to screw up!

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My husband was like this when we started dating. I thought it was the sweetest thing in the world. Now he has opened up so much I know his intentions are only good and I love him more and more each day. when you find the right person and get to know them, your worries will dissapate!

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My husband was like this when we started dating. I thought it was the sweetest thing in the world. Now he has opened up so much I know his intentions are only good and I love him more and more each day. when you find the right person and get to know them, your worries will dissapate!


That's sweet!


The thing is though, that in my experience, not many girls at my age would wait for a guy to open up, especially when it comes down to online dating. So it's either you're being amazing in the first few conversations or your chances are probably lost. That's what I'm trying to improve on, really. Being able to speak my mind around girls I'm interested in right off the bat and not weeks later.

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heyyy you sound similar to me! before i know someone that well, whether it be a guy or girl or whatever, i'm always very cautious with what i say, and like you said, i'm kind of boring. but with my real friends and family and stuff i'm actually a very sarcastic and blunt person. i just have to censor what i say to people i don't know that well to see if they're the kind of person who would take my sarcastic comments as a joke. for example, at my job i don't know anyone that well, because i've only been there a few months. i was talking to this one guy (i work in a restuarant), and i was like hey my sister is sitting over there. he goes "table 40?". table 40 was the only one with people in it, the rest were empty. i was like "uh no i meant table 39", which was clean and empty. he gave me a funny look. i was like OOPS. you gotta be cautious.

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