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Update. Weekend Getaway?!


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Hi there,


I posted a couple of days ago about the situation with my boyfriend (now ex). To sum things up, he never shows up when he say he will--which leaves me feeling disrespected/unwanted. I won't go too deep into that, but feel free to read my original post. (For some reason, I can't post the URL?)


Anyway, after I said that he doesn't have time for a relationship, he keeps calling/texting me. I think he's scared to losing me whenever it's obvious that i'm fed up and will actually LEAVE. He texted saying that he was sorry...but, by that point, I needed more than that. I needed him to SHOW that things would be different, that he would respect my time and not treat me like the doortmat who will always wait around for him. I haven't been picking up, but last night, I had a weak moment and answered the phone.


This is where it gets confusing. I thought that we had broken up already...but, apparently he didn't think so. The first thing he said was, "I have 4 days off, lets go the the beach and stay the night"....What?! For one thing, I can't walk right now due to the car accident, for another, I thought we're not together. The last time we talked, I told him to not call me back unless he was willing to put more effort into the relationship. Quick fixes are not good enough. Why is he making plans like this? I was so upset that I started crying. He had to leave for work, but I told him to call during his lunch break so that we could talk things out. He said yes....except....he didn't. Typical behavior.


I called this morning and left this message:


"Hi. You know once again, I waited. I thought you were going to call at lunch so that we could work things out. This is just another example of why I'm upset. You're always late or you don't show up at all. Yo won't change that behavior and I can't change you. I can't ask you to try harder because--you can't. We're not good together. I'm such an affectionate person and that's not a priority to you. This is it. I hope that we can be friends someday, but not right now--We're both hurting too much. It'll take me a long time to get over you."


Is that clear enough? Does that get the point accross that we're done? He keeps hurting me, and the pathetic thing is that, I let him.

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Hey sunflower!


What's this beach thing about? Well - he is scrabbling about grasping at straws because he can sense you really mean business. But I am sure it is all talk - just like all the other times.


Zack is right - follow up your words with actions.


Take care hun - you are doing the right thing.



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