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Job issues and parenthood


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Hey everyone,


I'm having a really difficult time and I was hoping to get some input.. I currently live in an area where jobs are few and far between. I have wanted to move down south for a long time now, but I also have my son to think about...


I want to move down south to an area where there are tons of jobs. But then, I am worried about two things: My son not having any family around other than me, and me not having any stable help with him in case something happens.


Is it a bad idea to separate a young child (3 1/2 years) from his grandparents? Especially my father, whom he's especially close to and spends a lot of time with ... or will he be okay? I'm at a loss with this one.

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No it's not, this time of age is the most difficult to raise a child you can't just leave him with anybody. he enjoys being with his grandfather, don't take that away from him. No matter where you go, you may still have problems finding a job, just stay put and eventually you'll find something.

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It is probably different because he is used to spending a lot of time with his grandparents, but I was raised far away from mine. We were still close, because I spent over a month every summer just with them, without my parents.


It is of course also harder for you without that support, but you can find a reliable baby-sitter/neighbor who would be there for you in case of an emergency.


I think the biggest concern would be for your son to be away from his father.

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Hey, thanks for the responses..

Sophie - His dad and I have talked about it, he's willing to move with me when I do (not in the same apartment or anything, but he'll live nearby..)


I think dasdream is right.. He needs his grandparents, as much as I hate this place

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