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Posts posted by Happy_Go_Lucky_Heb

  1. Here's the tip. Make her feel luv and let her kno u luv her again and again. Make her feel safe arouse her so by the time she realises she doesn't want 2 go thru it it's kinda 2 late. It might sound sleazy but its what u hav 2 do unless she's 100% willing and girls wants sex just as much as we guys do, they just think way 2 much.


    Safety protection...Azn already went thru that a lil bit and withdrawal may not b the best case for virgins if u kno what i mean.


    Happy Heb

  2. Hey.. this has got nothing 2 do wif this but 2 one of ur previous posts that i can't seem 2 find anymore but i kno its from u dreamer:


    Woah.. take things easy dreamer, get the girl out on a date first b4 u kiss her. You don't and that's the thing, unless she constantly flirts wif u or tells u that she likes u or somehow signals 2 u, u neva kno. That's why ppl ask and who cares if u get rejected, it simply just means she's not interested but at least u'll get her attention and if u're still crazy about her a few weeks later, try again. Sometimes chicks change their minds fast.


    Kissing hey...i recently had the same problem and i realise that of course she wants me 2 kiss her, if she's going out wif u and likes u then why the hell not. This will make so much sense 4 u if u think about it. It took me AGES to figure it out i was constantly thinkin about the same thing for 2 weeks. I might b totally wrong so i'm gonna post up a forum sometimes but i'm pretty convinced, if she doesn't like u then she won't wanna kiss u and she won't wanna go out wif u. She's gonna b shy coz she likes u and apprently chicks want u 2 make the first move coz they don't want 2 scare u away, and trust me, it is scary sometimes when chicks throw themselves at u.


    U should so mail me sometime, i think u'd hav so may problems that i've experienced.


    Happy Heb


    And don't worry about the paying, the girl will most likely pay herself even if u insist and who really cares who pays, the point is that u had a great time 2getha, no ones gonna look back becoz u can't pay for moments like them if u kno what i mean.

  3. U shouldn't worry, ur low self esteem won't get u anywhere, i kno its hard but u gotta b determined and just think, someone out there is gonna like u for who u are, it might b hard but there are heaps of ppl around like u so someone will understand really well what u'e goin thru.


    I say if u wanna take things slowly, just go meet ppl like what S4il said, find more friends and everything, get ur confidence around girls and then if there's someone u like, take it a step further.


    Don't worry, "A journey of a thousand miles begins wif one single step", this will relate 2 u coz if u worry and think ahead, it becomes a real big journey, but take things a step at a time, slowly and not worryin, u just might get somewhere. Like they say.. "Good things take time" and "You can't eat an elephant in one go".


    Keep me posted, i hope things will get better 4 u.



  4. Hey...i can kinda relate 2 what u're saying. U gotta b able 2 trust each other, if u can't then u're probably right, u's should break up. Let her kno what u feel, i kno she'll like it. If u neva told her u luv her, now'd b a good time 2. I kno the odds are against u, deciding who 2 trust, best friends or the guy u like but u neva kno, if she likes u enough, i think she'll believe u coz she'd kno u or something. I don't kno if this helps but i'm tired so things might not make sense.


    'Luck anyway


    Happy Heb

  5. Hmm, u've got a real complicated problem. If u's eva loved one another, i'm sure u can find it again if u keep trying. If it was just some casual thing ova the interent, then maybe she should leave u but u hav 2 kno why she isn't happy first, it could b just one of those mood things ppl hav. I don't really kno if any of that helped or made u confused...

  6. lol Azn. Worst i did was ask someone out ova the interenet, i felt that was really stupid but she was about 2 ask me out anyway and i didn't want her 2 do that so i did it instead, it's a long story but i still had a good reason.


    At the end of the day, i don't think it matters, coz u won't think about how someone asked u out, it's not like a marriage, what matters is that u're 2getha and not how u got 2 b like that. That's what i think.


    Happy Heb

  7. Lol... i don't really kno what soulmate's are but apprently they're supposed 2 b the ppl u were destined 2 b wif, i might b totally wrong... but it doesn't matter if someone's ur soulmate or not, u could just believe in it urself. I think maybe u're just confused 2 wether u like him or not.

  8. I kno it's hard 2 not b jealous, coz i can kinda relate to what u're saying except my gf's a waitress and she doesn't need 2 do the things ur girl does.


    U just gotta trust her, and if she lies, then u'll have some serious problems but don't think that far yet. Enjoy what u hav now "cherish each day as it comes..." don't worry about the future yet, make the most of what u hav now. I think u gotta cut her some slack, this is ur gf we're talkin about her, obviously when u started dating her, u should've been aware of what might happen. If she really loves u, then she's right, it's only business and it's wrong 2 hang around wif u when she's @ her job coz she's gettin paid 2 entertain other guests, sure u're a guest but her dad might see it differently and so on.


    Don't feel so insecure, just think about it this way... there's lotsa ppl out there and if it doesn't work out between u's, it'll take time but there's gonna b someone else out there that u'll grow 2 luv as much as this one. It's not ur fault u're so insecure and jealous, some ppl are just like that. Are u a Cancer by any chance?lol?

  9. Hey ppls.. it's me HAPPY HEB Anyway, my gf and I hav been 2getha 4 a while. She broke up with her ex a few months ago and apprently it was becoz of the fact that she needed spaces. I think this is quite true coz i had 2 wait some time b4 she asked me out coz she said she needed time 2 think or something.


    So my problem is, how much space does she need and what should I do? I don't want 2 talk 2 her (i am a talking person) coz she probably won't tell me what i want 2 kno and plus i want her 2 kno i understand her a lil. All help will b taken into consideration like they should and thanx heaps 2 the ppl that reply.

  10. Ooo. Poor u. I kinda relate 2 what u're saying. U must b close 2 my age. A lot of my chick friends used 2 b like that. B4 u got out wif lotsa ppl, u tend 2 fall for the ones that u get close 2, there's nothing wrong wif that maybe it's just a *safe* thing, i don't remember what it's like anymore really.


    U could b just curious but what it's like being wif someone, and trust me, it's really great when u're wif the person u like but yea. Go out some, party a lil (watch out for spiked drinks) meet the right person, get ova this guy, he's wif someone else and he shouldn't kno that u like him now coz if he's sleazy he'll come back 2 u and play wif u some. Just think about it this way, move on, if he's happy wif someone else, so should u, u can't do a lot 2 change what's happened. It's kinda funny hey... what they say about u don't kno what u got till it's gone.


    At the end of the day, it's not nice 2 make ppl jealous so don't fall for it even if he's tryin 2 do that 2 u. Lol.. if u want, once u found the one u like, u might even make him jealous, and u could think of that as a probable payback. I think u just don't kno enough guys and can't b bothered meeting them, so try doin that first then come back and worry if it just ain't working.


    Happy Heb

  11. Talk 2 him, make him understand what u feel and that u are definitely aware of what's going on. If he's still gonna play u, then maybe u deserve someone better, call it quits with him. I kno it's hard, and u might think u won't find someone else like him again but u don't need someone like him and there's lotsa other really nice guys out there. It'll take time but good things do take time, i kno. Me and my gf go back a long way, we were friends till i asked her out, she got the wrong idea, we become confused and stopped talking, i totally screwed things ova. We went our own ways for the next 6 months with our own relationships, then i realised one day that i wasn't over her and told her what i felt, after a while she told me things were complicated and told me 2 give up on her. I never did and now we're 2getha another 6 months later.


    Anyway, 'Luck with things.


    Happy Heb

  12. Hey Karmayn


    I think ur husband may be developing some sorta psychological problem but i could b totally wrong. I think u should hav a real serious talk, hide all ur brooms first... Make him aware that u ain't happen about his situation. Or maybe try and get him stuck into something else. If that doesn't work, leave him for a few weeks, i kno it sounds harsh but it just might work, let him kno u don't mind that much wif him spending time with those Juggalos ppl but he has 2 kno when 2 b a man and when 2 b a Juaggalos.


    Keep me posted if u want, this is kinda interesting.


    Happy Heb

  13. Lol, like ur response S4il. Depends on how old this guy is. I'm a guy but i'm still a teen. I don't think we like 2 tell ppl what we want, it could b me but yea. Coz at the end of the day, at least it's for a guy, i'm sure he'll like it no matter what as long as u're friends wif him. Gift vouchers may seem like a good idea if u don't kno the person well enough but sometimes, at the time when it's needed, it doesn't mean anything more than just a piece of paper, that's what i thought when my gf gave one 2 me but i luv her so much that it doesn't matter.


    Another thing i'd recommend would b accessories, like chains, bracelts, belts etc. I'm sure he'll like them 2.

  14. Woah, this sounds pretty serious, well so does everything around here but ur's sound more. I don't really kno u but like definitely talk it ova with ppl, i don't c the point of becoming a psychogeriatric patient coz they'll just hav professional psychologists around the place and unless u kno u need ppl like that i'd say go 2 ur friends for support and take it easy, do something that'll take ur mind of things, maybe just for a while. Like start a sport/hobby or maybe go do something that u feel will make a change somehow like a volunteer job at the local community centre or whateva.


    If ur depression gets really bad, then u should definitely seek professional help. Mail me or something if u want and maybe i can get 2 kno u better.


    Happy Go Lucky Heb

  15. Hey


    Why were u embarrased? I mean, ppl get drunk all the time, unless this guy is an embarrassment 2 all. I just thought of something, lol, if u wanna b mean, why don't u start ur own stories?


    Aiight that's enough of my evil thoughts 4 2day. Maybe u should ask him, why is he angry at u, and is he? it might just b u, since u're angry u might c things differently. And maybe u should've been nicer when things went crazy but there was definitely some fault in him 4 not seeing how affected u were over the whole thing so yup, he's a suckky friend.


    It's hard 2 provide u an insight unless 2 sides of the stories are heard, that's why i recommend u ask him urself. It could b like a total misunderstanding, u neva kno.

  16. I think u hav 2 talk it ova with him first, i don't kno how it's like between u, but u got 2 think of ur kid as well, bringing children up wif stepparents are just encouraging the next generation to get married, hav lotsa sex and children then not worry about the consequences coz there's always the option of divorce.


    There's still gotta b somethin there between u's, something u feel in love wif in the first place. But seriously, what were u thinkin, havin a baby wif someone u haven't married yet, sorry if i'm sounding harsh but yea, i should stop, u probably feel bad enough already.


    U shouldn't leave ur bf yet i don't think, give him a chance or 2, it's not like he dragged u 2 where u are 2day. Plus, are u willin 2 risk it all wif some guy who might not even like u/like u yet in that way?


    One thing i agree wif is that he's a suckky bf, a guy should always care for his girl, and if she's unhappy, then he's gotta do somethin about it. If you talk about it wif him and nothing happens, leash out 2 his friends that u're close wif, they're probably aware of what's happening and they should kno him well enough, maybe u should ask them what 2 do since u're bf would b aware of what's goin on by then.


    At the end of the day, it's ur choice what 2 do, u kno this is just advice and every1's different. Sorry again if i sound harsh.



  17. Hey Collen

    Lotsa my friends ask me the exact same question and ur about 2 get the usual reply. First of all, always b urself, there's no point tryin 2 b someone ur not, coz at the end of the day, it might just not work as well as u'd think. Anyway, I always think, the easiest way 2 get a convo going so talk about things everyone likes, for example, food, music, movies, u get the idea. Funny things here and there would give u the confidence u might need coz i think u said u're a bit shy or something but if u kno u ain't humorous person, don't try 2 hard or it might cut u down bad.


    'Luck with things

  18. Hey

    I kinda agree with the other person, wait for it first. How sure are you that she likes you, she could, but on the other hand she could b just young and curious, a lil bit like you (don't get me wrong). I don't see the problem with the age difference, but any younger and it'll get kinda weird. Just remember, if you go for it now, you could somehow ruin ur friendship with ur friend a lil bit but if u still gonna take the risk, don't hurt her, she's kinda young, u don't want her 2 loose faith in guys just yet.


    'Luck with things

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