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Everything posted by roxyrose

  1. hmm, ur funny...but thats no help...NEXT
  2. i have never had an orgasm with a man, tho i have with women and obviously with myself...i have plenty of sexual experience and partners to go with it...yet ive grown sick of the sight of another penis, whats wrong with me? is it them? or shud i stick to me ladies? hmm...wud like to know what this internal orgasm is like tho...and no, havent used vibrator..shud i?
  3. man thats harsh...(from the guy above)..but he's totally true! i did the same thing...but i was lucky in that i had a chance to stop and turn things around...i got into the same situation, not with kissing girls to please blokes, but the drinking...and i got further into drugs, and then thats wen things went out of control...its not worth it..2yrs later, i havent touched a single drug, and im proud, and im healthy, looking great and feeling great...i had such a low self esteem, that anyone who tht me slightly interesting was my god...see how sad it sounds...well, dont get stuck in its echo hun, ur 15...do ur studies and get a grip! one more thing: id stop getting off with ur girlfirends wen the boys are around, ull get urself a name as a prick teaser, or even worse, if you are bisexual or anything, no one will support u in the way ud like...no one likes an exibitionist, except other exibitionists! good luck hun... p.s have u bin to the GU clinic to get checked..dont be giving ur girl friends chlamydia on one of ur drunken fiascos.
  4. ask yourself, what is "fully gay" and what is "fully straight?"..do we call a cup of tea summat different if it has sugar? (thats just my strange way of seeing life, excuse the metaphore if u dont get it) what place are u searching for, or is it a club to join in? remember, sexuality is more than just who u sleep with, its a broad aspect of ones life, but the terms we use such as: hetrosexual/bisexual/homosexual- are terms that merely describe what u sexually appreciate...and to make other ppl feel comfortable...if ur not comofrtable, then f*** it hun!
  5. ignore ocv...i accepted my sexuality at the same age as u. however, i was in an all girls school, and they were not so understanding, infact it was heavily islamic (im a non religious caucasian) and well, i had to keep my mouth shut and have rumours of being gay for 3 yrs...not so pleasant at 14...and it wasnt so easy trying to find similar friends, or partners...apart from the obvious girls in school, it was rather like a secret society and you had to really stick your neck out if u were to meet anyone...this is just an example of how things can be..and u may find someone outside of your school. the other posts above are right...14 yrs old is difficult to define anyones sexuality, and most ppl want to just be part of a crowd, and some may well be gay, but they wont want to express it, and u cant dicatate to them their sexuality, it is a strictly self finding experience...so be patient my young padowan, be proud and sound... one way is to see if any of ur mates like liza minelli??? joking hun, but u know, if there are any friends who wud venture to some predominately gay areas of your town, u can always set up ur own community of friends and open their eyes without loosing face.
  6. its nice to see replies, and positive ones too! there was lots of generalisations in my post, however, i think issues very from place to place...and in the city i live in, there are still certain taboos and genreal jokes concerning bisexuality and bicurious relationships... but your right, i certainly shouldnt allow those issues to affect me, and i guess it wudnt if it wasnt the opinions of some of my friends.
  7. i cud go into great detail about psychological reasonings...but here is my question(s)... im slightly wary of being in a relationship with a woman, i find it hard to trust women these days/year...yet does my aversions make me bicurious? dont get me wrong here... if the world was my own, id drop labelling...it confuses ppl, and brings up a whole theory of criteria to catagorise and marginalise ppl...im simply frustrated by a recent comment made to me because i simply dont look for women as long term partners, for reasons i think caused in my past. i wud happily have a long term relationship with a woman i knew i loved and trusted, but im just not willing to look...see my loop? i have been comfortable with my sexuality for many years now, and i dont feel curious! i know i havent been walkign round and round in circles all these years...but am i being silly in my aversions too? and why is it, i find so many ppl have to aversions to bisexuality, and having partners with bisexuals?? are we still man haters or are we becoming more std aware...or does the bisexual taboo of being confused still have to be broken?? one more thing...why do ppl insist on glamourising bisexuality as if it were a joke, or a commodity like a handbag? we are not confused and we are certainly not cool..not wen ur homosexual community call u 'greedy' and men simply enjoy the viewing! grrrrrrrrrr!
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