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Everything posted by journeynow

  1. 1) Birdsong 2) No biting bugs (mosquitoes, black flies, deer flies, horseflies) 3) Dogs 4) My teeth 5) My dentist
  2. 1) Another day 2) Water 3) Quiet 4) Soap 5) My feet 6) Fertile soil
  3. Mmm, pumpkin soup! Sounds good. Do you put spices in it? I've never heard of sticky date pudding, but I do like dates. And ice cream. How was your soup dinner?
  4. 1) For making it under the wire with time to spare. Bravo! Felt gratitude at the outset for arriving on time, even though I was running much later than planned, and the whole thing went better than expected. Sweet. 2) My favorite parking spot was waiting for me! Perfect! 3) Running into my old friend in the process was icing on the cake! Thank you. Made my day! 4) My sons! 'Love 'em! 5) The helpful guy at the pet store. 6) My ex for doing his best to hand the split as kindly as possible. 7) New friends made along the way. 8 ) A nice long chat with my brother. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  5. 5) Swimming! 6) the Lake—beautiful and refreshing and peaceful 7) A great walk and talk and laughter and swim with a friend and her dog
  6. Yes, I think it does. More moments of pausing and soaking in some joy.
  7. 1) Luna moths 2) Peepers and bullfrogs 3) Canoeing 4) Gardening
  8. 1) eNA, of course 2) My friend who is cheerful, upbeat, kind, and encouraging 3) Finding just what I need on sale.
  9. 5) Loon calls! It's an extra treat when I can hear them from my house. 6) Owl calls! Another big treat around my home. Sometimes the hoot AND holler. 7) Our local rural post office and postmaster. It's THE town center, a hub of sorts, and our postmaster makes it even better.
  10. 1) Coffee 2) My car, which takes me places and brings me home again 3) Wonderful neighbors 4) A good brisk walk/talk with a good friend
  11. These were my 3 things for 6.11.12: 1) Fireflies 2) Peace, and everyone who practices it 3) Farmers
  12. 1) 74°F, blue sky, light breeze 2) hummingbirds 3) forget-me-knots 4) cherries, mmm! 5) chocolate, and those who make it possible
  13. 1) Being healthy 2) Sunshine! 3) Having choices 4) My eyes and my eyesight
  14. 1) Fresh air 2) Wildlife on my walk today 3) Mindfulness 4) Blueberries!!!!
  15. 1) A phone call from son-1, who is on the other side of the world 2) A phone call from son-2, who is local 3) A phone call and laughing with sister-1. 4) A sketch session with sketchy friends and a tasty light lunch 5) A great parking spot 6) Meeting eyes and sharing smiles with a stranger on the street 7) Plenty of work
  16. 4) My walk today! Started out as a brisk walk with my head full of work tasks and pressures, on top of which I remembered the reading I'm behind on for a mindfulness class. The pressure mounted until I remembered about walking meditation, and so that's what it became. Which lead to a sense of wonder, opening to the sounds, colors, and sensations I was experiencing. Which filled me with gratitude. It's all so amazing and I am so darn lucky!
  17. 1) My job 2) Wonderful clients 3) Inspiring projects
  18. 1) Living in a green green green world 2) Quail momma and her babies strolling though my garden 3) My cats' antics make me laugh
  19. 1) My warm home on this raw rainy night 2) Meeting my friend for coffee, conversation, and laughter 3) Kind words from DM, DC, and KM today. They are so nice!
  20. To list 3 things or more each day that I am grateful for over the next 4 weeks . . .
  21. "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" by Dave Eggers
  22. I like this poem. Thanks wgq, and Tagore. OK, Life
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