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Eh Im Canadian

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Posts posted by Eh Im Canadian

  1. Well, it is rather difficult to tell by body language if someone is a virgin. Asking him is the most direct and least difficult of your options, but it doesn't always seem that way. You can tell if someone just had sex recently through body language, but ever had it in their life? Thats more difficult.


    Since I'm assuming you're a teenager, and sex comes up in discussions every 5 minutes, look at him when talking and see if he is nervous. Or have a friend go to his house with a survey asking him how he feels about sex before marriage. Or you could duct tape to his locker a sign that says "I lost my virginity last night!". The last one's kind of mean, but it makes a perfect time to ask the question if you are there when he first sees it. Good Luck.

  2. Well, if someone loves something, it doesn't mean they also have to have fear. Fear and love aren't opposites, so one doesn't have to balance out the other in order to work. You can love someone without being vulnerable, because, if you love someone then you trust them. If love is caring about someone / thing more than anything else in the world, and knowing they feel the same way, where does fear even enter the picture? Maybe you could be afraid that someone might hurt the one you love, but if you fear nothing, then you know that either you can stop them from being hurt, or that they aren't really in danger.


    It's kind of a weird paradox, because this isn't the kind of thing you can test. Everyone has a fear, so there is no one who isn't afraid of anything. Assume you are a man who cannot fear anything. If something that could potentially make you afraid is going to happen, then you know it won't because you can fear nothing. Now if you cant think of anything that would make you afraid, then you obviously havent thought of everything, and someone else will find something to scare you. It is a mad world, couldn't help but agree more.

  3. I used to have this problem, I'm pretty sure it is relatively common. Every guy thinks that people are normal human beings, except for the one he likes. The girl he likes is of course, Wonder Woman, Goddess of X-ray vision and embarrassment. The only way to overcome this is to realize that she too is human, and if she likes you back, is probably just as nervous as you are. I'd advise you to overcome your fear, seeing as there is nothing to be gained from it. Good luck.

  4. If you trust a person with you're secrets and care about them more than anything, I'm pretty sure that's not a crush. Just because you don't go out with someone doesn't mean you don't love them.

  5. I disagree Amethyst. Infatuation can often be mistaken for love, so how would he know if he was infatuated or not?


    If you look at someone, and you care about them more than anything else, and you know they are feeling the same way, then that is love.


    Now, then that could still be mutual infatuation, so


    If after that, you could decide to trust them with your deepest, innermost secret, and you tell them, then you probably love them.

  6. Well, then, that probably means you have zero chance then. If it was just one of you, then maybe, but both of you wanting to just be friends? Why do you care if you are 16 or not? Is it because you'll have a car? Or you think you might be more mature then?


    Well, what you want to know is how to find out if you are the one she likes the most. Well, you could go on the internet and look up all of that body language stuff.

    Or you could just ask her.

  7. Well, your the one who said "lets be friends". I'm sorry, but what you want to happen usually doesnt work that way. Plus, if you are 14, then that means she is 12. 12 yar-olds are notoriously dorky about relationships. I think all chances of her being your girlfriend are minimal at best. But hey, you can try!

  8. Yeah, smiling is big. She will definitely smile a lot. Often times, a girl will look at you, or find ways to talk to you. There are huge lists of ways to figure it out, but the only real way to find out is to ask her.

  9. As far as I know alcohol has no effect on cancer. It does screw up your brain, however. First off, alcohol is a poison that can kill most living things. It does a bunch of nasty stuff to you that you definitely won't like assuming you drink to get drunk. When drunk, you have limited control over yourself, and you think exceptionally poorly. One or two beers doesn't have much effect on your brain, but they certainly don't help it much.


    Of course, it isn't without it's pluses. It can make sex better, it can make you loosen up. It helps people relax, and makes you look and talk funny.


    You can choose, do you think that the pluses are better than the minuses?

  10. Yep, I used to wear glasses, but a few months ago, I switched to contacts. I get mixed responses from people about them, some thought that glasses make you look like a nerd, and others couldn't get used to seeing me without them. Oh and hey, don't get discouraged if you can't get them in at first. It gets easier and easier over time. When I first when to the doctors to put them in, it took me 3 hours to get both of them in. 4 months later, I can put them in eithout even a mirror.

  11. Well, doing the "Talk through friends" thing is cute for a little bit, but I wouldn't recommend doing it for much longer. If you want to have the relationship, go for it! If he likes you, then if you start the relationship, he will most certainly say yes and go along with it. Theres only one way to see him more, and thats to go and talk to him more. I wish you luck.


    Oh and thanks, I never knew why girls did that thing about ignoring you after you thought they liked you. I could never figure it out.

  12. I know a ton about drugs, our school has narcotic agents posing as students. Drug dogs walk through the hallways between classes. Detectives follow kids home. It isn't a happy situation. I'm not saying that your friend is doing the right thing, I'm just saying hes adjusting better. If you get pissed off at everyone who says something about you, then nobody would talk to anybody. If you don't like the people, you just don't hang out with them. They haven't matured as fast as you have. It sucks, you might lose a few friends. The only alternative is acting less mature. Find new people to hang out with. Just go look for someone that you know, then start talking to them. I don't believe everyone is immature at your school.

  13. Well, I'm sorry to hear that your friend is kind of a "nasty person" for lack of an uncensored word. Thats what happens when you go to high school. People change, hormones affect your decisions more, being a rebel is big. Some people do care about you, just not the people you are noticing. It sounds like your friend is adjusting to the new environment a little better than you are. Plans between middle school students usually don't last over a period of 5 years. Thats a long time to think about stuff.


    I also have a question for you. Why do you despise gay people? Where I live, everyone calls everyone gay, or fagg*t, or any number of things. Taking something to court to save your reputation as someone heterosexual seems extreme. I mean, you could have just asked a girl to kiss you or something.

  14. Well, girls are just weird I guess. I'm just kidding, girls are just different from guys. Even though this isn't true in all cases, good looks with no personality doesn't always work. Well, no looks, and a great personality doesn't work terribly well either, but what you want to get is a good portion of both. Some girls like mature guys, some like funny guys, and some like extremely hot guys. Just like you may not like all of the same girls your friend likes, girls may not like all the guys their friends like. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, is basically what I am try to say with a very confusing explanation.


    Oh, and by the way, I'm pretty sure there is no "average" amount of girls that you can get. For some reason that sentence made me laugh.

  15. Oh c'mon! Francis, that is possibly the most negative advice I have ever heard. If you don't trust anyone, then how can you possibly enjoy life? Most people aren't the "cold calculating evil sons -expletives deleted-" Most people don't even think twice when they do mean stuff like that. In fact, usually, they think they are doing the right thing.


    But the problem isn't with the people you are beng stabbed in the back by, the problem probably lies with you. Most so called "nice guys" think that by being nice they will get any woman that they want. You think that girls are attracted to someone different from who they usually are around. But it turns out, most nice guys, if given the chance to get something without being nice are actually nasty people. That doesn't mean you are, it just means you have to be who you are, not put on some fake "nice guy" attitude, just because you think it will get you laid. If you are fake being "evil", you won't get what you want either. It isn't easy to win in this world, and just because who you think God is didn't answer you're every request doesn't mean he doesn't exist.

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