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Posts posted by Genesis

  1. Never Black and White,


    I urge you to do more studying about Christianity. Forgive me If I am wrong, but you claim to have a lot of knowledge about Christianity. However, by your response it shows some areas where you are misinformed about the nature of God words and works. Learning about God's plan is not something to take lightly, or is something that one can obtain from a few brief lessons from pastors, friends, and family. This is a life long process of learing and growing spiritually.


    but do people truly need a religion, i mean when you say this its ike i have to believe isnt that forcing something that possibly i may not want, despite any rules do we HAVE to have a religion? can we not believe in such things as fate or variety?


    Yes, your right it is your choice, to believe or not believe. The right to chose was given to you by God in Genesis 3. When Adam and Eve sinned, they where tempted by Satan to eat the forbidden fruit, which gave a person the knowledge of good and evil. Satan told Adam and Eve they would know as much as God, if they ate the fruit. They wanted to know as much as God, but they should have known no one knows as much as God does, not even the angels. God told them not to eat the fruit even before Satan tempted them. They MADE A CHOICE , to disobey God. [/b]


    When they ate the forbidden fruit, they obtainded the knowledge of good and evil, then they realized they were naked. Before this, they could care less if they did not have any clothes on. Because of their sin we are like them( prone to sin), we have the ability to chose what is right from wrong. God created us, he knows everything that we do not. Every discovery that we make as each year passes God already knows these things. The couple gave up all their rights to have everlasting life, and protection by God from the results of sin, because of their choice to eat the fruit.


    So now we have to work and tole for every thing we get , when we all could have been living in paradise. Because of Adam and Eve, we all die( when we could of had everlasting life as the angels do), when we die, we go back to the earth where we came from ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Our bodies decay and turn back into the dust that we are made from. ( Scientist say we are made of carbon based compounds, which is dirt. So what took us thousands of years to find out through science, the writters of the Bible already knew this)


    God wants you to chose his word, he is not forcing you to. All people will know him at Judgment Day. If you make the choice to not obey him, that is your choice. However, if you are wrong in your choice to not obey, then you must aslo accept the consequences which is condemnation.



    isnt this a choice we should make on our own? i mean this isnt leaving much for choice, what if we believe in this for half oiur lives and either loose or gain faith? are we ever given the benefit of the doubt? i mean why condemned it is a very ending word isnt it?


    That is your choice, you chose that for your life. That is why one must read the Bible and study, fellowship with others to retain your faith. Many of the prophets lost faith at times, but they always found their way back to God. No one said life was easy. By studying the Bible fully you can see why this is the truth. Prophecy does not LIE! I do not know what God's will is, so if he saves some that is his will. Not every one will be saved that is a fact! No, you will not be given the benefit of the doubt, if you already have been informed of his plan and still reject him. God can only call those who want to be his children his own. If you do not want to be God's child, then he will not call you his child. If you are not his child/follower then you will not be in the kingdom of heaven.


    Jesus Teaches about Entering the Kingdom of Heaven

    Luke 13:24-30


    24. "Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. 25. Once the owner of the house ( The Father-God, the Son-Jesus, and Holy Spirit) gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, Sir open the door for us. But he will answer, I do not know you or where you come from. 26.-Then you will say, we ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets .( 26 talks about Jesus when he was preaching as a man)

    But he will reply, I do not know you or where you come from. Away from me, all you workers of iniquity. 28. There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out. 29. People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God. 30. Indeed there are those who are last will be first, and first who will be last."


    Luke 24-30 explains it. No, if you have heard Gods word and still reject him, no you do not go to heaven by default.


    yes but this is the truth to them, isnt that right? i mean where does personal opinion come into this? or is this i mean your particular religion all about rules? i have a friend who very much believes in the same faith as you but if he believes in some things that arent in the bible or what have you he doesnt change for this it is a belief he holds!


    You already have the right for personal opinion, that was never taken away from you. If you study the Bible and all it's hundreds of prophecies then you will know it is true. The fall of Egypt, Babylonian, Medo-Persin, Grecian, and Roman empires. They all were predicted in the Bible some hundreds of years before the fulfillment of these events took place. All the propechies of the coming of Christ that were given at the latest 1,500 years before his birth. The last prophecy of the coming of Christ/Messiah was given 400 years before his birth. Jesus Christ is a real person who lived on this earth, he is not made up! There are records of him on scrolls , during the times in which he lived.


    Life is all based on rules- The "rules" of the Bible are not taking away anything from your life! They are not rules just common laws of decency or oderliness. If people did not follow these types of rules then things would be out of order, just as many places are today. As for your friend, who believes in other things- Ask him if he knows about the parable/ analogy for "leaven bread" in the Old Testament and in the New Testament.


    If you start to expose your life to sin by practicing other religions or exposing "leaven/yeast" to unleaven bread, then your entire life may be tainted by this exposer. basically saying: if you put one drop of yeast in a bowl of un-leaven dough, the entire batch will turn into yeast filled bread. So a small exposer to a sinful life can ruin a person into creating more sin in their life. Just as the old saying goes you are the company that you keep. If all your friends are doing something that is bad, you are more likely to join in just to fit in.


    So, I can read about other religions, visit other countries, help, and love people who are not of my faith. I can do all these things as a form of learning about other cultures, but to practice another religion is unwise. There is a differance between tolerance and acceptance. Tolerance is like empathy. Acceptance is agreeing and promoting something to be right. I can tolerate others beliefs, but I do not have to accept them as my own.



    understand these as i am well educated within religious education but i dont believe anything as yet, i mean its just knowledge.


    Everyone can learn something new. I am still on a journey to learn as much as possiable about the meaning of the Bible. I still do not know all that I need to know, but as I read compare and contrast text, I have a better understanding. I am not so sure if you know as much as claim to about the Bible. If you understood the meaning of the Bible in more detail, then you may not be having the misconceptions that you are giving.

    No one is above learning new things.




    do you truly have to go to a church? i mean by going to one particulat place doesnt tend to change a state of mind, if you are already a strong believer can it not be that you dont need or require the aspect of going to church?


    Yes, you have to go to church. Church is the way you expand you knowledge, from teachings from the church leaders. People go to church to take communion. Church is a place where people go to discuss Biblical topics and be around peers who try to live a Holy life the best they can. I mean there can always be problems in the church, (we are human) that is why it is important to be very careful when picking the right church. Above all You have to read your BIBLE, you cannot learn anything if you do not study. The reason people go to church is to stay strong in their beliefs. "Man" is prone to sin, if you stop going to church then you are making yourself a target to " Sin/Satan" to get off track, and start living a un Godly life.


    We cannot do this alone, when we fall we need help to get back up. If you are by yourself in your faith, you are more likly to get off track. Your pastor can lead you to areas of the Bible you may have never studied, or concepts you never thought to address in your life. I learn something new from every sermon, that I never thought of. Also your are more likely to be exposed to false doctrine, when you do not go to a good church. There are plenty of church programs that come on TV.


    Some people are sick and cannot go to church, so they watch sermons on TV. My church has a TV program so , if I miss church I will just watch it at home. TBN and EWTN are great TV networks that shows many churches from around the world! That maybe a good place to start for you. It all depends on the type of worship service you like, that keeps your interest. Some worships services are very traditional and mellow. Others worship services are full of excitment, comedy, and energy! You can see a variety of sermon styles just by watching the different preachers and shows. Your main objective should be to find a church that teaches the Bible correctly, and the only way you can know if they are doing that is by reading the Bible.



    this may be strange but this can also do with nature and the earths natural course, i mean the whole techtonic plates etc, we cant ASSUME things to be something we have to look at all the options, just as you did with the religions.


    God created the techtonic plates, thereforeeee he also controls when they shift as well. Just as the earth rumbled after the death of Christ, these maybe signs also. The prophecies of Christ clearly talks about many events that will happen years before Judgment Day. The formula that is given in the Bible is starting to take place right before our eyes. I feel that these earthquakes, ( many earthquakes) which are also described in the Bible( Luke 21:11) by Jesus, is a warning.


    If God can make there be an earthquake the day before and the day after we celebrate the Birth of Christ, I just find that too errie. If 40,000 people die who practice a false doctrine which disrespects the identity of Jesus, I find that errie as well. God spared many peoples lifes in Bam who were feared dead, so his love is still apparent. No one knows when the end of times will be but, before a person eats they must buy and prepare the ingredients for a meal. The ingredients for the end of times are being bought right now.




    but wat is a person was going to opt for this relion, but this day comes too soon i mean you did say ''every person is welcomed to be a christian'' more than once.


    Yes, every one is welcomed to Christianity with a full heart!! The old saying goes do not put off what you can do today for tomorrow. No one is guaranteed tomorrow, many people will not wake up to see tomorrow. The Bible says that the people who will be alive during the time of Judgment Day will be judged just as the dead. I do not know Gods true plan but, I do know that we are not judged by our deeds but by our faith. Any person can do good deeds just to go to heaven. It takes an even greater person to obey God's laws, and worship him with a whole heart. Faith is obeying even when you do not know the outcome. All I know is that if your name is not in the book because of being: Revelation 21:8 cowardly, unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.


    Revelation 20:15 If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.



    besides i couold be killed for my own beliefs? just something i had decided just as you, i mean thats what everything is right? beliefs? i could say i believe in, i dont know aliens, just because of some sightings, or something else. because you talk of these prediction, are they actually happening like these sightings or are they just near misses and close things that you can say are actually relevent?


    Well there are many people who die for their beliefs in God in the Bible( Queen Jezebel exicuted 1,000 prophets), and many other people through out history have died for being a Christian, Jew, ect. Jesus also "says many will persecute you because of me".

    However many religions do not promote killing! So if you think it is ok to kill people just because of your beliefs then that is wrong. You cannot compare the culture civil law of the past to civil law today.


    If all people took History class in school we all can see for ourselves the fall of the Baylonian, Egyptian, Persian, Grecian, Roman empires. We can look at the TV and see that there has been 5 earthquakes in the last month all over the world. We can see the distress in the Holy Land. The prophecy in the Bible of the last world war is in Isreal, not any other place that we have been at war with in the past. Things will end where they began. We can see the morals of the entire world at an all time low. We can see divorce and families falling apart. AIDS is killing millions of people around the world. We see men and women having affairs, and making children out of wedlock. The crime rate is up in many places. We all see this right before our eyes. It does not take a rocket scientist to see that we are degressing rather than progressing.


    As I said before , no one knows when things will end. However, the stress in our world going on can only get worse. Nuclear weapons are being made in North Korea, terrorist, the failing American economy. America is in billions of dollars of debt. The greed of corporate America, debt, added on to the strife around the world does not help. My guess would be things will be over in the next 100-1,000 years. However, I do not know, it is only a guess, only God knows when the end of the world will be here.



    yes but they were created werent they? and i mean if god is seen as the creator of all things isnt it so that he created these other religions also, isnt he giving us variety isnt he giving us the option? if so why punish us for something he created and led us to believe?


    No, God did not create other religions! When Adam and Eve sinned all our successes and failures are all on us! Without the grace and will of God, he lets things happen as they be. All things( good or bad) work together for good for those who love God. Men created pagan religions before the Ten Commandments were given to Moses. You can see this written in the Bible when it tells about all the people who came after Adam and Eve.

    Noah's Ark is a prime example of that!


    The people who did not obey God all died in the flood except for Noah and his family. Archaeologist are looking for that Ark until this day, some think that they may have found it in a mountain in that region. God is not giving us a "variety", man created a "variety" of other religions. If you did not know, Satan/ Devil (Devil worshipping) has his own religion too! I'm sure many people love to worship Satan so they can burn in hell, (why they do I do not know). Many killers (Manson) sitting in jail, claim to be a part of this religion. You have not read the Bible. God has killed people through out time because of worshipping other idols or religions. The only reason we are still alive is because some people are lost, and do not know any better. God is slow to anger, he is very patient with us. Dispite what has happened in the past, God Loves us and is willing to give us many chances to get our lives together. There are not many people who are good, but just lost in Christ.


    In Genesis 19 God, killed every one in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of sin, except for Lot and his family. However, Abraham pleaded to God to save these people. God told Abraham if there are at least 10 good people in that city, I will save it. This shows Gods mercy he does not show his wrath, for just any reason. There was only one good person in the city, that was Lot. So God saved Lot and his family, but the others died. Today Archaelogist have found two buried cities that were destroyed at the same time( around 2050 B.C.), in that region. They found the cities were distroyed at the same time by using carbon dating, these two cities could be Sodom and Gomorrah. The diggers look at the remains of these people from both cities and found out that they experienced the same type of death. They however have not found any writings from this city, so they can only give the two cities a made up name. No one really knows the names of these two lost cities found by Archaelogist.


    GOD would never lead us to believe that he wants us to be parts of other religions!! People have the choice of what they believe in just as people have the choice to worship other gods. God gave us the option to chose. If every one knew for a fact that God was real then every one would believe in him, you would be a fool not to! However God does not make things so easy! If you make the wrong choice of religion, then that is YOUR FAULT not his! If a person is too lazy to read and reaserch all the religions then that is their fault. If your read and research , a person can find that Christianity is the only religion in which prophecy has been fulfilled.


    If a person says I want to be a Buddhist because it seems fun, they do not have to read a book, and there are no rules. Then that is just picking something based on laziness because it is easy. Or I want to be a Hindu because they do yoga and that is fun, then that also is just picking something based on external factors. The point is if you want the most proof of one religion being "true" over another then Christianity has the "truth" to make you believe. If you want to go to heaven, I am sorry but you cannot do that by not accepting Christ as your savior.



    being the first and last things to happen dont actually mean they are real. for example if i was to say right now the grass is purple and you argue its green, but i get the last word thats its purple. am i right? no. so how can you prove this to me that this is correct and the true religion?


    I cannot prove anything to you. Just like no other religion can prove they are right 100% Faith means to believe without proof. If there was proof then it would not be called faith or belief, it would be called a fact.

    I already have my salvation, It is your job to find yours. Not every one will go to heaven point blank. My job as a Christian is to share what I know to those who want to listen. I cannot make anyone listen to me. If they want to hear fine, if they do not fine.


    Matthew 7: 6 Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs, If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then tear you to pieces.


    This quote from Jesus just says, be wise and discerning in what you teach unbelievers, do not waste your time with people who do not want to hear God's words. It is futile to try to teach holy concepts to people who do not want to listen and will only tear apart what we Christians say.


    I try to share my religion with others, but if they do not want to listen so be it. I will not lose any sleep or worry if they go to Hell for their unbelief in Jesus, because at least I tried to tell them something.


    how can you fight over something that possibly wont come true till the end, you could kill yourself trying yet never succeed. (About Jew and Muslim conflict in the Holy Land).


    I do not know, I am not a Jew or a Muslim? They fight over that land because they both think it belongs to them. When God kicked the Jews out of the Promise Land other people took over, Muslims. Now they fight over it. The Jews have bombs killing them, they cannot live in peace, they have to watch their back every where they go. They live in a country of stress and turmoil. Muslims are killing themselves, they want to die for their religion and land. The modern Jew and Christian, worships God, but does not want to kill others or die for their religion. As the Bible says Jesus is peace! Jesus is the prince of Peace. Until Jesus comes there will never be peace in the Holy Land, as long as the Muslims are willing to die and fight for their land back. No man, President, or King is going to stop a war against a group who are not afraid to die for Allah.



    God punished them for breaking commandment 1 worshipping other gods/idols,


    he punished them for something that he first created?


    God did not create idols. People created Idols and other religions. God does not control our choices. Do you know how many fallen religions there have been? From the gods of the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians they all had religions, which today are just a part of the past. People today do not expect to go heaven from King Zeus. Remember Adam and Eve their choice was to sin, thereforeeee spreading in all mans genes/DNA the nature to sin. God did not tell people to build a golden calf and represent that calf as him. I would also be insulted if people built a cow and said it was to worship me.



    The Bible only accepts one man having one wife. All the men in the Bible who had more than one wife suffered.

    how does this act upon divorce then?


    Divorce can be pointed to men and woman not following God's Laws. There would be less divorces, If men and women did not lust in their hearts, look at porn, go to strip clubs, buy sex on the street corner. Many people think the grass will be greener on the other side, but the new relationship falls into the same routine as the old one. If men and women would get to know each other better before marriage instead of fornicating, and instead of basing a relationship on sex, then maybe marriages would last longer. Many people get married because while dating their relationship was based just on sex, instead of character traits.


    Then when they get married and the sex slows down some go out and cheat. Many marriages end because of adultery. Adultery is a sin based of selfishness, pride, and greed. You want to be with a person who you know will be there for you through thick and thin. Not a person who will leave you as soon as the next best thing walks by. If men and woman managed their money better, and followed Gods laws about work, and ethics. That would save marriages as well. Studies shows that couples who go the church have a better marriage than those who do not. Men and Women will know that marriage is a covenant, that takes a lot of work, it is not something that you just give up on when you hit a rocky spot. Most marriages end because of money problems and adultery.


    In Malachi 2:10-16, it speaks about divorce and why so many 2nd marriages fail. Men try to "do right" by the second wife, but they are not successful. The men wonder why things are not going their way, God tells them it is because you sinned by leaving( commiting adultery on) your first wife. God Hates Divorce, and in Malachi 2:10-16 he says that he speaks for the first wife, when the marriage with the second wife fails. A relationship derived in sin ( adultery- cheating), on the most part does not last.


    Jeus says, if divorce cannot be helped, except for extreme reasons like abuse, or excessive adultery, then it is best to stay together. Divorce breaks up families. When one of the parents is gone, then the house hold makes less money leadin to poverty. The children are often misguided by peers, because the other parents has to work and spends less time with the child who is exposed to peer presure. The children then results to crime which is sin. Children are often hurt because of divorce, they are in therapy as adults trying to figure out what went wrong in their childhood.


    A good example of this is all the sad stories you see in 3rd world countries. It breaks my heart, I pray for a better life for those people often. Many men there have many wifes, and make lots of children that they do not take care of. The country then is just filled with children without fathers to love them. They live in poverty, because their are too many children and not enough parents to raise them. However, their are some children who have both parents, and they tend to do better in life, than the ones who do not. God made the family to be a unit. when you break that family unit , you expose the children to sin. The only cause for divorce in the Bible, that Jesus permits is abuse , when a person keeps committing adultery, and the couple has tried to work on their marriage for a long time.


    well said but i dont believe that the majority of us need religion to believe this its something that comes to mind in the belief or rights and what is essentially right or wrong.


    Well the religion of Islam makes it ok to kill people in the name of Allah. Is that right? Religion is about salvation. You cannot prove that God exsist and YOU ALSO cannot prove that he does not exsist. It is hard to believe that all the things in this world just came out of no where. All the laws of science, mathmatics, and nature where not made by someone. How do you explain things that cannot be explained. How do you explain people with terminal illness who live when doctors and science tell them they are going to die. Not everything can be explained. Salvation or Heaven is the goal of most, if most do not want to be there then they do not need to believe.


    The Bible was written from the beginning of time to the end

    did i miss someting or is it yet to be the end of time? how does this work, i would like to understand this.


    Yes, It is not the end yet. The Bible is about PROPHECY WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN THE FUTURE. The Bible is written from creation from what will happen to when the world ends. It is not the end of time, we are still here. It is like if I wrote book about today, and then wrote then last chapter about what will happen 10,000 years from now. The Bible is like that what is written in the book of Revelation is about the future. That book is about what will happen at the end of the world.


    Just like stars only have a certain life span when they die, they stop giving light. When the Sun reaches its point when it is ready to die it will stop giving light. When the end of the world happens what is written in the Book of Revelation will happen. Even thought Revelation was written in 95 A.D, it is about the future. Just as Jesus Christ was written about 1,500 years before he was born. This book Revelation is about the future. Revelation could be written for the year 2150. No one knows when it is written for.



    later on you go to say how he kicked satan out well through other aspects i here this also and its all about being kicked out, is there no such thing as a second chance, i mean he watched them rebel? was that right? where were they going to go what were they going to do, to rebel was to regain strength he must have noticed what and where this action was going to take him.


    Lucifer (Satan/Devil) wanted to be in control he wanted to have more power than God. He was selfish greedy and full of pride. I am sure God gave him a chance, but Lucifer said " I would rather rule in Hell than the serve God". If Lucifer and his rebel angels won the battle, I am sure Lucifer promised them some type of great postion in his new kingdom. Lucifer was arrogant, no one can over come God's will.


    After God kicked Lucifer and the other angels out of Heaven, they had no where to go but Hell and Earth. Lucifer and his demons roam the earth trying to tempt people to sin. He tells them it is ok to be a part of pagan religions. It is ok to have sex with as many people as you want, it is ok to do drugs, murder, steal , lie. Satan feel like, a little bit of these things will not hurt you, but it does. When you are a part of a pagan religion you lose your salvation and your soul belongs Satan at death. When you sleep around you may get an STD, condoms are not 100% safe. When you do drugs you become addicted and you are living for getting a high instead of living a healthly life. One little lie may turn into many huge lies! The Bibles says when a person lies to much, they will start believing their lies. Just the way a murder lies to themself so much it gets to a point where they do not think they killed someone.



    you also commented on lieing, is it not so that we all lie meaning no harm?

    and arent we all lost sheep at some point?

    how can you prove that you will have a longer time than you will do on earth i mean this is what we have to live by we are here now what happens if you loose all oppotunities and waste this life on nothing to come? what will you gain?


    ALL PEOPLE SIN, there is no stopping that. That is why we are saved by grace and faith not by are deeds, because all have sinned.


    I have a wonderful blessed life, I am not loosing out on any thing. My family has been blessed. I do everything that I want to do. I have a wonderful career, family, and friends. I am blessed to have more than the average person due to hard work and faith. There is nothing that I am missing out on. Being a Christian does not make you loose out in life. If you mean loose out from secular things such as by sleeping around, that is not missing out. I will also be missing out on HIV and an unwanted baby, by following Gods laws there is nothing wrong with that. Those are things I do not want, but living in sin can cause a person to get these things.


    I have gained many blessings. Life does not pass you by just because you spend 1 hour in church, and maybe 2 hour reading a Bible every week. I still do all the things I love to do. Shopping, cooking, going on vacations, sking, and parties have nothing to do with religion. God never said you cannot have fun, and enjoy life!! Life without sin can be fun. Christian probally have more fun than anyone, because we receive the love and blessings from God. Have you noticed all the lottery winners have been Christians, even a nun has won!! Life passes you by when you let it , it has nothing to do with religion.


    The question YOU should be asking is what will I miss If I am not a Christian and this religion is TRUE? If God is not real I do not miss out on anything, I still lived a good happy life and I die, R.I.P. However if God IS REAL, and you are a Buddhist or in some other false religion, when you heard the Christian doctrine and you DIE, you will go to hell for you unbelief. Sorry to sound so harsh but it is true, there is no point in beating around the bush. It is that simple. On Judgement Day you will believe, all will be bowned down before Jesus.


    but is it black and white only i found grey patches where i got lost?

    please dont take any of this wrong, im doing the same as you testing the religion before knowing its true. i need to be abl to understand all aspects. ok?


    It is your job to find the truth. I wish you luck. Most people are lost searching to fill their souls. They try to fill it with sex, drugs, alcohol, but what they really need is God. Many people do not know Gods words, because they are searching for something that is easy. They want the quick fix. Anything worth having is working for. If all religions are based on faith, I would bet on the one that has historical prophecy facts to back it up.


    Many find the Bible Hard to read and understand. The Best Bibles to buy are ones that are written in modern English. You can also buy an King James version Bible at the Dollar Store! So if you can buy a Bible for a dollar there are no excuses to not try! Do you own a Bible Kel? I have a Life Application Study Bible, New International Version, that I got for 25$ at Wal-Mart. It has maps, graphs, charts, timelines, personality profiles, and definitions. It is one of the best Bibles on the market. There are 1,000's of different kinds of Bibles for different needs. I hope you find the Holy Spirit and your salvation. I will pray that God speaks to your heart to show you the truth.


    thankyou genesis for bringing all the other factors up within your post they are very enlightening.



    You are welcome, God Bless



  2. Never black - n- white (Kel),


    Since I do not know if you know much about Christianity, I will tell you some things about my religion. I will also tell you what I know about other religions , and why they follow laws that are against my religion even though they do give guidance to many people. If you already know these things I hope you wil make the right choice when picking your religion.


    John 3:16- For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemed already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. --- Jesus Christ


    Nothing in life comes easy, and many people take the easy way out, by practicing religions that do not hold truth. The reason that feel I that Christianity holds more truth than other religions is because it is based on prophecy. Prophecy is a declaration of something to come: prediction. All prophecies that were given in the Bible have come true and are still being fulfilled. The Bible holds the truths for many scientific areas of life from, biology, antropology, and linguistics. In order for you to understand the Bible you must also understand the people,politics, culture, and social issues of that time. Every person is welcomed to be a Christian. A person must read about Gods plan for his Son Jesus, and be baptized in the name of the Father , the Son , and the Holy Spirit. There are Christians on every continent in this world. Christianity is the largest religion, of any other religion.



    If you study the Gospels and Read about the life of Jesus, you do not have to worry about the ways men may have corrupted the church. This is the direct message that God wants you to hear, from the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Finding a good church home is very hard to do. You may have to visit many Christian churches before you find the one that it best for you. The Prophecies of Jesus are true!! They are coming true as each day passes. The wars that you see on TV, are all derived from the events that take place in the Bible. Fighting over the Holy Land (Jews and Muslims), Wars, earthquakes, famine, the fall of empires, all theses prophecies made by Jesus are coming true. Do you not think that it is strange that we have had 5 earthquakes since Dec. 24?


    There was an earthquake that killed over 40,000 Muslims( Islam A religion that does not believe in Jesus as Christ), in Bam the day after December 25 Jesus Christ's birthday. These maybe warnings from God to come to Christ his Son, whom we celebrate his birth on Dec. 25 each year. No one knows when the end of time will be, not even the Angels of heaven. Jesus states in the Bible that the end of the world will happen during the time of tribulation. During this time the Antichrist will create a huge war in Isreal that will destroy all men. With many countries having and looking for nucleolar weapons this is very possiable, it just takes one man to push the button. The way things are now in the Middle East, things for the future do not look well. Jesus is coming back for his followers, no one knows when maybe today or 5,000 years from now ,but when he does you will want your name to be in the book of life. If you are not saved "Non-Christian", your name WILL NOT be in the book of life. You cannot go to heaven alone just by "actions", you can only go their by your faith.


    The Bible says that all will know Jesus' teachings by the time Jesus comes again( the end of the world), so no one can use the excuse I never heard of Jesus or about him. You cannot go to heaven if you do not believe in God or his son Jesus, they are ONE. You cannot get to the after life from Muhammad, Budda, Wicca, or any other religion. They may teach people good values, but the Bible was teaching those same moral values, that can be dated 1,000 years before any of those religions were created. You want to be in a religion that insures good things for not only what you do in life , but also what happens to you after death. God's religion was the first religion before any thing secular you hear about today, and it will be the last one too.


    If you want to pick a religion that bests fits your life style, all other religions objectives are based off of theories that are already given in the Bible which is the oldest religion to date. The five major religions of that time from creation or 2166(B.C.) B.C.E to 632(A.D.) C.E are Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam.


    1. Judaism- is the religion in which Christianity and Islam are based from. Their holy book the Torah, is also known as the Old Testament of the Bible. Some Jews do not believe that Jesus is God's Son, but many Jews accept him as God's Son and also still practice their old traditions. In the Bible God blessed a man named Abraham because he was a man of good character and faith. Abraham's wife Sarai could not have children, so she gave him her maid Hagar to sleep with to produce a child. Even though Abraham and Sarai were old (in there 70's), God had already promised them their own child before, Hagar slept with Abraham. Hagar gave birth to a son named Ishmael- (his desendants are the Arab nations which the Islam religion comes from). Sarai also gave birth to a Son named Isaac- The Son in which God made an everlasting covenant, the descendants of this son are the Jews. A covenant is a binding promise, or agreement. (This story is in Genesis 17:19). God promised to bless Ishmael with many nations, but his covenant was with Isaac. (Read 17:20-21).


    If you read the Old Testament, God's covenant was made to the Jewish people from the family line of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and David. In the book Exodus, the Hebrews/Jews were slaves to the Egyptians. As a result, God choose Moses to be his prophet. Moses was a Hebrew, who as a baby floated down the river in a basket and was found by an Egyptian princess, she raised him as her son. Moses was the prophet whom God choose to help free the slaves. The Pharaoh/King would not let the slaves go free, so God sent many plagues to Egypt. When the last plague came, The plague on the first born, where all the first born sons of Egypt die, the Pharaoh let all the slaves go free, because his son died also. After they were set free, God sent the Hebrews/Jews on a journey to the Promise Land ( The land that the Muslims and Jews fight over today in 2004).


    On the way there, God gave Moses the 10 commandments to give to the people. The 10 commandments are moral codes that all older and modern laws are based from. The People did not follow God's laws. They continued to worship pagan god's, and built a golden idol of a cow to worship. God punished them for breaking commandment 1 worshipping other gods/idols, and instead of it taking the short time that was required to reach the promise land, the journey took them 40 years to complete. Only two people from the original group from Egypt made it to the promise land. Due to their sins many died on the way there, the others who made it there were born on the way there. During the journey to the promise land, God told Moses that he would send the people a great prophet known as the Messiah(Great King) from among the Hebrews/Jews. The Jews took this as meaning a man who would make the Jews greater than all other nations (rulers of the world). They expected a great king or military leader. However God had a different plan than what the Jews expected. His plan was to send a human sacrifice for sin, his son Jesus. God's son was an heavenly king not a earthly one. ( Read: Isaiah 53)


    In the Old Testment there are 39 books. After Moses, there where many great prophets Jonah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Micah, and many more. During this time many many years after Moses, The Jewish people became laid back and were not following Gods laws, so God kicked them out of the promise Land, and spread them all over into many nations. God was very angry with the Jewish people, because he chose them above all other people to give his Holy laws to, and they were not obeying it at all. The Jews all waited for the prophet called the Messiah which means , (the great King), who would bring them back to their promise land, and make them the rulers of the world. However God's plan was to bring salvation to the Jews not power over anyone. In the book of Ezekiel 34, God expresses his anger at his prophets and Kings for doing such a poor job, at guiding the people away from sin. This is were God plans is to watch over his people himself. He does this by sending his son to the earth as a man.


    The many books after Exodus gave Jewish laws, and told about the lives of many people through out History up until the birth of Christ in the New Testament. In the books of Psalms, Isaiah 53, Zechariah, and Ezekiel, gave more details about the mission of the Messiah to come, what would happen in his life, where he would come from ect. The Jews ignored all the prophecies in the Old Testment about the Messiah.


    2. Christianity- When Jesus came 2,000 some years later many Jews did not believe he was the Messiah. Jesus was born from a virgin woman named Mary and God was Jesus' father. God sent an angel down to Mary and told her she would have a child, but she said I cannot have a child because i am a virgin? The angel told her , that her child was of Holy Spirit and not from a man. When Jesus was born, everyone heard that the King of the Jews was born. The word spread so fast that King Herod plotted to kill Jesus, because he was afraid of losing his throne. As as Adult, Jesus went around from city to city preaching his new message from God. Jesus had powers from God, that let him heal the sick, and take out deamons from the possessed.


    During the time between the 2,000 some years, there were also many who claimed to be the Messiah , who were not, thereforeeee many Jews did not believe in anything Jesus said. Jesus' main goal was to teach his message to the Jews and later let that message spead to others. Many of Jesus' own people did not accpect him, thereforeeee not accepting salvation in the process. However many people did accept his message and told others. Jesus taught his message in the 4 Gospels , Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They are written by some of his disciple who went with him to preach his new message.


    Jesus' had a new message to teach the Jews about God. His message was full of love, peace, acceptance of women, tolerance of your enemy, and other moral issues. Jesus batized people giving them new life, freeing them from sin, and promising them a place in heaven for those who obey God's laws and believed he is God's only begotten son. What the Jews did not like about Jesus is that he said he was God's Son, they felt Jesus was breaking against the 1st commandment. Since God is of Holy Spirit, He and Jesus are One. You cannot accept God the father and not accept Jesus the Son. However, the Old Testament already forewarned the Jews of the coming of the Messiah Jesus, and God's new plan in ( Isaiah 53), but they did not want to listen. Jesus told them that the only way to come to the Father was through the Son. You had to believe in Jesus as God's son in order to go to heaven. Jesus performed many miracles during his short life. He healed the sick, feed 5,000 people from just a few loafs of bread and a couple of fish.


    Jesus also raised a man from the dead, walked on water and turned water in to wine. He gave prophecies of what would happen at the end of the world. Some of which are coming true today. The proof that separated Jesus from all the others, was that he was resurrected from the dead. Jesus was put on the cross to die, after his death he rose from the dead.The witnesses to his death on the cross were Mary his mother and Mary Magdalene who is known for following Jesus and his disciples every where. When the woman went to dress his body for his funeral his body was missing. Later he appeared to Mary Magdalene first and then his disciples, He truly was God's son. He told them to go baptize all nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, that whoever believes in him will have everlasting life, then he rose up into heaven to be with his Father God before their eyes


    3. Islam- Islam is a religion that was started by Muhammad 600 years after the death of Jesus. Muhammad was a man who lived in a city called Mecca know for its trade rout during that time. Many feel that Muhammad may have heard about the Bible by the many men who traveled in and out of Mecca. Muhammad claims that he was given the word of God from an angel. Muhammad was a man who had many wifes, and he even married two 9 year old girls. The Bible only accepts one man having one wife. All the men in the Bible who had more than one wife suffered.


    This brings many to believe that since his lifestyle, did not change he was a false prophet. The Bible warns about many false prophets, and the way to check to see if they are fake is to see if their prophecies come true, and also by scripture. By this time the Bible was complete, and no more prophets were expected to come. Other prophets in the Bible had a extream lifestyle changes once they were choosen to be prophets by God, thereforeeee many doubted Muhammad as a prophet, since he married little girls.


    Muhammad's holy book is called the Quran. The Quran is filled with accounts from the Old and New Testaments. Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet , but not God's son. They claim that Muhammad was the last and greatest prophets. However the Quran contains many contradictions in it some 200 errors. For example, how man was made, they give at least 6 different theories that are non-conclusive, that lead one to believe that the writter was a false prophet. The Islam religion not only contradicts what is in the Old Testament and the New Testament, but it also gives it followers the right to KILL PEOPLE in the name of God. Which contridicts the 6th commandment, thou shall not murder. All Religions have made wrong actions ( By Men not GOD), but to say you can kill a person and put it in writing is wrong.


    The most important factor is that In the Old Testament God's, covanant was made with Isaac. The entire Old Testament states that the everlasting covenant is from the house of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David. Jesus is called the son of David, because David was a great king like Jesus. Jesus was a Jew and his mother Mary and stepfather Joseph are from the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David. God's holy plan was throught the descendants of Issac. God's "prophets" were all Jews, however the word of God can be taught by anyone. A prophet was a man who God spoke to directly. Muhammad however is from the blood line of Ishmeal, Issac's half brother. God said that he would make a great nation of Ishmeals descendants, but his covenant is with Issac. (Read Genesis 17:20-21). When Jesus spoke from heaven, he talked to Paul who was his choosen instrument, his job was to teach to the Gentiles (non- Jews), Gods message is for everyone of all races, and nations. Anyone can become a Christian.


    The Muslims think that Muhammad was the last prophet. There are no prophecies of him to come in the Bible at all. The Bible was written from the beginning of time to the end, so there is no room in between for another prophet unless there was something written about one. Since the Muslims do not believe Jesus is God's Son, that contridicts the message

    that Jesus gave that he was God's Son, and he was the Chirst in Matthew 16:13-20. God will send Jesus to judge us on jugement day, (John 5:22-23). Jesus was free from sin, he never lied, or did anything thing wrong, because he was of God his Son, thereforeeee for the Muslims to not believe Jesus is Gods Son, but accept him as a prophet is odd. In the Old Testament anytime a prophet did something that God did not like , he reprimanded them. If Jesus was lying about being God's son, God would have reprimanded him also.




    4.Hinduism - the oldest scriptures were found around 1000 B.C.E. this is the religion in which yoga comes from. They believe in multiple gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. They believe in reincarnation or being reborn after death into an animal or person based on karma. This religion goes aganist the first commandment( Thou shall not worship other gods or idols) of the oldest religion of God Judaism which Christianity comes from. 1st commandmane is thou shall not believe in other gods, or worship Idols, which is in Hinduism.


    5. Buddhism- is derived from Hinduism, found in sixth and fifth century B.C.E. They believe in the 8 steps to Nirvana which is already the same thing that was taught in the Old Testament before this religions time, and in the New Testament after.


    Wicca-Other religions such as Wicca is also considered a pagan religion. Witch craft goes against the Laws of God. It is also forbidden in the Old Testament. (Leviticus 19:31.) (Revelation 21:8). According to the Bible if a persons power does not come from God it comes from Satan. God does not give people the power to cast spells so no witch craft comes from him, however Satan does give people these powers to do his evil work.


    There are stories in the Old Testament where people tried to use their witch craft powers against Gods prophets Moses and Elijah, but witch craft is nothing compared to Gods powers. Gods power always overuled the powers of witches and sorcerers. Wicca promotes false truth from Satan, those who are members are doomed if they do not get out. Satan was an angel of God once called Lucifer- Angel of Light. He disobeyed God, and God kicked him out of heaven. Satan said that he would rather rule in Hell than to be a servant of God. Satans mission is to lie, kill and destroy.


    Satan once was an angel so as a result, he knows the scriptures very well in the Bible. He made Adam and Eve sin, and he tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness by using scripture. Satans job is to make you think that something that is bad for you is good. He wants one to think that they can go to heaven by being a witch , or have an after life. The Wiccan's maybe peaceful people, but they are what the Bible calls lost sheep. They are following a pagan religion, which only leads to death, ( Not having an after life) or Hell according to Revelation 21:8. They claim that their is no such thing as Satan, which is just another tool that Satan uses to fool them into staying with their religion. Satan and his deamons are real, there have been records of exorcism given by the Catholic Church, the most famous one was based of the movie the Exorcist. Satan's main objective is to steal as many souls away from Christ as he can, and by not being saved you are doomed to being without God and possibly go to hell.



    This is the reason I choose my religion, I did not just go by what was the fad of the time, or what was the easist to do. Nothing in life comes easy. You have to read God's words in order to understand it. I read about what else was out there ( other religions). I tried to prove my religion wrong, to see if it was right, I found out that it was right. Many have tried to prove it wrong, but each time they were proven wrong by scripture. The Holy Bible proves every thing by scripture! Every religion follows the basic moral guidlines which come from the Bible, why buy the generic when you can get the real thing in the Bible!!

    The most important things is your after life, because that will be much longer than the time you spend here on earth. If you gamble with a religion that is not Christian then you are gambling with your soul. If you want to take that chance that is your choice. Like in Genesis 2:17, we have the knowledge of Good and Evil. It is YOUR choice if you want to go to heaven or hell. That is black and white.

  3. NBW-



    People believe in many things these days there are many religions out there. I belief in only one religion which is Christianity. I do think there is only one way to have an after life. Since you do not read the Bible, one way for you to find more information is to read the Gospels- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Also read the book of Revelation.


    In my religion a person cannot worship another God or not accept his son Jesus, and expect to go to the kingdom of God "Heaven". One must accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and believe that Jesus died on the cross to forgive all people of their sins. In addition one must be baptized and give their life to God.


    The Bible explains why other religions will not be accepted in heaven. The Bible explains the orgins of all the other main religions Judaism and the Muslim religion.While these religions are well respected, the Bible also explains why they are not the true religion of God.-- Another good Book to read is Romans 10, this explains your question in detail.


    The answers to all your questions are in the Bible. In my opinion, I do not think a person can go to "heaven" by being a part of many secular groups.

    I have not found any other religion that explains all the questions to the past, present, and future as well as the Holly Bible. Every question I have ever had in life I found the answer in the Bible.

  4. I know that it will be hard, but you have to keep your chin up and move on if this guy is not treating you right. This sounds like an abusive relationship to me. Keep God first, talk to friends and family and work on loving yourself first. SO many men and women lose their self esteem and self when being in a unhealthy relationship, that they put so much effort into, and get nothing in return. You may want to consider therapy for co-dependance, that is what this sounds like. You know he is no good for you but you still stay. You need to break up with him before you do something harmful to yourself, or you need tochange the dynamics of your relationship to make it more healthy. If you want to talk you can always PM me.


    Start to workout it gets rid of stress, read books on self esteem, start going to church, plan events with friends and family. You WILL feel so much better. Break ups are hard, but " you can do bad all by yourself", never let a man curse at you! If a man curses at a woman that should be a deal breaker! Love God, and love yourself enough to walk away if this is an abusive relationship. Two books that I recommend you read are Self Matters, and Relationship Rescue, both by Dr. Phillip C. McGraw (aka) Dr. Phil. You need to think about why you are having self esteem issues, and work on that first, before you work on your relationship.


    Much Love, and God Bless!

  5. I would urge you to read your Bible more too, because you have a misunderstanding, of what is needed in order for salvation. In this time of grave danger, you should think about your salvation. Since you are not a Christian or know the word of God, how would you know that what I am saying to you is not true. You may think that their are many truths, but you just are gambling with your soul. It is your choice what happens to your soul. I have only told you what the Bible says. Jesus and God do want his children tell his message to others (Romans 10). If you are scared by the message, I am sorry. It is your choice.



    Take Care and Good Bless.

  6. God, yes drop her! This girl just uses you and it makes me sad to read about how bad she treats you. Maybe a year or so from now when you have moved on you can be friends. Call her when she is at work and you know she cannot talk long, tell her that you need your space. Leave her a message on voice mail, if you really do not want to talk to her. She will have to work out her guilt issues by herself. 3 strikes your out!

  7. Yes, she is a nice girl, but that has nothing to do with being cheated on. Cheaters are only thinking about their own interests not the person they are cheating on. Nothing in this world is for sure.


    Yes, he may do that, but most men do not use condoms for that. There are many women and men who have been cheated on, who do not know. My point is she needs to get to the bottom of this, because gambling with your health is not wise. Many men and women lie, to cover their tracks when cheating. Some cheaters want the other person to find out so they leave clues, or they are just to dumb and lazy to cover their tracks.

    Love is blind and many people stay with cheaters even when they know they are no good for them.


    If he is worth, I hope that she can get over this. I hope he is not cheating,but just using condoms to masturbate with. weird

  8. Well I guess you can continue to be his friends but do not get your hopes up. It sounds as if that is all he wants from you (a friendship), and that is all. It seems like you are chasing him all the time and never giving him space. Why don't you let him call you sometimes too, a friendship is a two way street. In most cultures the woman does not pursue a man, if she wants to keep him.


    He is avoiding your calls at times, so that says a lot about how he feels. He cares for you , but does not want to get back with you right now. I think you are not ready to be his friend, because you have a different agenda. He can never sort out his feeling for you if you are calling all the time. Does he ever call you that speaks on how he feels about you? Listen to what he says do not try to read anything into his words. I f he says I do not want a relationship right now , trust that he is telling you the truth.

  9. I am sorry to hear that she broke your heart again. Do not feel bad about yourself. Sometimes we have to gives things one more try to see if it is really worth it, you can move on without any doubt. Now you know for a FACT that this girl has no morals or ethics to herself, and she is not worth your time anymore. This is not the type of woman who you would want to be the mother of your children because, if it is ok for their mother to lie & cheat then it will be ok for them to act this way.


    I am just FLOORED that she had the never to still deny her involment with you after she said all that BS about leaving her BF to be with you. I hope you do not fall for her tricks again. Think about the type of woman you want to spend your life with, I am sure she will not act like this woman. There is an old saying that goes: When someone really SHOWS themself to you , you need to believe them! She has show you over and over she is a greedy lying selfish B$%^. Be strong and move on, do not get played again for the 3rd, 4th,5th, 6th,7th time, pack up and ship out!!


    Good Luck!

  10. Be happy you left him. When a person tries to put all the blame on you there is a BIG problem. Relationship problems are 50 /50 , maybe ( 60 him /40 you) for your relationship! For him to leave you for weeks at a time says that he has no respect for you. If he cannot talk to you then that is his problem not yours!!! A relationship requires talking to each other about issues, just in case this bum did not know.


    You cannot love someone if they do not want to work. He wanted you to carry 100% of the weight to the problems and solutions of the relationship. When he did nothing!! My father warns me about men like that they try to justify every thing that they do, by blaming others. If you would have married him he would tell you some lie like "I cheated on you because you talk too much!", just thank God this jerk off lazy bum is out of your life.

  11. The grass in not greener on the other side. Like my pastor says to many men in our church. "You are comparing this woman at her best, at your wife at her worst worse." You do not know how this woman is at her worst, she could be really mean. You do not know how this woman is behind closed doors when she does not have to put on this front for you and all her friends. You really do not know this woman. You have not been around this woman, when she is mad, or having a bad day.


    Yes you may have helped her with her problems, but many people try to put on a brave face, when talking about problems to their friends. You do not know all of her, just the image she wants to portray to you when you are together. Why don't you see this couple less? Focus on the good things about your wife, you are only causing more trouble for yourself. The Bible says to do not covet another mans wife. God does not want us to trade up, when we something that we think is better, because there will be problems with this woman too. You are just infatuated with this woman, 10 years from now you will have lost this feeling. You cannot compare feelings of lust against a long time love. You do not love her it is just lust.


    Stay away from this woman if want do not want to ruin your marriage and your family, there is no garentee she feels this way about you. I am a woman and I know men, easily fall in love from just having a causal friendship with a woman, because they are weak and not focusing on their marriage, instead of random women. What if you both leave your SO, and see goes back to her husband or leaves you all together?

  12. Hey sweety do you remember me? I do not want to tell you I told you so. I think you can see for yourself that she has no integrity.


    Just look back at what I told you before. This woman is not good for you she lied to you in the past, and now she is doing it all over again. The lesson you can learn from this woman is that when you play with fire you will get burned. Just as I told you before, you and her ex are just like a pair of socks to her. Which ever foot you put the sock on SHE still gets what she wants, but you and the ex are left out to wonder. Even if you became her man she would still, be with her ex.


    When she lied to you about going on that trip with her ex, you should have know then she was trouble. This girl makes me sick and I know you are a nice guy who got caught up in this mess. Love can be SO blind.



    She had the chance to tell her BF right away the truth to be with you, but she did not, she dissed you and went right back to him. Do not be a fool for her anymore.The next time you write I hope it will be about dumping her again.


    Good Luck

  13. He is breaking up with you until he gets himself together. Until then move on date others, if he puts his add up on a web site he is trying to date others as well. This is a kind way to let you know that he no longer wants to date you right now. I think it has more to do with being stressed now with his job. He does not want to lead you on if he has to move somewhere.

  14. Fools Gold , that is the truth!! Just let her go, she wants you around to increase her ego! I do not mean to sound harsh, but if she has no other skills beyond high school, like a trade of some sort, then she will just bring you down. If she would leave you when things are tough then you do not need her.

  15. I think that is great advice. Some studys say that the infatuation or lust feelings wear off at about 30 months into a relationship. Will you feel the same way a year from now? Many people are divorced under the age of 30. Have a long engagment if you are not sure rigth now? Has he asked you to marry him yet, you did not say that in your post? If he has not then I would just say wait until he asks you, if you are assuming he will ask you could be wrong. Other things to think about: his career, character, his values, morals, and religion all play a part in picking a mate. Love does not cure all and if he is lacking in some areas that could be the formula for a poor marriage.

  16. How old are you? YOU HAVE TO EARN TRUST.... after 2 months a relationship does not have that much trust.



    You do not owe him any explaination of why you do not want to have sex. If he wants to know just say I am saving it for marriage. If he says he wants to marry you, then tell him when that day comes then I will have sex with you. Many people say they love each other and plan to get married but things happen sweetie. Even people who are engaged sometimes do not get married, until you say I DO, a guy can promise you anything and not follow through.


    Honey, when I was a young girl (16) I had sex with a guy who also was a virgin like me. We were in love and had sex. 4 years later he cheated on me, and we broke up. AT the time we wanted to get married, but things change feelings change, and so may your boyfriends. After 2 months you really cannot tell what his character his. You may be opening pandoras box, making him into a teenage slut who willd ay anything just to get sex.


    Wait for goodness sake, if he would dump you for not having sex then you did not need him. Trust me you will feel much worse to get dumped after you slept with him, than if you did, not and keep your virginity. So there is nothing set in stone, that he will marry you, or that he really loves you, even if he gives you a ring. Actions speak louder than words, and it sounds like he is more interested in getting in your pants than YOU!!Do not get played for a fool.

  17. That is good, and you are right sex is important to a MARRIAGE. What happens when he starts sleeping with all these other women? He will not be able to organize his true feelings for you because he will be blinded by lust. Some men cannot tell the differance between one woman and the next, they most often pick the woman who ups his ego the most, or whoever gives him the best sex. We all know that men like new toys over their old toys sometimes . If he wants to try to be exclusive, then it is best to at least try that first before sleeping around.


    God did not create us to have sex outside of our marriages, no matter what the WORLD thinks about causal sex. If you are a Christain then you know that this is true! Sex out side of marriage is just a cheap sub. Most other books also say that bringing other people into the relationship, only makes more problems rather than solve them. Good luck I hope things work out, and if they do not at least you tried to work things out!

  18. I do not think any one wants to break them up, they just want her to know all sides. My only concern is that she said that they do not use condoms when having sex. My brother is a doctor and he sees so many young men and women who do not use protection and they are getting STD's. If she is with a man who has cheated on her before and they do not use protection, this IS something she should be concerned about. Only in time will she be able to tell what is really going on with him, good or bad.

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