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Everything posted by Loco

  1. When being relativley good friends with a girl for a period of time. (about 2 months). What would be the best approch to asking her out?
  2. You should talk to her more dude, get to know her a little better, just make interesting conversation. Remember a girl/woman likes a man with confidence. It is clear she likes you and wants to get to know you better. Take advantage of the situation, you may regret it later!
  3. thanx as well notherenwhere, i jus don't wanna seem to eager although i really am keen on her.
  4. Hi all, i have been seing a particular girl for several months now, i regulalry call her and meet her and is clear to see that she likes me, I have yet to kiss her or do anything intimate with her. I feel if i don't ask her out or make a move soon i may lose her. Could some1 please give me some advice as wat to do. Many thanx =)
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