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Posts posted by rusty_boi

  1. hi


    well i know that hes the guy and he shud do it but this isnt the 50's any more guys appreciate it and see you as a cool chick if you do it plus if you do it a couple of times he will get confidence and you will as well and it wont be a big deal anymore i know your shy but think of it like this hes not going to stop you if you do and its goin to save the relationship its my opinion anyway

  2. dude theres not too much you can do its just you have to get the courage and say do you wanna watch a movie on saturday or something after youv talked, its hard but tell yourself wether she says yes or no at least im not wondering anymore and i can move on and try someone else, but before you do try to show her how funny you are and how sweet you are. i tell girls how id like to propse to my wife when im older and every singel one has awww how sweet, its were on a beach area like hawaii and we go out for dinner and for a walk on the beach afterwords holding hands by the beach chatting then i get on my knee and say will you marry me and show the engaement ring. if she sees your sweet and funny give it a couple days and see what she says, goodluck

  3. Hey Katie


    i used to be like you then i leanred how to open up, ok 1st off you need to loosen up and not be uptight, then to kick start a conversation just talk about anything ill give you e.g Seen any movies lately, what music are you into, tell jokes , if you see someone good looking say hes cute. basically say what you think once you have an ice breaker going you should be fine but my back up plan is a game i call what would you do if basically you put hypothetical situations and ask them how theyd react like what would you do if someone paid you a million dollars to cut off a pinky. you can use it with anything its great umm thats all i really can tell you just loosen up relax be yourself and say what you think

  4. Hey dude


    ok i know this is going to be really hard ok ive been through it i was in love with this girl she told me she loved me back and left me for another guy i was shattered but i picked myself up and just found anotther girl who i like and it wasnt easy but once i amde the move it was so much better. so my advice to you is tell this girl goodbye and goodluck its not going to be easy on you but its to hard to have a long distance relationship at our age, better you find someone closer and have fun with someone you can see more (1st you need a rebound girl though), besides stay friends with her and when your older you could see each other more and go back out again sorry if i bored you with my story but i just so you know i know what your going through

  5. ok dude well 1st off the pick up line joke its a bit of a gamble because some girls may not know your joking and find it cheesy, next approach girls and be yourself like ok so u meet at the mall if you walk past them say id love that girls number so she can hear you if she looks back and smile say excuse me can i have your number, another tactic is when your in the shop try talk about what there buying eg if there looking at clothes say that look really goood on you, try it on and show me if she does it say wow it shows how beautiful you are then talk a bit more and ask her out to lunch or for her number or watever hope it helps good luck dude

  6. well id have to say it depends on the type of girl but all of the ones i know dont some find it cool or funny others dont care these same girls some of them used to find it gross when they were younger but it depnds on age maturity and the girl

  7. G'day


    well this girl and i broke up recently (amy) and she made me think i might have a chance so i was left dangling for about 4 weeks and finally i find out she doesnt wanna go out with me because she likes one of her firends so it was hard but i told her its ok with me then and to be happy. anyway ive always liked her friend sandy (ive known sandy before i met this girl) but we have never been single at the same time so i told amy i like sandy and she got angry and was saying dont expect me to be happy for you blah blah blah. finally last night i told sandy i like her and she said she couldnt do that to amy so i said if i can sort it out with amy in a couple weeks and see if you still wanna go out with me and she goes ok anyway so when is the best time to tell amy tonight next week when?

  8. i know how you feel a girl im in love with broke up with me and im trying to win her back and nothing works at the same time she broke up with me my best friend told me she never wanted to talk to me again , i found out that my mum abused me as a child , my parents are on the verge of divorce . my sisters are all trying to get me to fix everything at home and im the youngest they all moved out so i shouldnt be having to go through this im 15 for god sake, i had just started to get really good at football and represntative season was about to start and i now need a knee reconstruction so no football for a year, i feel like i got nothing to keep me going

  9. Hey Everyone


    ok well me and this girl courtney dated twice but we were always with friends and stuff, anyway so she tells me she didnt wanna see me anymore because she didnt feel that way (bear in mind this ripped me apart inside because i really like her) so i tried everyway i knew to win her back and i was always almost there but never made it completely, so i finally decide to accept it and give up but we remained friends, this is all in a week so i went out with one of her friends tara and i started to like this girl, so i told courtney and she got really angry at me and stuff because i liked her and she messaged my phone the next day saying go out with her but i wont like it but ill have to accept it etc , then i was talking on the net to her and she had a friend over and i started talking to her friend and i asked her friend how old she was and courtney got really angry with me saying dont flirt with my friends you like me remember so we sorted it out. so she has feelings for me so i tried to get back with her and i eventually got out of her that she likes her bestfriend and thats the only thing holding her back after she told me that she goes if my friend adds you on msn messneger dont let her ok so i said yes.


    He has alot of advantages over me because he goes to her school and sees her everyday, and he sweet talks and stuff But she hasnt been on her own with me so she cant really go off that so i told her before she makes a decision to go just me and her just as mates so she agreed to it so what can i do to make her pick me over him hes a real sweet talker aparently so i need soome help to help her like me more then him i know that she still has feelings for me so i need something to make that escalate into something more . also i was thinking about buying her a present when i go meet up with her what are some good suggestions i dont want flowers because we have to carry them around all day so anyy suggestions would be appreciated

  10. Hey


    well i recently broke up with this girl but we remained friends and it was only about 4 days ago we broke up, anyway something really big but personal happened and i called her and i talked to her and said i wanna kill myself because i had nothing 2 live for i dint have her and no family becaus of da personal thing. and she goes you have your friends and me and i go were not back together so whats the use, you said yourself you dont feel that way about me and she goes i dont now but how do you know i wont fall again. and that got me thinking maybe i can win her back again so wat are the steps i can take in trying to win her back again.

  11. say something like you havent seen a friend in years and be all like "OHH MY GOD, ITS YOU" and say like "fancy seein you here" wat have you been up to catch up and turn the conversation in how you moved on like "well ever since we broke up i , got a new job and things have been great" note be happy the whole time and thats it really good luck

  12. Hey guys


    ok well i went out with this girl and she broke up with me but we kept talking and i tried to get back with her because she kept on speaking like we were back together and so last night she told me she doesnt want boyfriend now, so i told her do i wait or do i try move on and she told me to do what i think, so i told her if i wait do i have a chance with you and she said yes, so should i wait or what guys, (its not easy for me to move on because i dont want any other girls besides her) and she told me she loved me after the break up

  13. ok


    i got a girlfriend and i dont know how to kiss all ive dun is put mi tongue in a girls mouth but got none back so i wanna know wat to do and dont say any of this comes naturally please just tell me like when i put my tongue in what to do what shell do with hers and stuff step by step even examples of when you kiss your loved ones would be apreciated thanks a bunch

  14. Hey


    ok well as you know im 15 ive had a couple girlfriends but none have lasted long and i have one now but like all the other ones i get this growing doubt in my head that i dont wanna be in the relationship any more, sometimes i feel happy really happy im with her, other times i feel like i wanna get out of it but i want to go long with this one and i know if i break up with her ill be like this with mi next girlfriend so 1st off am i scared of a relationship and 2nd and more importnantl help me not think like this about her or any other gorlfriends



  15. hey guys


    ok heres how it is my 2 best friends are dating and i used to like her alot and when he talks about fingering her because shes gonne let him and he talks about having sex with her and i ask her and same thing anyway i feel jealous about this i mean i dont wanna go out wit her but i get jealous so is this normal? what should i do

  16. hey


    ok i dont know if this will help but ill try well if you want her back you have to be more outgoing this i can help you with, i used ti be likie you and now im really outgoing you have to try be more spontanious just not think twice about what your doing just go with the flow eg someone says wanna go motorbike riding instead of thinking about it just go with your instinct and say yes (be like stiffler of american pie not that extreme though), it is hard at 1st but the more you do it the easier try practice 1st though. back to you getting her back try tell her your willing to change and how you started going gym and show her how spontanious you are and ask her to give it a try one more time.


    theres nothing else you can really do to get her back i mean you dont wanna put her somewhere she doesnt wanna be because she wont be happy and if shes not happy then the relationship will die but hopefully it wont happen and what i said helps

  17. hey man


    look first if all with your gf get out of the realtionship thats what i think i mean if shes like that when your there god knows what shes doping behind your back, remember trust cant be earned back. now jane ok well i think she likes you but shes not going to leave her bf and gamble with you which is understandable so i think you wait until her and her boyfriend break up (shes 14 so they most likely will) and then give it a while then ask her out just dont ask to early because then you will turn into rebound guy wait until you know shes over it and tell her.


    good luck

  18. i asked a girl out and she said no to me we talked heaps on the net and i met up with her once. anyway its weird talking to her now and i wanna know what to say to break the silences again and keep a conversation going without making it weird keep in mind i dont need ice breakers i need converstaion starters again and also i need your help its been about 2 weeks and since she said no and i cant move on, i dont want anyone else but her so can u guys tell me is it love? (out of curiosity) and how to move on

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