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  1. I am a little confused. Do you want to leave your baby and your husband? Just leave everything and start over? I also want to say that you may not sorry if you were to give your child up for adoption. I was adopted and I think it was the smartest thing my biological mother did. She gave me to a family that could provide for me, loved me and wanted me. It sounds like you need to talk to some one like a counselor. Many of your feelings sound like a type of depression that could be managed. You have several options but first start talking to your husband and work together. You need time away from teh house. Find a hobby, volunteer, join an organization. You need a social outlet so that your every waking minute is not focused on just your family but you have time as well.
  2. Three weeks ago today my boyfriend of 6 years (we are high school sweet hearts) told me that he had been feeling a lot of anxiety about our upcoming wedding. We had set it for May right after we both graduated from college. His concerns were not just getting married but graduating, getting a job, living in the real world and all of the of the growing up stuff. I gave him some time and it was a tearful week but I thought he just wanted to move back the date so we would be more stable before we got married. I reluctantly agreed to move back the date but after the weekend he came to my apartment and very tearfully said that he thought we should separate for some time. He hoped to marry me someday but he is afraid of all of the what ifs. He only wants to do this once so it has to be right. I asked him when I would hear from him again and he thought by the summers end. 10 days went by and I did not hear from him but I finally called him when my car was vandelized the night before. My roof was cut and my radio, CDs and cell phone were taken. He heard about it from a friend but still did not call so I called him. ( the radio and many of the CDs were from him) We saw each other that day. He did not have any answers but we had a nice time and just talked about stuff for about half an hour. He has not called me since Thursday. I know that there is not another person but I am taken back by all of his questions and fears. He is calling this a seperation not a breakup but is the end of summer suppose to be either getting back together or an official breakup. How do I wait this out? I have gone out a few times and my friends have been great but it is not the same and I feel like I am in limbo. I really cannot do anything. Why is he doing this and how is a seperation different form a break up?
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