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When a guy looks at you, what makes it eww and what makes it a turn-on?


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This is a question that I am curious of from reading the replies of some of my other posts.


I realized that many women, when some guys look at them, they give like an "ewwww" look, like, " * * * r you looking at?" but then sometimes other guys can look almost in a very similar way or at the same "items" or more, and the girl, gives a look like she enjoys it completely.


I've noticed some people know the difference when it happens but can't describe the difference. See the reason I ask is, I don't normally think I get the "ewww" look ever, unless maybe I find the girl looking at me very unattractive or maybe horrible hygiene or something, if the girl is attractive to me and I catch them looking, I usually seem to get an ego boost like, I wanna say, Do you like what you're looking at? then often I look back, as to say, I seen you looking and I'm looking at you, because you look good also.


So basically my question mostly is, what really does a guy have to do to get the "ewww" look but another guy do basically the same, and get the, "Keep doing that" look? LoL.


Also, out of curiosity, say for a fact you women like the certain guy looking at you, what do you normally do next? Smile always or do you sometimes just get nervous? I've seen many times women looked at just biting their lips or showing other nervous signs.

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i think it really comes down to whether the girl in question finds the looking guy to be attractive. most people, men and women, like being checked out unless its by someone that they personally don't find attractive (doesn't mean the person is ugly, its personal taste) in which case they feel awkward or "eww"



i'm a guy btw.

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That's what I figured, but I noticed some guys almost always seem to get ewww looks from girls while other guys almost always seem to get, "I like that" looks.


I guess it's still the same thing in a way, maybe just the first guy just isn't found attractive to most girls while the second guy is.

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smiling is a huge part of it.... i think it's creepy when they just look & dont really smile.


Oh that makes sense, cause a lot of the guys I seen get the eww look, generally seem to look like, "You're mine, I'm going to get you into bed", while the "I like it" looked guys seem to more look like, "I want you, do you want me" kinda thing.

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Oh that makes sense, cause a lot of the guys I seen get the eww look, generally seem to look like, "You're mine, I'm going to get you into bed", while the "I like it" looked guys seem to more look like, "I want you, do you want me" kinda thing.


oh, and god--please dont let her catch you looking at her boobs...

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I think when a guy smiles after being "caught" checking out a girl it says two things: 1) That he is actually interested in her, catching her eye and smiling and trying to hold contact and 2) that he can laugh at himself for getting busted checking her out!


If someone were to look me up and down and then hold a gaze, not smile and just stare it would be weird. That's when I would turn my head and try to get out of his sightline!

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oh, and god--please dont let her catch you looking at her boobs...


This girl at work had a really "noticeable" clevage last week. That day I found myself staring at her boobs several times, but I swear I was not doing it on purpose!!!


She noticed, and pretended she felt cold...



Talk about embarrasing...


Regarding the OP's question, basically the difference is if the girl likes you or not. If she likes you, it will be a turn-on, if she doesn't, it will be called harrasment.

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oh, and god--please dont let her catch you looking at her boobs...


See now I don't get as huffy about that as some women do. I mean, they are out there but at the same time I don't like incessant staring at my chest! Now I will just make fun of someone who I catch staring at my chest. It's fun to see how some people respond to that. If they can admit it, laugh at themselves for it then I don't mind. But then they have to make some sort of conversation looking me in the eyes if they want to keep my attention!

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I had a girl that acted somewhat weird when I looked at her, we were literally standing right next to each other, and I looked at her all over, but not in any specific area, like her breasts or something, just all over, and she defiantly wasn't mad at all, but the weird part is, she didn't really smile, just seemed to get somewhat nervous and biting her bottom lip.


What the heck would it mean in that case, cause it wasn't an ewww look like she didn't want me to look, but it wasn't really a smile, like keep looking at me, it was more of just nervous?

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So is this someone you could start up another conversation with and potentially invite out somewhere? Is that something you are looking for? Or are you just curious about her reaction towards you and do not intend on doing anything about this one.


If you want to see if something could happen, and she's in your class, maybe ask her to review some work with you at some point? The key would be to get some one on one time with her and then see where the conversation leads etc.

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This girl at work had a really "noticeable" clevage last week. That day I found myself staring at her boobs several times, but I swear I was not doing it on purpose!!!


She noticed, and pretended she felt cold...


That happens to me a lot, and I'm a woman.


I'm not a gawker but with a lot of women being taller than me by quite a bit, their boobs are right where I naturally have my eyes when I am zoning out. If the girls are decked out, it can get awkward. lol.


To the OP. Other than being attracted or not, and the guy being on cue or not (a perfectly dateable person can become necessarily cast aside simply because they make some poor mistakes early on) , there is a tolerance thing.


For me at least.

Too much intensity can be nerve wracking. You can like the guy, but get nervous at the heat of it.


Then again, some like full on intensity right from the start.


Penguin, with your clean and sweet looks, she may have been confused at the open up and down so close to her. lol.

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i think it really comes down to whether the girl in question finds the looking guy to be attractive. most people, men and women, like being checked out unless its by someone that they personally don't find attractive (doesn't mean the person is ugly, its personal taste) in which case they feel awkward or "eww"



i'm a guy btw.

Lol bingo. Kind of demented really. 2 guys can do the same thing, if a girl considers him attractive its great, if not he is a creep. Case and point with a coworker who kept going on about how "creepy" the construction workers eating in our courtyard were. She said they were oogling her. I said: really it doesnt look like they are. She said: not really but they are still creepy. Ive spent a lot of time in other countries, this stuck up attitude is not as prevalent elsewhere. I read a study last year about how people are becoming more narsisistic and egotistical (the study was compared to the 50s). Mommy, daddy and your schoolteacher will tell you you are "special" a little too often perhaps? Hopefully Paris Hilton isn't *really* anyone's role model. Either way this is going to happen on some level if a guy is not attractive to a girl I guess, unless she is really starved for attention... lol

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I am not disagreeing but in all fairness we have to say that it goes both ways. Men are just as dismissive of women in the same contexts. The construction worker analogy doesn't work as well anymore but you get my point.


I wouldn't ever be offended about a girl checking me out.

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Well, I guess I've been lucky so far, I never really had a girl get angry because I was checking her out, so maybe I've just been lucky, who knows, LoL. I love catching girls looking at me, because they always act like they weren't doing anything, and act so dang embarrassed.

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I am not disagreeing but in all fairness we have to say that it goes both ways. Men are just as dismissive of women in the same contexts. The construction worker analogy doesn't work as well anymore but you get my point.

Definitely, but they arent very likely to be creeped out in the same situation.

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That happens to me a lot, and I'm a woman.


I'm not a gawker but with a lot of women being taller than me by quite a bit, their boobs are right where I naturally have my eyes when I am zoning out. If the girls are decked out, it can get awkward. lol.



As of today, I still haven't been able to figure out why clevages get my attention. Its not like if I were really drooling about her breasts, heck, in some cases they have been almost flat chested, so its not about checking them out. I don't know, maybe we just look because we are not used to that?

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"Some of the attraction is nuture (i.e. our culture tells you to like those things in women) and the other part is nature (i.e. your brain tells you to look for those things). Granted it is not just men who might sexualize breats or buttocks as women who are attracted to women would also exhibit this behavior.


The sexualization of breasts or buttocks is far from universal. A study by anthropologists Clellan Ford and Frank Beach found that, of different societies they studied, as many had a noted preference for "plump body build" in women as had a preference for breasts (and among breasts, the preference ranged from "long and pendulous" to "upright, hemispherical breasts" to the especially popular "large" ones). Carolyn Latteier, in Breasts: the Women's Perspective on an American Obsession, says that when anthropologist Katherine Dettwyler "told women in Mali that Americans think breasts are sexually arousing, they were horrified." And amused: "'You mean men act like babies,' they shrieked, collapsing in laughter."


The famed (and in some quarters infamous) Masters and Johnson, in Human Sexual Response, detail findings that suggest an alternative. They point out what is already well-known in many quarters: prominent nipples are a sign of sexual arousal. When a woman is aroused, her nipples become erect and can elongate by up to a centimetre. The breast as a whole also swells. So a pointy nipple is like a little "I'm horny" flag. Desmond Morris, in his seminal book The Naked Ape, makes note of the same fact. (But Marilyn Yalon, in A History of the Breast, quotes a model who describes using ice to make her nipples pointy for photo shoots - hardly an aroused or pleasurable state!)"

-Guy named Haus off of Yahoo forums

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One thing I know for sure is to get the ultimate "eww" from me the guy would have to look at me up and down, smile then lick his lips with this awful dirty look as if he were just staring at a piece of meat - no matter who he is. This, unfortunately, happened to me just a few days ago.

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If he just stares... O_O with no blinking or looking away

if hes way older


if you obviously arent in the mood, shoot him the evils and he still stares


when it comes to the first few glances, you cant be too ehotistical... a bit of blushing and glancing away, then looking back to see if she is still looking is great...


I dont mind if guys look at my boobs, I dont really have any anyways...


I was absent mindedly rubbing my back on the train a few months back... I was wearing a singlet... I was looking at this guy through this werid little window thing, and a guy in the next part of the train was staring at me with this straaaaaaange look on his face... I realised that without knowing it, I had been looking at him the whole time, and he had been getting a boner... but he was like... at least 50!!!


ew, and a benign smile on a guys face is gross too...

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