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Perfect Life, No happiness

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Well You can read the whole story, but basically I dated this guy Nic for 11 months. We broke up, by his choice, cause he needed space, about 7 months ago. They say you know you love someone when all the emotion, and their love is taken away and you still care. Well that is very much the case of me. He never calls, and I give him space, and life has gotten better. I met a new guy, and hes everything a girl could ask for. Hes sweet and treates me like a princess, all the while being totally hott, and he just supports me in everything. Well I have known this guy for almost two months, and I guess you could say were dating, but I still hurt from my ex, and i cant be happy. I mean I have everything to be happy, a good guy, a good life, etc, but I just carry around this hurt. Now hes going for a good friend of mine, and i just hurt so much, and my bf is so sweet to put up with me, but what more is there to do. ive given it time, Ive prayed, and given it to God, but I feel like I have been abandonded by him. Nic seemed to just move on with life, while I am stuck all the while ruining this relationship with this perfect guy who makes me so happy, i just cant find overlall happiness


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well, it seems to me that no matter what i say you would never get over your ex. this is primarily because i think you just don't wanna move on...hanging on to your past is not a good thing especially when you know it is not going anywhere. no need to pursue a path that leads to a dead end coz then u will end up banging ur head up against the wall and basically you won't get anything in return. So i suggest that u plz start thinking abt this new guy in ur life. i mean he treates u like a princess and everything, so don't u think that u shud reciprocate by treating him like a prince or something. What did this poor chap do to deserve all this cold treatment from you.

may be if u open up to him, you would realise that he is far better than your ex and is probably 'the one' for you. All i am saying is that forget ur ex and give this guy a fair chance. i reckon he deserves atleast that.

having said that it is also important that you don't just go out with this new guy for the heck of it... i mean be honest both with urself and this guy. So don't lead him to any false hopes, do it only if you seriously like this guy.

As they say no point in crying over spilt milk. Even u need to enjoy life like your ex. So go out there and have a blast.

All the best..

P.S. -- sorry if i offended u in any manner

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