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Everything posted by whistler1965

  1. I say cancel the phone. It is on your credit so if she racks up a huge bill and doesn't pay for it, you're screwed. In regards to the other stuff... you're a good guy and shouldn't have to work this hard. Walk away and don't look back. If you're not social, learn how to be. You're in college. It is the best place to find women. Just try and make friends with a bunch fo them. Good luck.
  2. I've been through the same thing as well. If you want a chance with her in the future, you cannot make yourself accessible. Always be nice, polite and don't show jealousy. Try and look happy when you see her. If you can, surround yourself with friends and as many women as possible. Don't call her, let her call you. When she asks to hang out, say you have other plans. After you do this for a while, she'll come back. It may take a long time but when it happens it will be better. If she doesn't come back... then you're meant to be with someone else.
  3. Jason - I agree with Ravergirlzzz. Don't count the calls and try to fill up your time doing other things. Although this may be debateable... people don't change. It sounds like this girl is confused doesn't know what she wants. Unfortunately, she has a stable guy like you to always fall back on. I'm going through a similar thing right now. You just have to keep your chin up and realize that good people will eventually find good people. I thought my last girl was "the one." She had most of the qualities I had looked for. But she never gave as much into the relationship as I did. Sometimes she'd become distant and I'd just walk away. As soon as I'd be just about over her, she'd reel me back in. Girls can sense these things, its scary. What I realized is that she could do bad things to me and for some reason I'd always take her back. Why? Because I love her, or at least I love the person who I think she could be. Chance are, she will never reach her full potential. Some people just perpetuate unhappiness and unhealthy relationships. Sometimes its that they are too selfish or that they never find happiness within themselves. If you aren't happy with yourself, you can never be happy with someone else. I decided to walk away and not turn back. It has been the hardest thing that I have had to do but it is for the best. The golden rule is to never stay in a relationship where you care or love someone more than they love you. Regardless of what your partner says, I think we all know when our love excedes theirs. We shouldn't have to work this hard to be happy. Just do what makes you happy in the present. Everything works out over time. Sorry this is so long. ~Whistler1965
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