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Posts posted by Sim3a

  1. id totaly be happy with it, even if i didnt flirt with you, but he did so thats a good sign, and no i dont think it will affect yalls relationship exept we will bemore interested in u. I at least always like knowing a girl likes me

  2. WOW. everything has happened so fast and now im without her and i miss her.


    My gf of 10 months and i broke up a week ago, this has been very hard on me and her also. She has another "bf" but pretty much they r just best friends yet it still hurts me not to be with her.


    Since we broke up ive gone into depression and i am on meds. Crazy i know.


    She tells me she wants to be with me but cant due to the fact that" she isent ready to be with me yet"


    so i dunno what to do i cant live without her and i miss her

  3. she does care about u i can tell by the way u write. i wouldnt worry about it, im kinda the same way and i love my gf, and if u do say stuff often its just ganna make things bad so just relax. she like u if not loves u

  4. SO yea im posting on here for a friend of mine. B/c she dosent think anyone can help her but i think she can be helped. SO she has a problem her heart is torn between two guys. one who is new ad exiting or one that is old and she is in love with. She dosent know what or who to pick, she know if she get with the old he will treat her right but still she has thoughts. He did cheat on her but she cheated on him too. So what im asking is who should she pick


    new, exiting, not very good looking, small



    Old, in love with, big, strong, sexy, huge penis, in love with her


    reply and let me know who u think she should pick

  5. life is so hard, i wonder why we r here? i tell myself "im here to love soulmate" or person i am with. but what do u do when that person makes life not worth living. its so hard and i wanna be a coward and end it, some times life is so good and you get high on it, i guess ur suppose to life on that high when u r down but i dunno. it seems like everytime u have something good it just goes bad and it looks like it wont get better. i guess im just sad but it will get better when i c her. or maybe worst

  6. mainly just telling him that you are 16 and u just wanna have funand its not up to him to control that. tell him u dont wanna loose him but that u wanna have and tell him u wanna have fun when he is there that way yall can both have fun and not worry about getting mad. and if he is mad that u drank at his party he shouldnt of had a party in the 1st place

  7. i had the same thing happen dn yea i do think it is normal b/c since you truly loved her than u ve got to miss her. but going out and not htinking about her is good, try to hang out and go out with girls even just as friends. thats what i did when i broke up and t made me feel better and eventially got over her and started dating again.

  8. be urself all school revolves around preps or jocks but thats just the way it is. dont worry every one hates school every morning in the car isit and wait like 5 minutes telling myself i dont wanna go and my friend has to make me get out. bring like cards and make urself notices. not best advise but kinda act like an idiot and u will start having fun. talk more to ppl and dont be scared of them being like im too good for dont talk to me just start taling to ppl

  9. as much as i hate school and loath it everyday, its still alot of fun. with prom and homecoming and like school ganna sux no matter what so u might as well do it with friends and have a good time. im not the best student but justtry to have fun without causing too much trouble.

  10. my gf is a little hairy too, i mean he gets it waxed and she is also self consious about it. but if a guy truly love u and car about it wont matter. anyways if u get naked in front of a guy do u think he is looking at u hair lol i wouldnt worry about it

  11. So ive been dating this grl for last 9 months. during month 8 i found that that she had been lieing to me and kinda seeing this othe guy. when i confronted her about it she told me they were just friends and that i was a jerk for talking to her friends and thinking that. so a week later i left for belgium hoping that all was good, but the night before i left we got in a huge fight. and i grabed her to keep her from leaving but i didnt for it to be mean. i ended up hurting her (ppl say im stronger than i realize) anyways we broke up for like an hour then we got back together. i called her everyday and miss her alot. im still in belgium. so yesterday i get on the computer and i talk to her friend and she tells me that she told everyone that me and her were not dating and her friend told me she had sex with 2 guys and gave anothe rguy head. i was like wtf. so she found out i was talkign to her friends and she broke up with me. I had know that her friends and her were in a fight but i didnt know y. i confronted my ex about it and ones again she said she didnt do that and they were just mad at her. so i dunno what toi know for a fact that she told everyone that me and her were broekn up eventho we werent but i have no real evidence of her cheating on me. i alway thought before that she had more morals than that so idunno. i am just torn apart weather to believe her and work it out or believe her friend and never talk to her agian. i just need help in figuring out what to do. she said she would get on later and talk to me so i ll post afterwords hope evryone zill give me advise on what to do. thanx

  12. my gf and i just broke up. im in belgium all by myself with no friends no one to tak to. all i wanna do is die. im thinking about killing myself. i know its a cry for help but she's the only one who can hear me. i wish she zould just know how much i love her

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