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My 10 Day Nc Challenge

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Hey Dunzo.I think your email was fine.No reason why he should be upset by what you said. You have to take care of you right now.Thats the bottom line.


As for me.I got a lot done today.Washed my car,laundry,cleaned the house, so I can enjoy my next two days off doing other things. I have to say I look forward to the week because Sundays are hard for me.Glad today is coming to an end.

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I hear ya Dunzo..but you have a LOT more power than you think you do.

What motivates me to be strong is that I know their relationship is not

perfect, they will hit a rough patch..and he will reach out. Am I hoping things won't work out?? I would be lying if I said I wasn't...but at the same time that is not within MY control.It is his decision to be there, and e has to live with the repercussions of that, WITHOUT me as a safety net. You need to be

thinking along the same lines. Once they reach out..and they WILL, we have the power to NOT respond, and not be second best. Silence will say what our words cannot, especially if they are used to us being there.


We can do this.

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I am bringing my third day to a close. Tonight I am not feeling so great, but I think the workweek will be a great distraction for me, even though I am off the next two days.....I have much planned.


Dunzo.....in 7 days you and I can share a bottle of wine in celebration of a short and successful NC challenge. We need something to look forward to Hang in there, we can get thru this.

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Dunzo....I think it would serve you best if you do as I am and focus on the next 10 days...rather than the next 30.Why? Because 30 days is a very daunting number as opposed to 10, isn't it? Doesn't 10 days sound a LOT simpler than 30? So...for NOW focus on the number 10....well for you now it's only 8. Once we cross that finish line we will see where we are at. Small steps sweetie......one at a time.

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