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I met a gent some almost 2 years ago, we were the best of friends, and now we have fallen in love. Yes, we both say we are in love, but so far, I have never seen him. When he so called is supposed to come to visit, something happens, and it all ends. We have talked about plans for our future and we know what we want IF we ever get together, he says we will, I'm so hesitant, since I've had broken promises of an arrival so many times.


Don't get me wrong, we spend all day connected to each other via internet phone, but is that enough to believe that he really wants this as much as I do?


I don't know what to believe anymore, I am so lost. I am beginning to feel like it's all a lie and that he has used me just to feel comfortable in his life.


Do I believe him? Do I just give up and move on?


P.S. I can't go to him as I can't afford it, as I have children. He is financially stable and has purchased his ticket (so he says).

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My Fiancee and I have an LDR. She's Australian and I'm English. We fell in love July 2005 on msn. Like you we talked everyday on the phone and msn. Eventually I bought a webcam and we saw each other for the first time. We'd already had deep feelings before I saw her. She on the other hand had seen photos of me I'd sent her daughter through snail mail.


I proposed to her over the phone in the October and then I saved up for a plane ticket. I was determined to show her how much I loved her. I arrived in Melbourne Airport on 18th February, her birthday. We went out that evening to a restaurant and I proposed to her properly on bended knee with a diamond engagement ring. She gave me a pink saphire engagement ring. Since then we have not seen each other. We were supposed to be getting married in July this year in England. Unfortunately due to an unforeseen problem all the wedding plans had to be cancelled. The wedding is now arranged for 12th July 2008.


I wouldn't let her come to me because she has 5 children and 3 grandchildren over there. I don't have any children at all. There's my Father and 2 sisters, their husbands and 3 children between them.


If I were you I'd make him come and live in England that way you're in the country you know. As far as I can see all he's done is said he'll come to you and has let you down on many occasions. I'm sorry but I think he's unrelaible. Whatever you do DON'T give him any money.

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