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Everything posted by ParisPaulette

  1. The stories I'm seeing about people being stopped and/or arrested for helping the homeless. Excuse me? Since when did helping your fellow man become a crime. Slaps forehead, oh wait...never mind. Like always.
  2. Good choice BTW Superman. ^^^^ One of my favorite Metallica songs ever.
  3. [video=youtube;WC5FdFlUcl0] ] Why do I always forget how much I love this band? Best road trip album ever!
  4. 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. Wow, that one would be worth seeing in the theaters and it made me understand what went down there, really. Even though the CIA says certain things don't happen the book the film is based on, and the men who were there, say yes it did happen pretty much like that. It makes me realize how silly our little problems are, they had to survive the world literally exploding around them out of nowhere. Incredible.
  5. [video=youtube;DaN_nEVKWCI] One of the best songs to play when leaving a toxic relationship I've ever heard. So much hope and joy in getting free: You think you're the master, I'm the slave You think I like it You don't even know me anyway That's how I like it I'm getting ready to move on But you don't like it You can kiss your fairy tale away I like it, like it How do you like it? Today I'm gonna fly There's nothing that can keep me on the ground Touch the sky I'm free inside Today I'm gonna fly There's nothing that can keep me on the ground Touch the sky I'm free inside
  6. I have to watch this one. ^^^^ "Hot, and I don't mean the good kind!" Hahaha, this reminds me of more than one favorite restaurant in New Mexico.
  7. Don't Breathe. Just don't, seriously skeeved out with the worst line in a film I've ever had the displeasure to hear. I actually laughed at the most absolutely inappropriate time, because it was just so stupid in the context of what was happening. I just...yeah I could not take the film seriously after that. Talk about killing one's suspension of disbelief.
  8. [video=youtube;xMrN3Rh55uM] ] Hah-hah, this one too.
  9. [video=youtube;jFhgupR565Q] ] On a happier note, I discovered this video of a favorite Web Series, the Guild. Besides it has Felicia Day in it! And I love everything she's in, this video is no exception.
  10. You're welcome. I love that song. This one too by them. This one says everything about acceptance of others and not being judgmental of people. [video=youtube;QIJ2dZtETxs] ]
  11. [video=youtube;tj4OgWq5OmE] ] This song still makes me cry whenever I play it. I have no idea why, maybe because a friend of mine used to play it and sing to it and now he's gone. So sentimental.
  12. Forrest Gump, again. And this time I have to say that movie is D-A-R-K. My memory was poor Forrest kept getting jerked around by the girl he loved. This time I realized holy cow, Jenny was being sexually abused by her father, Forrest probably saw it (remember when he's peering through the windows and talking about how Jenny's father loved her and her sisters, he was always kissing on them and touching them) and then there's the scene where she and Forrest flee into the cornfields and she prays she can fly away from her drunk angry father who is trying to find her. And after that the entire movie I'm like, "Oh god, this girl is suffering from living in hell as a child and this guy is literally too dumb to have gotten that that's why she runs from him. She feels she isn't good enough for his innocence when hers was so viciously stolen away from her. Also no wonder she's doing drugs, jumping from abuser to abuser." I have to admit the second time around I was a whole lot more interested in Jenny's story than I was his. There were other things that were just really kind of dark and awful too, but that was the biggest one for me. This was not the fluffy bunny warm sentimental movie I remember. This was pretty much a lesson in what childhood abuse can do to a person. I cried just as much this time watching it, but for very different reasons.
  13. Spot the Justin Bieber fan! This made me laugh.
  14. The number of people who think a relationship consists of being parent and child out there is just astounding. I wish someone had told me when I was young, "If you have to act like his mother in any way dump him." Same goes for the guys too. If she expects you to work all day while she sits at home playing, again now you're just being dad. Stop it and go get a partner who is equal. I've come to realize this is a major, major relationship sin. And a really annoying one too.
  15. How clueless and irresponsible people are with their basic safety, and worse with others safety - especially their kids. And then I have to take a deep breath and tell myself I was that clueless once and the only reason I didn't end up a statistic was...sheer dumb luck, really. At the end of the day in my early life it as just sheer stupid luck that kept me alive and nothing else. And now I see it in my son, the "okay, yeah. Sure Mom, love ya, gotta go" attitude when I'm trying to give him advice. And I know he may end up in very bad situations and all I can really hope for is that his survival instincts kick in faster than his "let's give up and die" instincts do IF it ever comes to that. And maybe a bit of that sheer dumb luck for good measure. And beyond that there's nothing really I can do. And I hate having to trust that the universe might be a bit kinder to him and to me than it has to so many.
  16. Everly starring Salma Hayek. Nice little action flick, but the ending was flat and there were too many questions left unanswered.
  17. Once, just once I would love to have the bathroom all to myself without, "Knock, knock, honey/Mom/Paris, are you done yet?" OR scratch, scratch, scratch, woof, WOOF, meoooooowwww while there are paws frantically trying to burrow under the door.
  18. Crisp, cool, clear. I love the Fall, my favorite time of the year. Just seeing the pumpkins and Halloween decorations everywhere makes me smile.
  19. This made me laugh. The picture of a squirrel in a leather jacket with a mohawk zooming along on a motorcycle - hilarious. Gone squirrel. Me today laughing at my bad#ss Rhodesian Ridgeback being chased around the house by the new foster kittens. Rhoadie is doing his best to prove to the kittens that he's terrified of them, they're fierce, they're lions, he stands no chance against them as they toddle and tumble after him. Every so often as he runs past me with them in tow he shoots me a grin as if to say, "Yeah, let's give the kids some confidence building skills, right Mom?" I love that dog.
  20. Insomnia AND anxiety, all rolled into one. I worry about the world, I worry about my family, I worry about what's going to happen in the upcoming elections and on and on about the hamster wheel of useless worries I go. And I am wide awake when the world is asleep as a result of it. I guess I'll pour myself a cuppa tea and get to work. I can do that, at least.
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