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Posts posted by Color-Is-Blue

  1. No I haven't forgotten my first love he actually

    recently just called me and we talked for an hour.

    I know that we still care for each other but I have

    a bf now which i've been goin out for 3 yrs and a half and

    he lives like a million miles away. We fell inlove at the right place

    but at the wrong time sux huh?!?!

  2. I went out with this guy for almost a year it was

    a long distance relationship and I know that

    he was hanging out with this girl whom he claims

    is justa friend but then I found out later on that

    she's got feelings for him. If I were you i'd trust

    your boyfriend because if there is no trust then

    there absolutely can be no love if he cheats on

    you then it's his lose not yours. GOODLUCK!!

  3. I've been goin out with this guy for 3 and a half yrs now and just recently my ex frm the Philippines called giving me hints well we actually have been giving hints that we still have feelings for each other.I'm so confused I love my bf so much but there's been a lotta trouble that happened that makes me question if we are the right one for each other. I'm goin back home for a month in the Philippines and I know that when I see him that old feelings are gonna rekindle. I have never cheated on my man but I can't stop thinkin of my ex either. My ex just broke up with his ex of 3 yrs and I don't know if he's just giving me hints that he still have feelings for me because he's in a rebound. My ex have cheated on me once but he

    treats me like i'm a queen though while my bf have never cheated on me I know he loves me but 9 times outta 10 treats me like crap. They both have their flaws I love my bf but I still care about my ex I NEED YOUR ADVICE. THANKS

  4. It could be false alarm, I had that happen

    to me a couple of times. I understand you

    though it could be very scary. It could

    be that she's late or she's just emotionally and physically

    stressed and that my dear causes a delay in a woman's

    period, I had mine delayed for 2 months before. If you

    guys really want a peace of mind then take the pregnancy

    test it's as simple as that GOODLUCK!!

  5. If you love your boyfriend you would atleast

    try and accept his family because it is part

    of him. People are different my dear but don't

    let that stress you out it's a big waste of time and energy

    worrying about simple things like that. Ever think that

    maybe you are the problem and not them remember

    it takes time for a person or a group of ppl to get used

    to you so be patient. GOODLUCK!!

  6. [/b]It's normal for you to feel that way because you guys

    are just in the getting-to-know stage. You need to calm down

    and realise that acting that way is not the best way to start

    a relationship why?!? because relationships should be based

    on trust. As for your guy comparing you to his ex tell him

    how it makes you feel and that it's not fair for him to keep

    doing that because you and his ex are totally different from

    each other. GOODLUCK!!

  7. Me and my bf have been goin out for 3 years now I love

    him dearly we have our ups and downs BUT everytime we make

    love he always mentions making love with other guys

    for the simple fact that he is bisexual and it is in one of his

    fantasies. He knows that I still have a hard time dealing

    with it even after 3 1/2 years I know that if I truly love him

    I shouldn't feel this way BUT it is just not my type. This is depressing

    and confusing as well because I can't talk about this with anybody

    I know so really I just keep it to myself, most of the time we end

    up making fun of each other him being bi and me being an ethnic minority(filipino/spanish).It's a never ending cycle today I caught him staring

    at 2 guys and that just pisses me off.....

  8. Weed can be helpful and at the same time harmful. I smoke

    weed with my boyfriend and that's fine. Some ppl are just close

    minded they think that weed is bad, harmful and all that but

    really do your research and you will know that there are benefits

    to it believe it or not some ppl even use marijuana to cure their

    cancer,asthma etc.


    -I am curious to know how old they are now and what their future aspirations are. My point is that weed can have a detirmental affect on people's health (with the 1 to 10 ratio, its not looking like "a good thing") and future (being lazy, lethargic, etc).


    Not necessarily true me and my bf have known and met ppl

    who have been smoking weed for years and are just fine and

    totally responsible with their life.People have this stereotype

    that once a person starts smoking weed that he/she is gonna

    end up being a loser TOTALLY NOT TRUE sorry but that

    is being ignorant.



  9. You gotta stand and fight for what you believe in, You

    have your own voice make sure that it's noticed and heard.

    If you keep suppresing it you are just goin to feel bitter in

    the end and you just might end up hating and blaming

    your boyfriend for the way you feel.GOODLUCK!!

  10. I've been involved with this guy for 3 yrs and 5 months now

    I have been called every name there is(stupid,moron,low IQ,sl*t,wh*re etc) and he always seems to have an excuse to them. He would tell me that it's because sometimes I deserve it. Now everytime he's in one of his moods

    and starts calling me names I don't even care anymore because i'm so

    used to it it's like I feel numb most of the time now.I wanna cry but

    I can't anymore . He's got his good sides but the BAD OUTWEIGHS THE

    GOOD.I have never had a low self-esteem before I always think i'm stupid because I hear it almost everyday to the guy who supposedly loves me

    I'm so afraid of breaking it up with him because he threatened

    to kill himself or make my life miserable if I ever leave him. I DON'T

    KNOW WHAT TO DO, I can't mention this to my family because he's

    not even in good terms with them so i'm all ALONE.








    I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash. - Sigmund Freud

  11. OLA!,


    Journey I know exactly how you feel i'm in a verbal abusive

    relationship right now. examine your feelings and if your

    more sad,depress and confuse than happy with him then

    I suggest that you move on with your life. You deserve

    someone better.GOODLUCK!!







    I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash. - Sigmund Freud

  12. I think you and your husband should see a marriage

    counselor and try to work things out.It's not fair for both

    you and your husband to stay in a marriage that's not working

    anymore and if you guys have kids it's not fair for them either.

    I think your being selfish and inconsiderate of other ppl's feelings

    especially of the ppl you supposedly love(just an opinion). Talk

    with your family before it's too late and you end up loosing everyone

    you love. Don't get me wrong your allowed to feel that way but

    cheating on your husband and family of 12 yrs is just not a responsible

    thing to do.











    I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash. - Sigmund Freud

  13. OLA,


    This is the problem with some couples they spend too much

    time with each other that they forget that their lives

    shouldn't just evolve around 'em. I think your boyfriend's

    had enough of you being posessive and maybe that's why

    he's been saying all this mean things to you.Girl give him

    space because if he feels like he's being choked then he

    just might end up cheating on you or much worse. U should

    also talk to him about some of the mean things he's said to

    you just because you wanna spend more time with him doesn't

    give him the right to treat you like sh*t and say mean things to you.






    I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash. - Sigmund Freud

  14. Not everyone likes to go out with guys who

    are "ahem" assholes. I would love to go out

    with a guy like U it's hard to find nice guys these

    days most guys I know and get involved with

    are just plain controlling,doesn't give a sh*t guys and

    frankly i've had enough of it. PLEASE don't change

    i'm sure you will find the right girl just be patient it's

    a virtue





    I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash.- Sigmund Freud

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