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Everything posted by MuscleMan15

  1. your gonna hav to ask her what she means by that she could think you love her as a friend or something. ask her how she feels about you guys going out sometime, ask her to the movies or something and see what she says.
  2. your'e sure now? i mean worst case scenario its not possible? 0% im just making sure
  3. wow never thought i would find someone with the same problem. i know how you feel, well except about the not having a b/f cuz im a guy and i dont want one lol. im not really depressed as i am jealous i think. is that what your problem is? like i see these people who are good talkers and everyone likes them and stuff and it makes me depressed to see their awesome fun lives and compare it to mine. if thats the case just "try" to block those people out, thats what i do anyway and it works pretty good for me. about the b/f thing, if you really think hard there is probably at least 1 guy that likes you that you haven't noticed but if you didnt notice them i guess they aren't worth going out with huh? just find 1 guy and "work your charm" if what i said is your problem forget those people and just live life the way you want
  4. You could use the sympathy approach and call her to see if she will come see you while your in your hospital bed, or you could wait until your better and show her that you love her. Dont come right out and say it she might not take it so well unless she feels the same way about you. Kinda ease into it by flirting and such...you know give her hints. Or if you got balls of steel you can come right out and say it and hope she says it back or be ready to take the heat. hope this helps
  5. Hey i'm just curious if a girl can get pregnant from being fingered. My g/f has been sick a lot lately and hasn't gotten her period in almost 2 months i'm getting worried. anyone know the answer?
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