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"snagging" the guy

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ok theres this guy i recently started to like....but the only thing is i rarely talk to him and i dont really know him...but i would like to get to know him....i know he is smart and witty from the comments he makes in chemistry class...but how do i get his attention with out taking a chance of gettting hurt...or better yet is there a way to get his attention with out the risk of rejection? thanks ahead of time for any advice



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both of those are dumb advice (well, unless you tried it and it worked, then go right ahead.)


you'll get the wrong sort of attention that way. and it might not be his.


i have a very, very similar situation to yours, so this is what i would do if one of my friends didn't already have 'dibs' on him (lol, we r so immature) anyway, what i would do is find out a little more about him, find out who he hangs out with, and then hang around with him (and them) and start the conversationw itgh a q about him


for instance, when this guy dyed his hair, it worked for my friend to say "WHAT THE ---- HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR?" lol. it was v. v. funny.

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both of those are dumb advice (well, unless you tried it and it worked, then go right ahead.)


Wow, talk about respecting others opinions!


I say risk it, the problem nowadays is that most people are controlled by fear. Be self-confident and do your best, if he rejects you before even knowing you, he's not worth it period. Show some guts, I've never met anyone who didn't appreciate someone who showed some courage. Good luck. This advice might not be as good as Anamarie as I don't hold THE truth just yet, but who knows, with time I might have the perfect answer to all questions.



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I don't see the point of what's happened, anamarie had a right 2 say what she wanted sure most ppl will think it wasn't nice but hey, i've done it b4 and seriously, at the time, u just believe in urself. Everyone gets 2 hav a say, why not me? i just ask myself that. Thing is really, it takes time, i used 2 totally slam everyone well LOL not everyone, once or twice, ok maybe 4 times b4 and yea i think i'm gettin better.


I'm gettin no where here, and i am drunk so if things dont' make sense just shrug and get back 2 whateva u were doin.


Happy Heb

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