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Posts posted by Amberfire

  1. Dearest Pale,

    It is ALL about trust, honesty and communication.Your last relationship won't ruin a thing if you don't let it. Thank that relationship for what it's taught you and move on to this new one and things will be different.

    Hmmm in with the ex's eh, well all I can say is openly communicate to him in confidence that you are okay with it. But always be on guard. I mean he does have the right to be friends with ex's. Don't associate your insecurities with this guy because you'll just bring in your last relationship and have a neuro-association. Just be in the moment, you can just learn from the past, to never make the same mistakes and get into a pattern. Life is all about taking risks, because if we didn't we'd never get any where. Again don't let the past get in the way, it won't ruin it if YOU won't let it. You have the power to control how things go. Be the person you'd want to be with. Trust in yourself first before you gain trust in him.


    Be Well,


  2. Dearest Rojo,

    Awhh that is soooo sweet! You are on the right path, with trying new things. I always have, some people appreciate it, some could give a *bleep* Yeah I do detect that you are being too nice, but that is not a bad thing. From my experience I've always liked the bad boy type, but they were a little too out there for me so I calmed down a bit and wrote out exactly what I want in a guy and relationship. Cause when you know what it is you want, you will have it. And it'll appear like magic


    Be Well,


  3. Dearest Street,

    Oh dear there is MORE than someone for everyone out there!

    We are not limited to one in any way! It's horrible to think of limitations to happiness!! No way not for me!


    I'm disgusted by the way some marriages are brought together by alcohol

    There so many unimaginable things going on in the world today. People who shouldn't be together are together because she's scared she can'y find anyone else and afraid that people will know she had a failed marriage previously. so she'd rather be swallowed in a n abusive marriage. Oh god it's sad. Don't be one of those!


    So what I'm saying is never settle for less than what you truly deserve!

    To be happy!


    Be Well,


  4. Dearest Jitrenda,

    WHOAH WHOAH hold up here! Nothing can be that bad to end your life, is that what you'd want to be remembered by?! You ended your life for a guy!!?!?

    Think of the things you are grateful for now! You let the negativity swarm over you like the plague! You have so much to live for sweetie! Honey guys come and go, you deserve better! So the poem guy didn't like you back so what! It's not the end of the world! Your life is what you make of it!

    It all starts with positive thinking and action, you can turn things around, you just let it all come at once when you can't handle it. There's always a bright side to every thing dear. That's what it all starts with, your body,if you are run down and tired get some rest, excercise, get on some vitamins. If your body can't hold up physically how could you handle things emotionally?? I do hope you called the cops on that guy?! That's horrible!

    In essense this world is at peace we just make it crazy with issues which quite frankly aren't important at all.

    Okay a man who is dating a 13 year old is seriously demented, and the poem guy oh dear there are plenty of fish in the sea!! Take care of your self and things will turn around sweetie I promise. If you need anyone to talk to I'm always here, we're all here! But please do something stupid, it's not worth it and believe me I've been there myself. You are here for a reason, you have work to do!


    Be Well,


  5. Dearest Teal,

    What I've learned is that we have multiple soulmates: friends, family, lovers all can be soul mates. It's horrible to me to think that there can be only one soulmate for everyone out there, it's just hard to believe for me.

    A soulmate I believe is someone who were involved deeply in a past life and you meet up again in this life. But that is just the work I do, that lead me to that path of Truth. All I'm trying to say is that, don't be limited to one, you have more than one lover in your life that could be a soulmate.


    Be Well,


  6. Love is complicated, for what some call love some would call lust.

    Or only "think" they are in love. Love develops over time, i wouldn't expect it until you feel you know that person mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and gain significant feelings. As much as I believe love should be given freely, not everyone is going to feel the same. Love is different when you 15, love is different when you're 25.


    Be Well,


  7. Dearest Reborn,

    What I suggest to recapture that Inner Child again is to go child-like places, regain that wonder and awe that children have. There's a store I went to called Nature's Art and it's wonderful If you are into that sorta thing I do not know. But I am very much into crystals and the Earth, and there is such a crystal called the Inner Child crystal that would help to heal.

    Hope this helps!

    Be well,


  8. Dearest S4il,

    Oh dear, get out of that, you do not deserve to even have her as a friend.

    You said you never even hung out as friends? I would take that as a clear message hon. How could you call her "friend" to begin with? A true Friend would always get back to you no matter what.

    Don't take this to heart and don't take it personally she might have issues of her own. Sounds rather shallow and shady. So find some one else who is worthy of being a (captital) Friend rather than a (lower case) friend.

    Why hang around if there isn't anything to build on?


    Be Well dear,


  9. Dearest Shadow,

    It sounds clear to me that you just want to be friends correct? Don't let anyone expect other wise. It's what YOU want to do, not what they expect you to do. If you can't see being romantic with him, DON'T. You may end up ruining a good friendship. You can trust that gut feeling for sure. Don't avoid him, just be yourself. He'll respect you more than just taking the easy way out and avoiding. Or if you feel so daring, take a chance on him!

    You might just be surprised!


    Be Well,


  10. Dearest Just smile,

    We always tend to get, what we focus in on. A mate from hell, focus on the mate you I know, I've been there. But we get caught up in emotions and we just go with it. Sometimes we don't even stop to think, we just feel.

    Make the best of it and learn from your mistakes to never get into a pattern again.


    Be Well,


  11. I myself do believe in astrology, tarot readings and speaking to the Other Side. I'll have to admit some catholics are closed minded while others are open minded. I am of an alternative Earth based religion by choice, born into catholicism and hated every bit of the way when I was young nothing jived with me what they were trying to preach, I "knew" at an early age. But didn't find out what the religion was name until I was a sophmore in High School and then full blown in College.

    Some people don't seem to realize that astrology if followed or not, has great influence on life. I believe it holds alot of answers as to why things happen when people can't figure out why. (9-11 for example) Example, Mars is very close to us now, Mars in astrology is an aggressive planet by nature, it could bring on much war or on the opposite side bring creativity, vitality and passion. But hey you guys are entitled to believe in what ever you want. If it's your path and you think it is, so be it. But I believe it's your choice to choose, not be born into a religion you aren't happy with.

    You have that choice.


    Be Well,


  12. Dearest Laura,

    It doesn't have to be hard if you don't make it hard. Problems are only temporary, you can change things. Believe that you have that power and you do! It doesn't have to be hard if you make it for yourself that way. Our thoughts and words are a form of action, and unfortunately there seems to be alot of issues his family isn't dealing with, so their way of dealing is that they push out their problems out into the world. Don't take on the problems of others, you have your own to deal with.

    Whoah whoah whoah, YOU shouldn't be doing all the work in this relationship! That's not how it should be.

    He seems to be overwhelmed but you cannot take on his issues. Oh god it sounds like a big 'ol mess! Stay positive dear and things will change!


    Be Well,


  13. Oh Dearest CT,

    Hello fellow CT girl!

    Oh dear honey if you don't want this relationship GET OUT!

    I see you are young, it's tough at those times to understand exactly what's going on. Buy the time you are in your 20's dear, everything changes.

    Love is different when you are 15 than when you are 25.

    Communication is key dear

    Be Well,


  14. Dearest one,

    Your mom is the only one who can decide if she will accept him or not. No one can make her decide. And it may be she never will but your half brother should stand strong and firm in what he believes in. Just because he decided to go that path is no one's right but his own. Where is the unconditional love here? People are so cruel it's sad. But they are cruel because they themselves are not happy with their lives so they push it out on others. It's great your dad accepts him maybe he'll pass influence on her in some way.

    Be Well,


  15. Dearest Bamabelle,

    You have to ask yourself this, love. Is this worth it? I deserve better than this. Why hold on to something that is not good for you? Guys yes I admit are basket cases sometimes but when you meet the one you're meant to be with who will treat you like gold, you'll know. Expect this to happen and it will love. Our thoughts and words are powerful, more than you'd know. MAR is correct to say that we bring it upon ourselves, we have no one to blame but ourselves for our actions.

    Time will never heal actions unless you comunicate what those issues are.

    Find peace dear. If he doesn't want to get back together then why beat a dead horse? You will find that one who will treat you like a Goddess love.

    Keep expecting it and it will come. It may be hard to think that because we've all been taken for a ride so it's hard to expect it at first. What I learned is to write all the qualities you could possibly want in a guy and relationship. Mentally, spiritually, emotionally & physically. A relationship should be something you give and contribute to not take from. I'll leave you with this; Be the person you'd want to be with.

    Be Well,


  16. Dearest 2nice,

    My advice is that someone needs to initiate the action, communication with clarity is key! There is no use playing phone and e-mail tag. Never make assumptions why they don't call back, they may have the communication issues and the easiest way out is usually the silent treatment. I myself am brutally honest when it comes to relationships. That is one one the qualities I seek as well as the communication with clarity. I'll end with this I feel that this person doesn't seem to be worth contemplating over, just say NEXT! NEXT! Don't linger, keep going onto the bigger and better!


    Be Well,


  17. Oh dear,

    Dearest Justme,

    Honey you are no failure, we all had heart break at one time or another, but if they didn't happen how could we move on to the bigger and better and more deserving of you time. Never settle for anything less than the best. If you linger over a lost love or possible lost love, it was never meant to be and if you continue to linger on about a person then you are not open to let the right person into your life. Never take anything personally because chances are, they never mean to say it.

    Yes I know it hurts but it's the risk we take to find love, some times you win, sometimes you lose but you ALWAYS get back up again and again.

    Be well,


  18. Dearest Joseph,

    Yes I can relate, I myself am in my late 20's and still very much under paid. I went to college for Graphic Design and haven't found a successful job because of it's competitiveness. And was even more pissed off when I found out Kinko's were hiring people without degrees in GD. I am still remaining creative but I want to do it on my terms. I don't want just some Just Over Broke job. But am I grateful to have one in these times. But ya gotta keep pushing on, don't stop because sometimes it takes a 1,000 no's to 20 yes's.

    Do what you love, be multi-talented and always be open minded to infinite possiblities. Remember any limits you have are only self imposed.

    Believe in yourself. You are worthy of being wealthy we all are well deserving of prosperity, but wealth isn't the only way to be prosperous. Be grateful for what you have now and the Universe is always willing to give, if you are willing to ask.

    Be well,


  19. Dearest Guinea,

    One thing I learned is that never to over analyze situations. And really it's nothing to really worry about. We all tend to have of moments, I know I have. But there's nothing you can do but to learn from your mistakes. Whoever this performer is, really there are a million and one people who have also talked to him and had awkward moments. Honey it's nothing to be stressed about. Live, learn and move on. Mar is right it's no biggie.

    Not everyone is going to be hooked up with favors and freebies, shrug it off. But I do recommend giving random acts of kindness and not take take take so much because it'll return to you three fold and magick will happen.

    Be well,


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