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Everything posted by karpeezy

  1. Heard a few recently and thought I'd come and share Friends of friends .. dated about a year, and she broke up with him because he was not 'going anywhere' and not even trying. She was motivated and knew what she wanted, he was content in a dead end job, sitting around at home all the time. I think they were NC pretty much the whole time. He really took this time to improve himself and get a better job .. she heard through friends that he had changed, and they began talking again, eventually got back together .. and now they are engaged! A good friend of mine met a guy on POF last October (2012). She kept saying she was cool with it not being a relationship, it was just FWB, whatever .. but she got feelings and he kept making excuses (I might be going back to school, I want to go biking this summer and won't be around, etc). She finally had it and said Good luck with things but I'm not wasting my time anymore (6 months after they met). About 4 months later, he randomly texted her, they started talking ... she played it mad cool and kept her life going and he basically came back begging. They just moved accross the country together, after getting back together in August. My co-worker was telling me last night .. she dated her now hubby for 6 years (around age 18-24ish). He wanted to keep hanging out with the boys, not making commitments, etc. so she broke up with him. Dated someone else for about 2 years, and he broke up with her. She said she was devastated, thought this was the man she was going to marry. Few years later, her and the first guy started talking again, and got married within 6 months and then she was pregnant. They have now been together 14 years and have 2 kids. She admitted that she 'settled' for him because she was lonely and had just found out that the guy who broke her heart had gotten married ... but that in the end, it worked out as she has a great life now and he is a wonderful husband.
  2. I still miss you and love you like crazy. I'm keeping busy, joining groups, teams, hanging out with friends. I'm doing this for me, but still hoping you'll come to your senses and come back. I know you aren't out looking for other girls, I know you're enjoying your freedom right now with your friends. But at the end of the night, your friends don't kiss you good night or tell you how amazing you are. I miss you so much. We had an incredible relationship, and our problems were so miniscule and fixable if we had communicated better. Stepping back and looking from the outside gave me the opportunity to see the errors we both made. It's fixable, we are fixable. However, you still said good bye. You still broke up with me. Seeing you every week has made me stronger and broken me down at the same time. Now that our weekly games are over, I don't know what to expect. You keep texting me here and there, it keeps my hope up. I hope you stop. I am open to a second chance but also know that you are the only one who can make that decision, and space and time are the only way that will happen. I have to assume you aren't coming back, but I hope you do.
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