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Everything posted by bitebenot

  1. All you can do is wait and see.Its only been 2 weeks and she is waiting to see how long you will last ! She is testing you.
  2. Give her time to miss you and think about the problem at hand. The time apart will help her to forget your bad side and think of the good times she had with you.NC doesnt mean you're not trying to get her back,its a huge effort to win her back and take care of yourself. Now you realise what you did wrong,work on them while you have time to do so.She has to feel and see the change,words wont do it.She still loves you,thats good news.When she starts to feel better she will call you. She wont be so upset anymore,communication will be a lot better. Its imperative that you leave her be and wait for her to reply. Dont worry,she wont forget you.READ the NC rule and follow it,its very important.
  3. Now its done dont worry about it.The fact that he wont answer now doesnt mean hes having a good time ! Maybe he knows about NC !!!!! Plus,If hes in NC,its because he wants you to regret your decision ! It will become a cat and mouse game.Attach your seat belt,you are going for a ride lol.You did nothing wrong,hes immature.Stick to your decision,its a good one. If he does get in touch with you it will mean that he still cares. But if he doesnt...you must be prepared mentally for this,expect the worse so that you wont depress over it.You must set your mind now and say to yourself he will never want a new relationship with you. Yes i know,its hard like hell,for the next month thats all you will think about. No one should have that much power over another one. Thats not what love is all about,some peole are just heartless.
  4. DEECBEE Do you feel better after bashing your ex by email ? will it help you somehow ? im curious
  5. Ya,i read you.I know she was hurt.She paid me back for my negligence. I know she misses me and still loves me,but it wont change her mind.. she will try hard to make her new relationship work.At the same time, it will help her to get over me.For her to get over me, she decided to get under another one,lol ! Me has a man,i cant go to another women after a break-up,i cant comprehend how people can do this ! Oh its true,im stupid,lol.
  6. Good ! You need it ! It will help.you'll see.You will learn a lot about this and it will serve you for a lifetime.But many are in this situation,you're not alone.
  7. You initiated the break-up,not him ! If hes in NC its because maybe hes pissed or hes giving up on the relationship.Men are strong on going back to their ex,i know i did this at least 4 times in my life so far.I was dumped only once,im on the other side of the fence for once.Im sure he will try to contact you again,but it might take so time. He was bashed today,that wont help none.But its his fault so...You took the right decision,it takes guts sometime to react to a situation we dont enjoy.Now be ready for the ride,its going to be hard but you can do it im sure.
  8. You got it and completely ! I consider myself an intelligent man,but this time i really f*** up ! I miss her still very much,still hurts.Its too late now,nothing to do about it but to accept the way it went.Strange how things go sometimes,going back in time i would give her the moon,she was a great women really.Stupid stupid stupid me ! ](*,)
  9. I was stupid i know...im kicking my own a$$ now ! I cant hardly believe i acted that way.I guess i was confortable the way i was and i neglected her. I dont blame her really,its all my fault.Its just the way she did the break-up. Dont have to become an evil women.And why replace me 3 days before ? Why letting me know about it ? Just a dirty way to do it thats all.
  10. So,your ex was a rat after all huh ? Are you sure hes not having sex with another women ? If he did or does,would he tell you really ? Im afraid that as time passes by you will find more about him,events that will not please you very much.Just be ready in case it does.
  11. That women was crazy about me,clingy and very jealous.Was always scared to lose me.I broke up with her in april,took her back after 3 weeks. Stupid me,but i did love her thats why i wanted her back. She even got a great job because of me,her income now is $50 thousand a year and shorter weeks.I was very generous..that didnt play in my favor. Im just another man to her,nothing more.Sad isnt it ? ](*,) I doubt she ever try to call me,she can be very stubborn.
  12. We talked about commitment 3 years ago,told her it wasnt for me but i was willing to think about it, but no garantees ! After 5 years she got tired of the situation.She met another guy 3 days before she dumped me.I was willing to talk about it because i did love her.But it was to late..she turned evil,a real brick wall. To her i became toxic.Spoke to her twice at the beginning for no longer then 5 minutes. Nothing ever since.3 months and two weeks now. Begging on the phone and in writing,didnt do any good.NC ever since.I will never call her,i dont want her back. After being so cruel to me and another man to replace me..i cant accept that.Its over,shes gone for good ! I didnt know about NC and reverse psychology ! I will never forget the 3rd of october 2009 ! After that period i feel much better. Im moving on,more women out there for me.I go to the gym 7 days a week,its great and it helps me a lot.So im here for support and helping others in the same situation or similar to mine.Its life and it does make us better for the future.
  13. If it will help you,blast him away as much as you can,you will get satisfaction. But back to NC full time and no more communications with him.Enjoy it if you decide to go along with it.
  14. You need help and seriously ! See a psychologist.Your are obsessed and it will end in a depression ! Hes not worth it but you are blind. You enjoy being in pain,where is your pride ? Stay away from the jack a$$.
  15. DONT ! Make him crawl ! Nothing less,make him earn you back the hard way ! If you accept on his terms,your doomed ! Dont answer his emails. Reconciliation or nothing ! But hey,its your choice !
  16. You are welcome dear,you're wisdom over this crappy situation will take over and you will be proud of your achievement.The sun will rise and shine for you again and again,it truly will,you'll see ! Just hang on tight,never surrender to your feelings and think logically.
  17. In my opinion,friendship now is a no go ! You must disappear completely ! He cant find anything on you,doesnt know where you are or what you're doing ! Do as i said in my previous post.He has to know he lost you and you really mean it this time ! Dont forget this,you wont get many chances to bring him back...you goof on that one and its " Adieu mon amour " lol. Do it well and the benefits are going to be very positive mostly for you and your mental healt ! I always repeat this one,YOU are more important than the one who doesnt f*** care for you ! ok ? Maybe he lost his love for you,but you cant force a horse to drink ! Work to bring him back ,but never be negligent towards yourself and learn to love you first ! You're to important to let yourself be dragged into mud.Self respect is the beginning for healing.
  18. DAVID *** Well,maybe she feels guilty about asking for a divorce,so she will try to lay the blame on you ! She must have one reason for the divorce..maybe another man in her life ? Its a possibility ! Or shes out of love for you ? You are very emotional at this time,you will ask yourself one thousand questions and still get no answers ! Only she can give you the right reason for the divorce ! Do what i said on the previous post then ask her why, push her hard for the real reason for the divorce ! Now take it easy,calm down..dont let her bring you down to a depression.You must say to yourself you are more important than her ! Dont become her puppet or yoyo. You must start to take control over your life even if shes no longer with you. From now on,its about YOU,taking care of yourself the best way possible ! Dont become sick over this.Seems that she doesnt care,why should you ? Stop thinking about her qualities,think of the bad ones ! Anyone can be replaced,no exceptions ! Your pain will ease with time,be patient.
  19. She keeps saying your are guilty of all sins ! Do what i said than ignore her ! The more you communicate with her the worse it gets ! Time to stop all communications and link removed it and wait to see how she will respond.
  20. Makes me laugh when some women/men say they will come back to their ex. They say they are still in love and misses the ex while they have sex with their new bf/gf ! How sick is that ? Me who is not crazy about left overs,can you imagine ? Makes my stomach turn over ! At least my ex doesnt communicate with me,lucky her ! I would boot her *** to the moon ! Love is blind,no doubt.I wouldnt use worn jeans from another man,samething goes for my ex gf.The fact she was with another one is enough for me to be sure its totaly over ! If someone does take the ex back,it will never be the same anymore and it would be another break-up on a short term,i truly believe that. Lots of work to get them back for nothing really.Thats my opinion anyway.
  21. David,this is my opinion,take it or leave it..its up to you. you say she doesnt seem to want that divorce.The way it is if i were you, i would go along with the divorce.By doing so it will confuse her quite a bit.By fighting it you just push her away even more.Its reverse psychology,do the reverse of what most men would do.I seriously think you got nothing to lose here anymore.If she goes along with the divorce ,their was nothing more you could have done to save your marriage. Just tell her,ok..thats what you want,i accept ! And i think its the best for us to be apart forever ! Wish her good luck and give her all your love.I dont see what else you could do. At least no children implicated,thats good.
  22. I wonder if he doesnt have another gf already ! Why would he lose interest in you ? Do you seriously think he still loves you ? He didnt follow you ! Hes distant... ! Huge indicators if you ask me ! NC has to be respected if you hope to have a chance to get him back. Its imperative, otherwise it wont have any effect on him.Even when its well done their is no garantees, but you will be healing.You surely know that he will have to crawl back and hard core if you want him to stick around for good. And dont think it will be done in one month,this is hard work on a long term. I hope you are ready,it will take lots of energy.But if you are ready to heal and fast,just tell him you are not interested to have a relationship with him anymore( a 5 minutes conversation max and hang up).Then watch and see how he reacts.He might beg you right away or a few weeks down the road.If he does,you're in control and then you decide what you want,not him.Far as i know,you have nothing more to lose.If he doesnt respond,you lost him, but at least you will know.Its like a game of poker,winner wins all !Of course no FB or any other messengers.He has to call you only by phone.Listen to the messages,if its not about reconciliation,you keep ignoring him.Remove him completely from your pc.I sincerly think its the best way to go.If he misses you enough, nothing will stop him from calling you.
  23. Its strange to see some people who have that faculty to move on quickly after a break-up ! I seen it a few times.Some people cant move on while others do it in a very short span ! I guess some people have a very strong will.Maybe its all related to genetics and neurons,who knows !
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