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Ever had a Rebound Relationship...


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LOL, I needed that! All my friends and family tell me how bad she was for me and I just continue to ignore all of them, well I do not ignore them, my feelings just tell me I love her. I just wish I could go back to not feeling anything...I wish I could remove my heart and not have any feelings for anything, especially for HER.


I am not in contact with her, I do not even know where she lives, works, email address, phone number, she changed everything. Just vanished...the last contact we had was thru email months ago. I heard she was going thru money problems a few months ago and I drove to her grandmas place and dropped off a card and some money. I know...I was an IDIOT for doing that. I even cried in front of her grandma...feeling like an idiot...I have not been by there since....that was back in April.

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Okay, so you have been completely out of contact with her for a little over 2 months right? I think you should first stop berating yourself for not being over her after 7 months. It's really only been about 2.5 months since you had some overt action that caused you to think you could have contact with her. Each time you had contact or tried to have contact with her, it renewed your hope and started you from day one again in trying to get over her.


Now is the time to start moving forward with your life and start thinking only of yourself and your own happiness. Clean your house, start spending more time with family and friends, get into a great exercise program, get into some summer activities that will allow you to interact with other people. I think that your obsession with her will deaden in a bit if you are focusing on living your life and building relationships with family and friends.


However, I think it is going to take awhile before your heart and mind are free enough to date someone new with an open heart so don't date with the thought that you are looking for a new relationship.


To be honest, I happen to be against men and women who are not over an ex dating without being clear and up front because I have run into some in the past and after going out a few times and realizing the guy was a complete emotional wreck, I found him pathetic and was angry that he wasted my time when I was clear that I was not interested in dating with no goal to it other than to get out of the house. So, if you are going to date, you should make sure you are not leading someone on or you may start to be perceived as a big a$$ which will not help you feel any better about yourself.

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