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Posts posted by Seraph

  1. Woah. People all go through pubery at different times, man. I'm 17 and the hair part didn't really hit me until 16 and now I have more hair than I know what to do with... lol. Sit back and let nature take over. Don't worry so much about it.

  2. Ah man. First off. You guys have trust between you. That's major. Lots of relationships will die because of lack of trust. I mean, I'd just tell her straight out how you feel, and make sure that it doesn't come between the trust and friendship you two share. There are mixed signs here, but the only way to know for sure is to cut to the chase and tell her.

    I'm not sure if I'm answering your call for help here. But talk to me on AIM, my sn is a12341b.


    Best of luck, Cheers!

  3. Well. Instead of asking him. Maybe just tell him how you feel. Or if you're not that type of person, maybe just drop some major signs that you like him. I mean, even if you don't want to be so explicit, what do you have to lose?

    Your friendship will survive if you want it to survive. But if you don't act, you might loose him.


    Carpe Diem, Cheers!

  4. Hey smiles,

    I'd say the most important thing here is to make sure you don't get hurt again. So put up some safeguards. You trust his intentions, but you don't know how the future will be based on a bad past. I understand your confusion.

    It's hard to say what's best for you. Some might say to stay away b/c he broke your heart once, what's keeping him from one day "realizing" that the feelings did actually die and hurt you again. Others might say follow your heart, and do what makes you happy.

    I'm somewhere in between. If I was in your situation, I would want to be with him. I would thereforeeeee spend some time with him, get to know the new, improved person that he is. However! At the same time, I would keep my expectations low, and continue to just think of him as a friend. I'd take things very slowly. Like you said, he needs to do more than just talk. He needs to prove he'll stay. Since you haven't been together in a while, try it. As long as you don't get attached, it can't hurt.

    So, summing that up. Spend some time with him. Don't get attached. Take it a day at a time; be cautious.

    Your feelings of missing him/deserving better are totally normal and I understand them all. But I guess time will tell.


    Best of luck!

  5. As usual, Smokey has the marbles.

    The ex-bf is obviously still possessive and has feelings for your gf. Hence, he sees you as a threat and acts on it with senseless aggression. Now, he doesn't seem like a resonable person from the description, and you've exhausted all avenues of communication with him. So the only person left to talk to is your gf. Talk to her. Tell her that this has been going on, and that you don't want her to feel uncomfortable and have to choose between bf and friend. Make sure she knows that you're telling her that out of respect and care for her feelings in the long run.


    That's what I think at least. Best of luck!

  6. I don't quite understand the sister thing. I think there's a typo in there somewhere. But anyways. You guys have been together for 2 years, thats pretty special. But also keep in mind that he's known some of his friends for (probably) a long time as well. It's sort of a decision between girlfriend and friends. Tough spot to be in.

    I can't say whether or not you should have gotten mad at him. But ask yourself what you would have done if you had to move. Would you see your best friends for the last time, or your boyfriend, whom you'll still be in a relationship with.

    I understand where your emotions are coming from though and you aren't just acting crazy. Just ask yourself that, and that might help.


    Best wishes.

  7. Since you already talk to her online, you have a leg up advantage already. She knows you. You know her. So it'll be alot easier talking to her than if you didn't even know her. Keep that in mind. Just remember that you have tons of stuff going for you. Have confidence in yourself. A really easy way to talk to her in school is to start a conversation online, and get to something that she really wants to know about (a secret, etc), and then say "I got to go, but I'll tell you tomorrow in school!" There. Now she wants to see you in school, and you have something to start a conversation with.

    Otherwise, just be yourself and say "What's up?" I understand the nervousness, but experience tells me the more you talk to her, the less nervous you will be. So start now, and soon you two will get closer in real life as well as on the internet!


    Best wishes!

  8. Unfortunate circumstances, truly. But at least he understands what happened. You understand why he's not ready for a relationship. You were hurt, he was hurt. He's probably not quite ready to lose his heart again.

    You should feel how you feel. There isn't really a textbook "You should now feel happy!"-type answer. Feelings just exist. Do..well that's a different story. Are your parent's still prohibiting the relationship?

    If yes. Then take it day by day. Try to think of him just as a friend, because you don't want to get hurt either. It still hurts, I totally agree. But you've told him how you really feel. That's impressive in and of itself. He's looking out for his own feelings. You should do the same.


    Communication is key. And it looks like you have that area down pat.

    Best of luck!

  9. I actually went through a pretty similar scenario. Except for the fact that it was she who had found a new guy. I'm the guy left alone.

    I still think about her alot. alot would actually be an understatement, unfortunately. But I'm moving on, don't worry. If there's one thing that's hard to accept, it's the fact that good things end. I wanted what was best for her. Hence, I told her how I felt about it. No guilt trips. No wild emotions. She had enough going on and I would only add to it if I reacted poorly.

    So, I guess try to move on. Actually. I would first sit down and talk with her. See what the therapist had to say... and ask her what would be best for her and you. If she doesn't need someone by her side, by all means, move on. You've been totally amazing so far.


    But on the other hand eclipse has a point too. But this is what I would do.

    Best of luck.

  10. As bz said, regret is something that should be avoided. Try it. I had feelings for someone two years younger. I told her how I felt. Outcome was great! And even now that's she's onto someone else, I feel a bit sad, but I can't say "Jeez, if only I told her how I felt!!!! AHHH!!"

    Just talk to her. One day when you're walking say "Ahh!, sorry, there's just one thing I have to get off of my chest...." See what happens, and let it be.

    The right one will come, sooner or later, so don't sweat it right now. Just let it be and make sure you feel alright.


    Best of luck!

  11. You've been with this fellow for a while now. It shouldn't be strange for you to feel alot of attachment to him. If would be strange if you didn't care at all...so you're normal don't worry about it.

    I don't have a omnipresent view of your situation, or your boyfriend, but I don't think he's helping you much. I realize that you feel he is very sweet, funny... all the qualities that first attracted you to him. But, his tab is piling up. He should start to realize what kind of hassle he's putting you through day after day. Blaming you for his drinking?! Are you kidding me?!

    I definitely think it's the right decision to break it off. Once again, it should feel tough. You should feel attached. But remember, it's all for the better. Just wait till a few days after it's done. You'll know. And if you're still afraid of going back to him, just remember all those fights all those strange and frusterating times that you had to go through. You deserve someone a bit more caring and considerate.


    However, I'm in no position to say anything about anyone. That's just what I think with regard to what information you gave me. I hope it makes you feel better.


    Best of luck, sashagirl!

  12. Kayla,

    First off, thank you very much for pouring that all out. It shows that you respect yourself enough to write out your thoughts and seek out some advice. That's something that I really respect. Thank you!

    I can sort of relate to your problem. I'll do my best... I'm going to be a senior in high school this year. I was never in the "popular" group myself. I've been bundled into a more "nerd / smart" group. I have no idea. Anyways, I hear your troubles. I understand the type of business you endured in middle school. However, just recently when I got rejected/dumped by a girl that I really cared about... I decided to try to refine myself instead of doing anything else. I had many negative thoughts about myself ("Blah, I'm not muscular enough" "I can't project my voice" etc.). But when I started to redefine myself and try some new styles, I actually gained more confidence in who I am. I went out and bought some new clothes; got my hair cut the way I wanted it; experimented with some other things. And while I don't know how others will react, I know how I feel about it. I feel great about myself.

    Try something new. Abandon the old you and find the confident Kayla inside of you.


    -What should you do with your life- Woah. I'm a senior and I only have a rough outline of what I want to do with my life. Take it a day at a time right now. You're young! Slowly start to think about the big picture, slowly.


    -How to make more friends- I think the best way to make friends is to be nice. Smile, laugh and help people in need of help. Personally, this was the way I got to know lots of people. Might work!


    -Boyfriend- I didn't even think about getting involved with a girl until the end of junior year. So don't even sweat it. The worst thing you can do is discouraging yourself by thinking "Oh, that boy wouldn't like me.. I'm too ." Believe in yourself, and if no boyfriends come around right now, that's fine. It's better to wait and have one that cares about you than to have one now that's only going to judge and treat you poorly.


    -Harassing- What type of harassment? If you mean AIM, you can simply say "You know, what you're saying is really starting to bother me. please stop." Some would say ignore the harassment. But I know how difficult that can be. Peer pressure is disgusting. However if it gets out of hand, and you really feel emotionally/physically hurt (or on the brink of it), talk to a teacher, or a parent. Personally, I'd have to know the specific situation to say how I would react to it. Sometimes I shrug something off, sometimes I full out confront someone. For me, it depends.


    Thanks for reading. I hope this helps a bit. Feel free to msg me online. I'll be around! Good luck, Kayla!


    --I wrote this before yahko posted. Wow @ her post. That's the type of confidence I'm talkin' about. Maybe with a slightly calmer tone... lol. But I agree --

  13. I wouldn't let such a seemingly minor thing ruin your vacation. I mean, you'll see him in a week. If you can't catch each other online, maybe use e-mail next time?

    I totally understand where you're coming from. I've felt the need to feel just that extra bit of security. The kind of security that the simple phrase "I'll be thinking about you," can bring. Don't worry about it, though. In a week, come back and work out some sort of communication plan. Might help?


    Have fun!

  14. Oh my goodness. That's absolutely beautiful, faeriechyld.

    Both the significance of the lines and the fact that it is written very well, rhyming and in good rhythm. People close to me have found lumps before. I've had the same thoughts go through my mind.


    Thank you very much for sharing that.

    May your Mom rest in peace.

  15. I liked the quote: "You have not failed if your still trying" the best. Probably because I didn't understand any of the others.. hah. Especially the "strick" one.

    But this quote holds some true meaning. True, it might be a bit trite, but it's true. It's true. It's true.


    Thanks for sharing 'em!

  16. Yay! That's some cool news, Jake. I think there's a 99% chance of her calling. How I derived that number is beyond me. But I think the "definitely" is a small sign of interest. Maybe I'm reading too far into it. But when I got a number and I wasn't interested, the only thing that I could say in return was "thanks, it's cool.." I'm a guy, by the way, heh.


    Smokey is right, I mean, I would just take things as they come...see where fate takes you. Relationships form over time, they aren't

    "I'm looking for a long-lasting relationship."

    "Cool, want one with me?"



    lol.. I mean.. just chill, things will work out. and if they don't.. other things will work out..


    eh? 8)

  17. Wow that's a strange roller coaster ride. I can't speculate as to why she would do such things. However, I know how you can find out. Talk to her. I would just call her up and ask if she wanted to hang out as friends for a day and talk to her. If she doesn't...the phone works also. Just ask her what was up. Why was she acting so erratically? I wouldn't act desperate or anything, just confused.


    Anyone else?


    Good luck, spencer. Cheers!

  18. You're absolutely right. You were honest with him, you told him what happened straight up. And how does he react? He goes out and does that right in front of you? Sounds like something out of a soap opera.

    I don't know why he did it. He might have wanted "revenge," or maybe he was just being dumb.

    Breaking up over MSN is just downright rude. It's way too impersonal.

    I would go ahead and call him. You deserve to get things straight. Ask him why he did the things he did. Tell him how those things made you feel. Then after you hang up, move on.


    8) Here's to the future, Cheers!

  19. Hey cool! I'm 17, and I just finished my round of summer school.

    But anyways.. heh.

    I think you should go ahead. Just keep the mindset of "why not? I have nothing to lose." Tell her how you feel, but keep it cool, don't smother her with sonnets I mean, if she accepts --> Awesome! If she has other ideas --> That's okay. And there won't be any awkwardness because you won't see her everyday.


    As for what you should say... I would do something like "You know, I know I've only just met you but the past month has been great for me. You want to with me ?" I don't know how well that'll fly though. Can anyone else help?


    If you don't let it affect your friendship with her, it won't affect the friendship.


    Best of luck, cheers!

  20. very, very interesting and unique.

    I think everyone is different in how they show his/her interest. But, from what I can tell, I think this is a sign of trust, something that exists between close friends. I'm basing this soley on the fact that she asked you something that didn't necessarily flatter herself.


    I can't be sure though. Anyone else?

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