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the baby nick

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Everything posted by the baby nick

  1. theres this girl that ive liked for 5 months. im 15 (lesbian) and shes 17 (bi). ive asked her to go out with me a few times. at first she said i was too young for her even though im exactly 2 years. then later she told me that wasnt really the case, that she just didnt want to ruin our friendship. so i let it go and did my best not to get jealous of her. then on friday she got pissed off at me because i had made plans to do something with my friends instead of going to an after school thing with her. i had told her the night before that i wasnt going to the after school thing and she said it was alright. but when i saw her at lunch and after school befor ei left she got mad at me and refused to say anything. then that night she called me about 10 and was telling me how sorry she was. then she called again about 11 and wanted me and all my friends to walk 4 miles to go see her right then. when i told her no she got even more mad at me and went off about how it was over and how i never go see her any more. (i had been tryin that whole week to go do something with her but she was too busy for me.) when i went off on her she started to play the guilt trip and told me she was goin to bed. shes told me that shes jealous when i hang out with my friends and doesnt like it when im ever dancing with them or hugging. ive tried to do things that wont make her jealous buit she always finds something new and uses it against me. how do i get her to stop using thins against me and makin me feel like the bad guy when i dont do what she wants me to do? i do pretty much everything she asks me to do to try and make her happy. responses would be great. thanks everyine. sorry if i sound whinny or anything. im just really confused. bye Nick
  2. hey guys thanks for the replys. shes broke up with her bf on friday. but shes now telling me im too young for her even though im only two years younger and shes told me that shes attracted to me. also im a girl not a guy. but thanks again for the replys. later
  3. okay so theres this girl who i know is attracted to me and im attracted to her but she has a boyfriend. her and i (also a girl) fool around all the time and tease eachother we do it at school and pretty much every where we go. today i was over at her house and we had a few shots of vodka. i didnt relize that shes a light weight drinker so she got alittle whoa. and she started dancing. the thing is when she dances she likes to dance against people so she can tease them. but Jason (other friend that was there) wouldnt dance with her so she startes teasing us to turn us on. then after a while Jason and i started to get her back. see she always stops me from kissing her or things like that because she has a boyfriend. but she says she wants him to break up with her. they just went through this whole thing where he said that she was going to or already did cheat on him. well today she cheated on him according to his definition of cheating because her and i kissed a few times. okay my problem is that i really really like her and i want to do more with her but everyone tells me not to date or get involved with her because of how much of a tease she is. she flirts with everyone. but i still really really like her and want to ask her out. what should i do cuz shes really confusing me with everything that shes saying to me. like when she asked why i never kiss her or make the first move and stuff like that its because she tells me i cant because of her boyfriend. okay this didnt really make sense but my questons is what shoudl i do? should i wait until they break up and ask her out or just give up and find someone else? replies would be great if you can understand anything i said. thanks everyone who reads. later
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