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Posts posted by bridey

  1. I am like you, but the opposite. I identify myself as, and feel that I am straight. However, I have had sex with girls and like girl on girl porn! I do not feel an emotional attachment to women though, where as I do with men. I feel like the emotional part in conjunction with the sexual part is what makes a relationship and that is why I feel I am straight. I don't know if that helps you at all.

  2. I have been seeing this guy for about a month and a half, but have known him for about 7. We have sex, but otherwise it is a pretty casual relationship. I think early on, I came on a little too strong and scared him off a little. I backed off and things have been better. We went out with a group of people Friday night, and he was at my side the whole time. We spent the night together Friday, and then I was stranded at his house (no car), but he didn't seem to mind. I went with him to run a few errands and we went out for a late lunch. I didn't get home until 5 PM! Anyway, I had a really great time with him, and felt like he opened up to me a little more. I want to send him a short email to tell him I really enjoyed spending time with him this weekend. Is that ok? I know it shouldn't be a big deal, but I really worry about what he thinks and don't want to mess this up. He told me when I was getting out of the car that lunch was nice, and I agreed, kissed him, made sure he knew how to get home and ran off (I get nervous sometimes!). I want to make him feel good and let him know that he makes me feel good, too, but in a non-threatening way. I know I am probably over analyzing this, but please help! This man makes me insane (in a good way)!

  3. Cherry,

    thanks for your response. Pretty much everything I was thinking, but I wanted reassurance. We talked a while back, about where we were going with this, and he said he felt like an a**hole, seeing someone so soon, blah, blah, blah, so didn't think he was ready for having a gf (basically, not ready to get serious), but wanted to spend time with me and liked being around me. He wanted to know what my expectations were, because he seemed to think I wanted all or nothing. I said that I just wanted to see him and see where it went and that ultimatly, I would want a bf, but that it would take time (I am only 8 month out of a 7 year relationship). So, I guess, I will wait it out and see if he comes around. If he needs more time, I will give it to him, because I really like him and think he is worth it. If it takes a few months, I can wait. Not that I will close my eyes, though, maybe a better opportunity will come along!

  4. Experiment with her. It is different for different women. I personally like it kind of rough, and the more excited I become the rougher I like it, but don't like to start out that way! I have heard of some women who just don't like it, so start out slow with your lady and see how it goes.

  5. If you want to be with this person again (still?) then I think you have to say something, because it will cause tension in your relationship. Just realize that by saying somehting, that if they do not feel the same way you do, that could cause tension as well, but if you are still close you should be able to move beyond it and you won't have any nagging questions in the back of your mind!

  6. I have been seeing this guy for about a month (so not very long, but I have known him for 7 months) and I am feeling frustrated because I am the only one putting forth any effort. He calls me back if I call him, and when we talk on the phone it usually exceeds an hour, so he is interested in talking to me. When we spend time together it is fun and we have a good time, and we have awesome sex! The problem I have is that he doesn't initiate anything. I feel I leave him enough time to do this, so I don't think I am just beating him to it. In fact, I wonder if I didn't call him, if I would ever hear from him again. I am a friend of his best friend, who says he likes me, so I know he is interested. He has a lot of stuff going on with an ex-girlfriend and their baby, so I wonder if maybe he just needs more time and space? I guess I pretty much know that I just need to back off and see what he does, but I want some opinions. I really like him and don't want him to just go away, but I don't want to come off as desperate either!

  7. There really is no time line for these things. It is going to be different for everyone. Sometimes it will be different for you depending on the person you are with too. Just do what feels natural, if you start to do something she is not ready for, she will let you know, either verbally, or by physical cues, such as pulling back or blocking you with her hands. Enjoy yourself and do what feels natural, kind of like how you knew to kiss her in the theatre.

  8. You should pay. Just grab the bill when it comes. If she grabs it first, or insists on paying, pay for half, or tell her she can leave the tip. As far as conversation? How well do you know her? Make a list of questions you want to know about her before you go and when it gets quiet ask her things about herself. It can be simple, do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you have any pets? Things like that.


    Good luck on your date, and bring gum!

  9. Do you mean to say that you are not attracted to anyone other then your husband ever? I find that hard to believe. I think that it is normal to find other people attractive, now how you react to that is a different story. If your husband were trying to initiate contact anytime (or ever) he thought somone was sexually appealing, that would be different. To have sexual feelings though, I think is natural. Has your husband ever given you a reason to believe he is unfaithful? If not than I wouldn't worry.

  10. OK. Good, it sounds like you are doing the things you need to. If you feel you need to get out, then maybe it is time. You can't sacrifice your own well being and certainly not your daughters. You can't help your husband if you become too tired and overwhelmed to help yourself. I like that you are communicating with his parents too. Just because you get yourself out of an unhealthy situation does not mean you are leaving your husband high and dry so to speak. You can still help, support, and love him from under another roof. I think it is important for you to communicate this with him, and if he can't be supportive towards you and your decision, well, that isn't very fair is it? You can't do all the work. I understand he is ill, but he has to do what he needs to do as well. There are certain things you do for yourself when you are ill, no matter what the illness is. Make sure you lean on your family and friends now, don't do this alone!

  11. Do not say anything at this point. He is going to see you still as too young for him. Atleast he should unless he is some kind of pervert. If something should ever come from this attraction, it should come when you are a little older and on a more equal plain as far as life experience. In the meantime, enjoy what you have. He is not too old, so at some point he may break up with his girl and see you in a different light.

  12. You say it has been a purely sexual relationship, but if you guys are talking on the phone regularly, it is an emotional one as well, no matter how you two try to define it. It sounds like this relationship has maybe run its course if he is treating you diffrently on the emotional level. If you can't bring it up to him then move on. Otherwise, I would recomend asking him what is going on. Either way, though, I think you could do better. You don't sound like an idiot from what you have to say, so figure out what you want and go get it, form him or someone else!

  13. This person sounds a little scary to me personally. He sounds like a very controlling person. Why? Is it because he is really insecure? A lot of times people worry about what you are doing because they themselves are doing something wrong. Maybe he is fooling around with his ex and so knowing what he is capable of, thinks she is fooling around too. There isn't really anything you can do, but be a supportive friend and listen to her when she needs to talk. I wouldn't butt in too much, unless it becomes out right abusive in which point you could tell her parents (I think I saw you were 16?). If you tell her to break up with him or try to interfere she will probably get mad and be less truthful with you. Sounds like you are reasonably concerened and a good friend. Keep being there for her.

  14. If you are too scared to just walk up and say "hi", get some of your mutual aquintences to get you guys talking. You have said you have talked to his GF, next time you see them together, start talking to her to get your introduction. If he is into you, the more contact you guys have the better your chances of having a moment to come out to one another. Don't feel bad about using his GF as an in, if he is gay, you'll be doing her a favor in the long run!

  15. Waking up at a different time should help. I read somewhere before that if not remembring dreams is bohtersome, than set your alarm clock 1/2 hour earlier than usual and it should wake you during a dream. You do dream everynight whether you remember it or not, so don't let it bother you. Chances are you are sleeping well. You shouldn't be waking up during a dream state, so be happy about that!

  16. Perahps what seems to be a lack of motivation on his part is a result of his illness. Sleeping all day sounds like depression. He recently has been diagnosed, is he seeking treatment? He will need more than medication. While studies show that medication, or counseling, each on there own can produce results, both together can work quicker. You did mention money was tight though, so I worry that his treatment might not be what it needs to be. Are you helping him with his illness at all? If he finds you to be supportive he might be more willing to listen to you and take your suggestions. You guys could come up with mini-goals for him to meet to get his self-esteem back up and get him a job! How about outside support? Family members or a neighber? You sound understandably overwhelmed. Maybe have someone help you with your daughter, or someone to just listen to you. Get some help now, before you snap!

  17. Your partner sounds like a co-dependant. Very unhealthy. You won't ever make her happy because she does not know how to make herself happy. She is looking to others to make her feel good, but she needs to learn to care about herself. She needs help. You can push her in the right direction, but you don't owe her anything. You owe it to yourself to find some peace and quiet.

  18. There should be no bad side effects. If you don't like the mess of it, have her try "Instead". It is a feminine product (sold right in the tampon aisle). It looks like a diaphragm. You insert it in the vagina and it collects the blood in it. You can use it during sex. My ex bf said he could feel it and personally I prefer to do it without and just use a dark towel! Do realize that a girl can get pregnant during her period though, so make sure you guy are using some kind of bc!

  19. I helped a bf with this once and we used nair. It seemed to work fine, but definatly do a test first to make sure you are not allergic. I agree with getting somone else to do it. If you feel stupid asking one of your buddies or a girl to do it for you, I bet your mom would be understanding and most likely has dabbled with several hair removal processes. If you have a good after school job there is lasor removal too. Seeing that you are only 17 there is a chance this hair could get thicker as you age.

  20. Sadly, you can not make someone else do what you want. They make their own choices. The only advice I can offer to you is marriage counseling, but she would have to be open to that. Perhaps you can persuade her to go to counseling with you for the good of your child. Let her know that even if it can't save your marriage perhaps it can help the two of you communicate better so that you two could raise your baby in a healthy environment even if separate. I am really sorry for the pain you are going through and wish you the best of luck.

  21. I think you are starting to answer your own questions here. I would definatly look into some counseling or bereavment groups and don't rush into a relationship. This man won't make your pain go away, just mask it by giving you something else to be pre occupied with and when he is gone, your pain from your husband will still be there. Work through it now, so in a the future you will be better, not still grieving. It takes time and that is ok and it is ok to be alone to and feel loss. It hurts but you have to go through it in order to feel better.

  22. From what you have said you sound pretty unsatisfied with this relationship. You say you love him. Can you come up with 5 reasons why? It could be that you love having someone because you don't want to feel alone after your loss. How are you coping with the loss of your husband? Have you gone to any bereavment groups or sought counseling? I think you need to work through your grief before you can commit to someone else. Not to say that you can't love this person, maybe you do, but you do sound unhappy and I wonder if you would stay with someone like this if your circumstances were different. Just something to think about.

  23. I know lots of guys ask this question, but I wonder if the size of a girls vagina matters. Can a vagina be too big (loose) to give pleasure to someone? All opinions are welcome, but I would really love to hear any specific experiences or examples if anyone has a story.

  24. I just got off depo after two years. My main complaint was getting my period for long lengths of time after not having one for awhile. The last straw was when I spotted for two weeks straight last month, and was trying to have sex with someone! I know people who are happy on it too, but I am back on the pill.

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