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Jonesing for junk food... gahhhhhhh

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I'm dieting and exercising. I've lost about 5 lbs. since I started 2 weeks ago. So far so good, but I can't manage my late-night cravings.


I had dinner around 8pm (didn't have much in the house, so I made two scrambled eggs with a slice of whole grain bread). It's now almost 1am and I am dying to run to taco bell and get like, 10 of those taquito things.


I get these powerful cravings every night that are so bad, I get nauseous from hunger. I really don't want to sabotage my diet but dinners never satisfy me and I feel these horrendous hunger pangs. Any ideas for what I can do to distract myself? I am honestly like a junkie. I am going through withdrawals and I can't stand it any more!!!

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Try not to eat after 7 at night, and stay away from the junky type of food, especially late at night where it can't be burned off right away. I've heard the string cheese method and it works okay, but usually when im hungry between meals i grab one of those soft tortillas that you would use to make a taco and have that, and it surprising fills me up.


Another thing, try eat 5 or 6 smaller meals a day isntead of just 3 with snacks on the side. it works better for you metabolism and its proven to have positive results when excersizing and dieting as well. It's what i do and it works great for me, i rarely crave anything specific anymore.


good luck

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I am having the same problem! I know what you mean too, you feel like a crack addict jonesing for a hit - only it's for Taco Bell! I love cheeseburgers - they are my drug of choice. I had heard about the string cheese helping and am planning to keep the kitchen supplied with more fresh fruits and veggies too. I also heard that if you drink more fluids - you will have that full feeling and maybe not eat as many snacks.

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Im usually asleep by 1am! sleep is essential to a good diet.


Well done though!! ive been going to the gym three times a week working out for over an hour and eating only veg, fruit, salad and fish and i am hardly dropping anything! its like my body is literally holding onto the fat! grrrr



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Well, 2 scrambled eggs and a slice of bread doesn't sound like much of a dinner to me, I'd get hungry a couple of hours later, too, especially if I were exercising a lot! I would say: eat a more filling dinner and one which incorporates more vegetables!


Keep healthy snacks in the house for when you get cravings: fruit or vegetables you like that work as snacks (cucumber, carrots etc)

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I am dying to run to taco bell and get like, 10 of those taquito things


Don't get mad, but if I had a stab at your age... By inserting the terms "like" and "things" in there, I assume you are in your later teens, possibly early twenties.


When I was younger, I could have eaten anything without any consequence.


You may not have the drive to eat healthy. We tend to take the path of least resistance.


Set a goal, like training for a 10K run.

Observe how certain foods affect your performance.


I guess one way to look at food is strictly as fuel. Quality fuel=quality performance.

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I feel your pain. chunky monkey ice cream is my vice... what I did was throw out the chips and other junk, and filled up the fridge with veggies and fruits. Also, I bought a gigantic bag of frozen summer fruits (grapes, honeydew melon, strawberries, peaches, pineapples) that are already cut up and ready to eat. They're awesome when it's hot out too. When I'm craving something sweet, I pour a bowl of fruit, or I have a bag of those crispy delight cookie things. Though I've been doing good with the eating part of things, I've gotten pretty anti-gym. I just don't wanna go, and haven't been for a week. I think it's the heat.

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Thanks for the replies everyone.


I'm keeping the fridge stocked with fruits but it's really hard. My best friend constantly eats junk and brings it around, effectively sabotaging my diet. If I see it, I have to have one bite, then two, then three..


Luckily I've gotten better at exercising self restraint. I've given myself one day a week to have dessert, and another day to have a not-so-healthy snack, just so that I actually stick to my diet and don't go crazy.


By the way, I discovered Edie's frozen yogurt last night, and it's soooo good. Tastes just like vanilla ice cream but with half the fat/calories/sugar per serving. Mmmm. A half a cup of that plus strawberries or blueberries makes a great dessert on an off-diet day!

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