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Everything posted by wannabehappy

  1. Thanks for your update Kerrio. I just broke up with my bf of 4 1/2 years and it doesn't make it any easier doing the breaking up. I have done nothing but cry for the past 4 days (the first couple were just knowing I had to break up with him). I still love him soooo much, but we have such different ideas on raising children. I'm glad to know my pain will eventually go away. I too can not eat (I've had 3 meals in 3 days), and am having trouble sleeping. I can not wait for the day when I stop crying and the pain in my heart is a little less. Thanks again.
  2. Thanks for your support, it means a lot to hear that from people other than friends/family. I am 33, which is even more reason this is hard. I really want kids, and starting over at this age really scares me. I only hope I can find someone to be with before it gets to late to start a family. Maybe it wouldn't hurt so much if I didn't still love him, but I guess love isn't everything (unfortunately)
  3. Hi, Let me start out by apologizing for this being so long...I didn't realize it until I just previewed the post. I feel awful. I've been dating a guy for 4 and a half years (2 1/2 long distance, 2 in same area). We met when I was vacationing and started a long distance relationship (CA-FL). I moved to be near him and see where the relationship would go. There has always been issues between us, but I figured I could live with them. We have 2 totally different ideas on how we want to raise kids, and I don't think he is willing to compromise on anything. I know 2 people are not always going to agree, but shouldn't both parties make compromises...not just 1? Anyway, we just got back from a 2 week vacation, which actually went great, except we talked about raising children again. I think it was then that I decided this wasn't who I wanted to raise children with. His ideas are not wrong, they are just opposite of mine and there is no room for compromising on his part. I didn't say anything at the time, because I didn't want to ruin the rest of our vacation. We just returned last Thursday night. I spent all day Friday crying, then spent Sat. with him, and came home and cried all day Sunday. I still love him very much, and I know he loves me. We spoke on the phone Sunday night and I think we both know it is over. We will talk in person, but he says it's just formality now. Am I being stupid because I think we both have to compromise when it comes to kids? Some of the issues are so trivial, but all those trivial things add up. I've been so depressed since the end of my vacation, and now even more so since it's really over. There are other issues also, like he says he would have a problem if I were to gain too much weight. (I'm 5'5 and weigh 108lbs). I would like to weigh about 115-120, but he thinks I would be fat then. He also said he would have a problem if his wife gained weight because then she wouldn't be taking care of herself (yet if he put on a little weight, that would be ok.) I've talked with friends and family, but they are always going to side with me. I just wanted to know what someone who doesn't know me thinks. Does it sound like I'm jumping the gun by breaking up, or was I crazy in the first place for ignoring these issues for the past few years? Was it wrong for me to break up with him as soon as we got back from a great vacation? I wanted to wait a few weeks, but it just came out...I was hurting so bad. If anyone has any advice as to stopping the constant flow of water from my eyes...I would like that also. Thanks
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