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Posts posted by Go_samurai_monkey

  1. Friendships are really important things and are always valued. It seemes to me he was the one that ruined such a good friendship and a really close bond because he likes to play with peoples emotions. Playing with anyones emotions for any reason is wrong and while he may still miss you it's not right foryou to try and make it work. Perhaps He misses the way your friendship was but if he makes no attempt at trying to make it work then I see no reason for you. I know how much it hurts to miss a dear friend and it hurts me when i think of the friendships I have lost throughout the years. There are never two friends who are exactly the same but the best thing you can do is to try and think of all the good fond memories you had with each other. Just remember though that good friends won't let you down and make you feel bad in your time of need and even though you may like or care about that person (in non romantic terms) doesn't always make them a good friend.

  2. First of all you don't desereve to be caught up in this. You don't need to be his rebound. If he says he cares about you and then just goes off quickly with this other girl once your relationship is closed is wrong in my opinion. I don't know honestly about her and him being soulmates that's only for them to decide but, if he really thinks that then why does he need to keep you around? I say it's time to move on and don't let your love blind you and find a guy who can stick by your side.

  3. Everything that has been said is very true your a wonderful person and don't let the fact he abuse you get in the way of what you want to do. I say go tomorrow to that highschool and if you really feel scared maybe take along a close friend with you that's always a good boost to have. Wow I have to say you have a lot of strength to even put up with two jobs. I get tired of just having to deal with one part time job. It would be inhuman of you not to feel tired and worn out just don't give up. As for this guy you like well spend forever obessing about a guy who doesn't like you. You miss the guys who really do care about you for who you are and they usually just right under your nose all along wherever you least expect it. So don't hurt yourself just go ahead and try to cheer yourself up. I say do something extra special for yourself or do something slightly out of your normal routine to make life special because you certainly desereve to feel special. =)

  4. Poor Guy you worry way too much. Stressing over the delivery of this letter is not healthy. It apears you are really frantic to try and make this relationship work and i'm not sure if you are the type to break up and get right back together constantly or not or if you'd just had one other incidient but I would just hold off on this letter. I think she apparently wants some time away from you and time to enjoy her holiday and you should try and enjoy yourself too. If you really want to write that letter and you insit on it wait until she comes back. I think though if she doesn't want you to talk to her or message her on the phone I don't think she would want a letter. I'm not exactly sure of the reasons of this cancelled trip but, i'm sure there is a reason you can't surely work it out when she finally is ready to talk to you. Then maybe you can work things out for the better.

  5. Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean it to be taken that way and offensively. It did come off that way and I want to apologise. I'm not saying that that's true and that everyone online is your soulmate. Not everyone does lie and that's not exactly what i meant from what it sounds like she could be at least in my opinion it may not be true. I should have been more sympathic because finding someone online can be an amazing thing and it's really neat to meet people online. Especially when you met them in person it's nice.

  6. Alright sounds like your seriously in love with this guy. If you didnt love him so much something like this would never bother you so much and apparently he is hurt to otherwise he may have not been so rude to you. I think he just wanted some time to wait and cool off before talking to you because aparently the both of you are still very angry at each other. I'd try to talk to him when he does call if your calmed down and ready to be more rational and to get to the bottom of what's bothering the both of you besides the petty hang up calls and things. As for your parents are they prejudice about the fact he is white and have ideals of you marrying somone of your own herritage and close to your age. Well aparently love has no boundries but it's tough when your family sets ideals. My boyfriend is asian and his parents and family have always expected him to go out and date pretty young innocent chinese girls and when he finally gave thata up and started dating me his mother was not pleased at all at first and still isn't so far. She is however slowly coming to grips with the idea and i'm sure it'll probably be the same. When parents realise that their ideals are not always their childrens wishes they eventually snap out of it the sooner you tell them the better they get used to this idea. They may think your crazy and it will never work out but that's just all the more for you to struggle and make it work.


    Best of Luck


    The Samurai Monkey

  7. Well it's normal to sometimes just some sex. That's why the term one night stands were created. Never hearing of women using men for sex? I hear it all the time and I don't condon it at all but it does happen. As far as using a guy for sex I haven't done that one as of yet and hopefully don't plan to. I really don't recomending you to just go and have sex withs ome guy you met over the net and even though the net is a wonderful tool to met people i'd be cautious. First of all you don't know where this guy has been and stuff. I'd at least get to know him a bit in person before considering to do anything and be up front about it. If you just want sex just tell him that if he agrees to it then your not using him at least not in a way that will ultimately hurt his feelings. If he's not intrested in just having sex I wouldn't persue it and find somone else. The longer this goes on the worst it can be for his feelings if he is really serious.

  8. Being a computer nerd like myself when i was younger (not that i'm old now) I got into an internet relationship. Let me tell you first hand that internet relationships very rarely work. There are multiple reasons why she could be blocking you and ignoring you. Most likely she's probably been lying to you and doesn't want to be caught up in a mess. People online become rather different from the person they are offline and people who may be modest become more likely to cheat and lie online and to not take online relationships seriously. Why this happens I don't know. The other thing that lures internet relationships to be so incredible is that it's easier to talk to somone. You never have to met them in person, you can open up and talk to them when you might not have in person. This opening up can make some stranger seem like the perfect soul mate and this a wonderful thing but unfortunately it seems this girl is not intrested in persuing a serious relationship. Internet relationships can work and it's not to say they dont. I've been to two weddings in which the couples have met on AOL chat rooms. However you best luck is to forget it and probably persue a relationship in person. I know it's hard and takes a lot of effort but, it's worth every minute of it.


    Lots of Luck

    The samurai Monkey

  9. Alrighty Being a girl and going through this situation i know how it feels. Some women are too shy to say if something is bothering them they bottle up this feeling and one day finally call it quits. It may be about the other person it may be a personal problem etc but it happens. I don't think she's seriously trying to give you false hope. I think she feels really sad and guilty for leaving you. However, not enough apparently to want to get back together. If it really hurts you to talk to her just give yourself some space. Right now she needs to work out whatever it is that is bothering her and at this point and there is no way your probably going to get back together anytime soon. If you really don't mind talking to her which is extremely difficult go ahead and be her friend. Just a friend and nothing more and i'm serious about that. My best bet would be if you can talk to her talk to her but keep your distance and do other things for a while. Maybe now is a good time to catch up on all the things you've been missing out and hang out some more with your other friends.


    Best Wishes,

    The Samurai Monkey >^_^

  10. Seem likes the both of you really screwed up a lot in the past. Apparently you still have feelings for her even though she was with another guy which happens. I know this is harsh but, it should be better that you get over her and quickly. It seems like everytime your together you end up having sex and not that it's always a bad thing but her getting pregrant when she's not ready is a real serious issue. Abortion is not something that should be taken so lightly. Next of all even though you say you feel guilty you don't care enough to stop yourself. It's not to say your not guilty but, you can't stop yourself. Seriously you need to maybe talk about what you did to her and see how she really feels about all of this. If she doesn't want to talk stay away from her. After talking it through you should take some time out and don't start dating somone get to know yourself for a while. If this doesn't bother you as much as you think it should something is probably wrong. Maybe you care about her but when you love somone you learn to care about what's best for them and what effects that person. I hope this all works out sorry this sounded rather negative. Best Wishes

    The Samurai Monkey ^_^

  11. I can see why your jealous about her going out and you obviously still have feelings for her. There is not much you can do but, wait it out. Maybe you will have an oportunity to tell her later. I'll tell you this much relationships between 15 and 18 year olds never last that long. Usually a few years at most because she will mature over time and he will want to settle down seriously eventually and probably want a girl closer to his age if he becomes more mature. Not always the case but a lot of times it is. Just be a supportive friend and grin it out. Everyone needs a good friend.

  12. I know exactly what you are going through. My ex boyfriend is Bi polar and had al ot of emotional baggage. Were still close friends but it gets hetic and it's hard in these relationships. It's really hard to put up with it patience is the best thing to do i guess. Unfortunately with mine I finally had to break up with him because it was just too much and he couldn't hardly be around anyone else. He finally got some help. A lot of medications that people normally take for depression also work for people with Bi polar disorder. I would recomend she should see a psychiatrist about her options. While Medication does help a bit in extreme cases still see about talking and maybe taking her to a psychatrist or just trying to work it out. Being on medication takes a while for a lot of them to work properly. Get the dosage right etc can be real rough and doesn't always work for everyone. Just be patient and give her all your love and support.

  13. Orange County LOL. I live in Los Angeles County and umm I wouldn't want to live in Orange County (no offense OC isn't that bad I just happy where I am). No offense but anything on t.v. is usually blown way way out of proportion. You want to party I suggest just going to a party college. Some of Orange County is very ritzy sure.. but some of it's not very glamerous either. In fact a lot of it isn't. In fact I poke fun at my friend for living in the dumpy area of OC. Nothing wrong in living there but don't go to a good college to make money and party like they do on t.v. Life doesn't always work that way. As far as good schools Berkely UCLA are diffentely good so are USC, Caltech, UCSD and if you already are rich enough or smart enough go to stanford.

  14. Blah I know exactly how you felt. I went through that exact same stage and in fact i'm still extremely shy to this day and I don't have a lot of friends. First of all don't kill yourself having a g/f just because everyone else does and to make you feel better are all the wrong reasons. Some people just take more time than others. Get involved in other things anything to preoccupy your mind. Eventually hopefully you work on making some friends maybe some female friends and just take your time. Also if you cosntantly have negative opinions of yourself people are going to notice that. It's not that they don't like you or think your ugly it's just that you are doubting yourself and your too busy assuming. So maybe a few girls didn't say yes and maybe your too afraid of rejection. That's perfectly normal in life. Trying to find a girlfriend to fulfill happiness will not make you happy. Love just sort of comes I guess and it's when you care about somone else. BTW your not ugly your quite cute.

  15. umm That's not a good idea. Trying to shake hands just to look like a nice guy is silly. Just stay away from the both of them. If your trying hard not to get in a fight just hold it off until later. My suggestion is take your fusterations elsewhere and don't go to that football game. Your odds of getting expelled will lessen even if you are planning not to fight your emotions may get the better of you.

  16. three years is along time and not to mention that she's messing around with your feelings must hurt. It really sucks I remember my ex boyfriend nd I when we broke up I was devistated and I thought we would be together forever blah blah. Reality is especially when your young the odds are you aren't going to meet that special someone right away. If she can't let you be her friend well you can't do anything about it just try and stay clear s much as possible. You may not have control over her but, you have control over you at least once you let this phase pass. Now is maybe the time to try and do some things you may have missed out on doing when you were with her. Maybe hang out with some of the guys for a while. Get a new video game and smash baddies to pulp always helped me. =D


    Lots of luck hope you feel better.

  17. Being friends is not a bad idea if he likes it but, don't just use it as an excuse to hang onto him in hopes he will break up with her and come back.My guess is he won't stay with a 19 year old girl permantly and probably won't be in a serious relationship with her. Instead, take a little time out for yourself and just enjoy his friendship as a friend only. Also, try hanging out more with some of your girlfriends and consider to start going out with some other guys. If you still really miss your ex boyfriend after seriously giving it a try for quite some time then go ahead and wait for him. Just don't deprive yourself of all the other great guys out there in the world.

  18. Ouch that's a rough one. This women looks like she has a real bad history with her ex husband and probably may have had trouble with her parents growing up etc. That makes obviously for a real difficult relationship, she's obviously afraid to talk things out and deal with commitment. My best bet is to get her to see a counslor and just do what you have been doing and don't press it too much. Everything is not your fault you didn't know what she wanted and your not a mind reader. Sure it would have been good to help with the bills but, she didn't ask for it. Apparently something is bothering her that most likely has nothing to do with you personally but relationships in general. Unfortunately you can't force her to let you back into your life and she may never want that back but at the very least try to get some help for her. Maybe if she resolves these issues you and her can lead a more normal and healthy relationship.

  19. Alrighty, This girl seems like she may have some issues. The easiest answer I know of is to try to talk to her. Maybe she's not ready for a relationship and just wants to be friends. If she can't give you a reasonable answer etc. I wouldn't try to push a relationship with her. There are plenty of other girls out there.

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