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Posts posted by Meow18

  1. Thanks for the update!


    I'm glad that we could help you and I'm glad that your boyfriend took it this well.


    I understand how you could have been hurt by what we said to you. It's never easy to hear things like that. But I'm happy that you eventually saw that we only cared about you and Riley.


    We know you have your dog's best interest at heart. Why else would you come looking for advice?


    If the dog in your avatar is Riley, he's so cute! I miss my beagle.

  2. My partner told me he does not love mr but cares about me very much, any chance he could love me again?? We are currently separated.


    I would make your own thread, that way you can get more responses.


    But, to answer your question, it's hard to say. Normally when couples lose love for each other, it's for a reason and if the other person doesn't want to work on it, then no, it won't work.

  3. Honestly, if you don't think you can forgive her, then you shouldn't take her back. If you take her back, that's like agreeing to forgive her and move on with the relationship.


    If it's always going to be in the back of your head, then that's not fair to either of you. She didn't technically cheat, but I can understand why you are hurt and you have every right to feel that way.


    It sounds like maybe she broke things off to try to pursue somebody else. Valentine's Day wasn't even a whole month ago.. She had to have known something would happen with this guy.


    But, at least she broke things off with you first. You have to give her credit for that..


    But maybe now it's something she really regrets doing and can't believe she would break up with a guy like you over this.


    You are in a tough position because I can definitely understand why you are hurt and why you have doubts of being back with her. But trust me, it's not worth it to be in a relationship where you always have something in the back of your head that the other person did to you.

  4. It's good to know that you are allowing your daughter to tell you about her feelings. It's hard to do as a child with parents who are going through this! You sound like a great father and she's lucky!


    She does sound like she is being very mature about this and handling it well. How old is she anyway?

  5. Your daughter might be taking it "well", but it's still going to be so hard for her. You need to continue talking to her about this and allow her to express her feelings. As much as she is taking it well, it's not easy for a child. It might not have even hit her yet in the way where things will never be the same for her. I think a lot of parents forget that and only see the "outside" of it. Just keep talking to her and let her know that you want her to be open with you about what she is going through.


    I'm sure you will though, you sound like a great father.


    I'm sorry things had to end, but you already know it was for the better. Don't forget to always talk to us when you need to!

  6. Like Arwen said, give him time to think. Respect his choice for needing a break. He probably has a lot of thoughts going through his mind..


    Think if the positions were reversed. Would you take him back if he accused you of cheating, hit you (I don't think it's more wrong to hit a girl than it is a guy), and then kicked you out?

  7. Honestly, I don't know. He's probably really hurt that you would mistrust him that much.


    Of course, your friend did a really bad thing. But I guess this should be a good lesson that you need your own proof before you can go accusing somebody of doing something so horrible.


    If I was your boyfriend, I would not take you back. Of course maybe I would feel different if I was actually in his position. But I would be really hurt over what happened. And punching a guy there is never ok.. in fact, punching at all is not ok. So, I would be a little upset about that too.


    Also, if you were still talked to this friend of yours, then I would definitely not take you back.

  8. I wouldn't use myspace for dating, but that's just me.


    I have a myspace page, but I do not accept requests from people I don't know. But, all of my real friends on there have hundreds of friends they don't know and have never talked to. I wonder what's the point??


    People use myspace for popularity. You accept friend requests from people you don't know and will never say more than "hi" to.


    So, your friend has 3000 friends on there? And how many does he really ever talk to? How many of those "friends" are really his friends?


    What difference would it make if he had 3000 or 30? If you are looking to date, you will look better having few friends and getting to know those few friends.

  9. Strangers for you, but this is your girlfriend's family.. people she knows very well.


    I could understand the concern. I mean, I would be worried about someone going on a camp out with a lot of people they didn't know. I would be afraid that they would feel left out or lonely or not have a good time and be stuck there.


    But then of course, you are an adult and can make these choices. It's not as though you are going with people you don't even know.. it's your girlfriend's family! They aren't setting you up for something bad to happen.. Chances are they want to meet you and will try to make an effort to include you and be fun.


    If your family is truly concerned, then there won't be any harm in listening to what they have to say. But at the same time, just let them know that you are excited to meet her family and this will be a great way to get to know them.

  10. Becuase shes so lovely at times so much fun to be around and she just lights up the room but lately shes been to be honest a total cow shes been horrible to me and really inconsiderate to how i feel and really un loving I really want her to be how she used to be but shes changed and i dont know what to do to get her how she used to be. I miss my lozzy


    It's unfortunate.


    People change all throughout their lives. Change can be a good thing for couples, but sometimes as you have learned it can be a bad thing.


    This is not the relationship you deserve. She used to be wonderful, but now she's not someone you need in your life.

  11. Yup cuz im daft lol I need to talk to her but its hard to get her to talk about things without her going off in a mood or accusing me of things. She walks away from all her problems all the time and i need to talk to her about this but she just accuses me of not loving her.


    The problem is that she is not very mature. To walk away and get upset if there's an issue.. that's an issue. Relationships go through problems all the time and they will never get resolved if you can't even talk about it.


    You need to work on your communication. Let her know how you are feeling. If she walks away or just gets all defensive, let her know that the relationship won't work if you both can't talk about it like a mature couple.


    Seriously though, your problems will only get worse. You need to talk to her about this and not let her treat it like it doesn't matter.

  12. My boyfriend and I waited 1 1/2 years.


    I think it's wise to wait at least a few months. You never know who the "real" person you are dating might be, which I don't believe you really know in the first couple of months, but it's still better than only waiting a week.


    But having sex has too many consequences to just be doing it a person that you don't really know yet. At least in my opinion.


    I have a friend who's girlfriend got pregnant after 3 months of being together. Let's just say, she isn't the person he thought he knew and lied to him throughout the whole pregnancy, and now lies in court.. and now he only gets to see his baby once a week for 2 hours due to visitation rights because she refuses to let him see his child any other time.. and that kills him.


    And building good communication before sex is important too in my opinion because you want to be able to be open and honest about it.

  13. A lot of guys find pregnant women to be beautiful. A lot of girls find pregnant women to be beautiful. So I don't think you are crazy or anything..


    I wonder how it came out though. Do you mean that you actually really get turned on by a pregnant woman? Or do you just find it beautiful and attractive?


    Has she ever seemed insecure about past things you have talked about?

    • Like 1
  14. I staying from next Thursday until the Sunday. I'm spending my whole Birthday with my boyfriend. We have plans to head off to the Cinema a couple of times and to go out for a meal. I asked if we could hang out with Luke or a couple of hours on the Saturday if it doesn't colide with us meeting my sister.


    Then when I asked he went a little cold on me and I could feel him getting annoyed. I understand he feels a little worried but should trust me. The thing is confronting him is hard without an argument at the endof it.


    Ok.. this makes a difference. I thought you were only staying for your actual birthday.


    I think this is perfectly reasonable, and of course your boyfriend probably wants you all to himself, but it's important to not forget about your other friends too. And you want to see your other friends. Your boyfriend should understand that even if he isn't thrilled about it.


    You have already told him that you would like to see Luke for a couple hours on saterday, so make those plans and if your boyfriend chooses to join, then he can.


    I guess if I were in your situation, I would tell my boyfriend that I'm going to make plans for us to hang out with Luke and if he has any say in what you all do together, then he should let you know.


    Don't say, "you can go if you want", cause that might make him feel like he's not invited. Just talk about it like you are expecting him to go. If he really doesnt' want to go, he won't.

  15. If not, how can I resolve it without it becoming an argument?



    How does you visiting normally work? Do you stay only for a couple of hours?


    Maybe you can suggest that your boyfriend and you plan a date for that evening. Maybe go out to eat, or make dinner together at his place. Let him know that that will be your special time together.


    I would let him know that you would like to see your other friends too though and that it's important to you. He should be able to understand.

  16. I could see your boyfriend being jealous of Luke, knowing that he liked you in the first place. But still, your boyfriend should trust you.


    It's your birthday. It's perfectly reasonable to want to see certain people, especially when you will be in that area.


    I think maybe though your boyfriend feels left out? It's normal for significant others to want to share birthdays together and maybe he wants to be with you on your special day.


    I would set special time aside for your boyfriend. Maybe you can all hang out with Luke and whoever else for a few hours, but make sure you leave a few hours for just you and your boyfriend, cause it's important to make him feel like you went to see him too.

  17. You don't know she hates you. You don't honestly know that. You've never even talked to her, how could you possibly know that? That is just an excuse your mind has made up in your head so that you have more of a reason to not talk to her.


    You also say that it's harder now since you waited so long. But why can't you still ask her about her interests anyway? The length of time you have known her isn't important.


    Talking to people of the opposite gender is not easy for many. You just have to stop making excuses and force yourself to do it. It's not easy, but there's not much else to it.

  18. I also think sometimes when you are dating someone--sometimes they have more of a single mentality. I know some guys who would not go on a trip like this if there g/f was this uneasy about it or reverse the situation and see how they would feel. And people like my b.f, think its ok apparently. I think it may take people longer to get the point of if you are in a relationship its not ok to go bar hopping a few times a week, or to go to clubs constantly or to take singles vacations.I think if people do this, they arent as committed. Not meaning they are cheating but they just arent there yet where it comes to a serious committment.


    Sure, some guys wouldn't go. Some guys agree with your perspective.


    But your boyfriend doesn't. He's not one of those guys you talk of. If that's what you want in a relationship, then you need to find someone else. That stinks, but don't expect your boyfriend to change what he wants to do because you aren't happy with it.


    Why do you think it's so wrong for him to have this interest? To him it's innocent. It would be one thing if he was going to strip clubs.. where one goes to check out others. But instead he's just doing one of his hobbies that he's been into long before he started dating you.


    Do you really think he goes to check out the girls? Do you really think that he doesn't think about you while away?

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