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Everything posted by cctexas

  1. need some advice. I've been seeing this person, the problem is that she has a partner. I care a lot about his person and I don't want the friendship/relationship to end. I care about her a lot and im the type of person that I don't open my heart or let my guard down when I know I'll get hurt. I know I knew that from the beginning, but I just wasn't expecting to feel this way about her. so my question is do I have a right to ask her why she wants this relationship with me and how she feels about me? I'm not sure asking her why she's still with her partner when her partner goes thur her phone records to see who she's called or called her, treats her friends rudely, can't be friends with curtain people, dislikes her son, her emails, can't wear curtain cloth/perfume. that was before I came into the picture. Should I just keep on with this relationship and see what happens.
  2. An update......She ended up telling me in a joking way that for x-mas she wanted a kiss and more than that. Of course I had to ask if she was really joking and no she wasn't. We have shared a kiss and have been with each other. It's really great. The only thing is that she's still with her "partner" they do have problems even before I came into the picture. She has opened up to me and told about the problems. Guess I'll see what happens. Thanks for the advice Dream and cid I did go with the flow!!!
  3. I have a friend that when I first meet her I had my suspicion that she's was a lesbian. She came cross in a flirting kinda way, I thought it was just me she does have a son and was married. So I didn't think anything of it. Well, come to find out she is bi and she does have a girlfriend. My question is how do I know if she really likes me or just joking around. She gives me eye contact it isn't always when we talk even from a cross the room, times i've noticed that she gives me that look like when your checking someone out, calls me cute names, also comes out of her way to let me know she there. she even had a hickey one day and she made it known to me that she had one. I've never been with another women before never even thought about it until her. In fact I have very strong feelings for her even before I know she was bi. How should I let her know im intrested in her or if she's intrested in me? I'm I just over looking all the signs cause I think she's joking?
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