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  1. Well actually we did end up hanging out but not alone... and we didnt act like friends with benefits at all... cos we both know whats goin on... it is just that we used to be best friends... and we want that back. That's what I want... our friendship
  2. Thanks so much for the help!! I'm trying to stick close to all my friends... I know not eatting and well i cant help it if i have trouble sleeping does not help.... but im doing the best i can. Do you think it is too soon to restart a friendship just after a couple days? He wants me to go to the movies with him and his friends and he wants me to talk to him on the phone.... he basically just wants everything like we were best friends again... but i worry that i wont be able to get over him if i hang out with him so soon, but i worry the opposite too.... I just want to get over it... be good friends again and just have a happy life
  3. My boyfriend and I just broke up .... we had been together for 2 years.... my longest relationship. I really want to maintain a friendship with him... he was my best friend before the relationship and i want to keep as much of that as I can. Because he always been there for me.... and not only advice on that.... but advice to help my recovering process go quicker and less painful.... if there is any way that is possible.... since im having trouble eating, sleeping, working, or going to school... since all i do is cry Please help!
  4. Yknow... it hurts so bad but I know it is true. I couldnt imagine being married to someone who lies sooo much... especially when we're also supposed to be best friends... what the %$#@? But here is the hard part... how do i put 2 years behind me and move on? do i contine to be his friend? do i move on quick? or i move on slow? i've never ended such a long relationship.... i dont know what to do...........
  5. He has been on and off friends with sue for years. He said that he was there because him and his friend(who went over there) were bored. Another thing is that when I called him at sue's in the morning he tried to lie to me and tell me that he didnt stay the night, but later told me that he only did that because he was so scared and didnt know what to do.
  6. Let me give a little background: Me and my beau have been together for 2 years and we've been best friends for maybe 3-4 years, right before we seriously got together he had a fling with me and this other girl (we'll call sue)at the same time, to make it short I ended up forgiving him and life went on. So last night my boyfriend told me that he was going to stay the night over at his friend's house. This morning his mom calls me saying that she called over at his friend's and he didnt stay the night there, and she doesnt know where he is. I called everywhere looking for him because of course I am worried about him. And I find out he stayed the night at Sue's house (his friend told me this) but his friend was there all night long with them, well until about 4 in morning. So I call him at Sue's house, and he knows I am mad so he comes over right away. When he comes up his shaking, and of course I yelled at him. And told him I wanted to take a break... and possibly not get back together, the entire time he was crying. Promising that nothing happened, and promising that he accidentally fell asleep at her house. So what do I do? I told him we were on a break to think about things...
  7. Before you even think about saying anything I would just casually ask why she feels so down lately, and ask if everything is okay with HIM. Then you can get the information you need before pursuing any further, and you'll also come off caring. Win win. But I wouldn't really trust astrological reports as proof you would or wouldnt be good together, and whether or not her marriage will fail.
  8. Do you think it is wrong of me to hurt and cry so much just because I dont know whether or not he loves me? Sometimes I feel like I am being stupid about this... and that he treats me good and that is all that should matter. But a part of me (the part that loves him) rips me apart, wondering why he doesnt feel the same, why hasnt these past two years done enough for him to know if he wants to be with me for a long time? He tells me if he finds out that he doesnt love me that he thinks we should break up so I can find someone who could/would love me, but if he doesnt love me I dont know what I can do, because all I want is him, but I dont want to remain unloved....
  9. Ya, we've been dating eachother exclusively, and I assume that we are pretty serious since we've talked about moving away together. I don't really know what to think either, because it seems like he would know if he loves me, 2 years, and spending almost all our time together, since we started out as best friends we got along really well. But he is pretty immature, and he says things like he might just be afraid of what it means to be in love.
  10. Thanks so much to those you tried to help me understand. I know love is a complicated subject, but everything you guys have said has really helped out.
  11. I've been going out with this guy for 2 years, and I finally got up enough nerve to tell him that Im in love with him. But he says he is not sure if he loves me back , although he says things like he wants to move away with me and he could see us together for a very long time. When I ask my friends for advice, they tell me they think it is odd that he doesnt know if he loves me, especially since it seems like he likes me so much. Could he just be scared? Or is this just some tactic he is using to break us up? Please give me some advice
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