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Book Talk

Help !! tell me a good book ppl!

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Have you read "A PRAYER FOR OWN MEANY" by John Irving. That book changed my life.


Depending on what you like to read, Jefferson Bass has 2 books that are forensic crime novels about the BODY FARM.. AMAZING..


Mo Hayder has 2 similar books as Bass, called THE BIRDMAN and THE TREATMENT. Both outstanding.


S.E. Hinton who wrote the OUTSIDERS which the movie was based on is a short GREAT BOOK.


If you like fantasy Piers Anthony has a series called INCARNATIONS OF IMMORTALITY that are FANTABULOUS, especially books 1 (about the incarnation of Death) and book 4, (about the incarnation of WAR)


The Janet Evonovich novels about teh female bounty hunter, called ONE FOR THE MONEY, TWO FOR THE DOUGH and so on, book 12 just came out. They are roll on the floor laughing. It is Miss congeniality meets Bridget Jones. HAHAH, I loved all of them so far and I a dude.


Any Carl haissan or Harlen Coben novel will be a page turner.


I could go on and on...

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