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Posts posted by Happy_Go_Lucky_Heb

  1. Hey Penny


    U eva thought it could've been a total misunderstanding? I mean.. somethin similar happened 2 me once (it was no where as serious as ur situation) and yea.. turned out the person neva got any of my messages..sms whateva u call it in ur area and i couldn't b bothered calling so yea.


    So many possiblities and chances are, none of them are new. Maybe he wants 2 leave u but is 2 nice 2 say so he'll just distance himself till u loose interest in him and so many others i just realised.


    But at the end of the day if none of u's are gonna call each other...then he's probably real busy, there's been an misunderstanding or somewhere along the way...he lost interest in u somehow. I'd like 2 expand this repsonse but I've g2g. Sorry


    Happy Heb

  2. Hey buckley

    O i hate what's happenein 2 u, i'm afraid it might happen 2 me but it ain't no-where as serious, i'm just an insecure person.


    I think it can.. long distance relationships tend 2 make ppl drift apart, but as soon and if u kno u'll see each other soon or b able 2 maintain contact regularly.. it doesn't happen. It's definitely possible, afterall, we're human, it's hard 2 believe what we can't see and if he can't see u.. then his head somehow just doesn't remind him that u exist in his life as often as it should.


    Happy Heb

  3. lol.. i just got what the beep word stands for. Why do u even care so much? Screw everyone, i mean, ppl who dress differently are gonna get the attention and u kno that just as much as i do. So u can keep goin the way u are and screw everyone or change but why bother? u hav the rep and u like doin what u do so u'd probably just hang in there and sooner or later ppl will get ova it. u're probably thinkin 2 much anyway.


    Happy Heb

  4. I kno it's usually the guys that are afraid of commitment but in this case, even tho i could b wrong, it might just b her. definitely go wif the talk...maybe somethin happened in the past that made her like this. Chances are she probably luvs u and maybe u're just expecting 2 much from her or somethin. Sorry if i get things totally wrong but bear wif me.. i'm 2 tired.


    Happy Heb

  5. I'd say give him another chance first. I mean, u definitely made ur presense felt this time as he probably recongnised u. Sittin next 2 him straight up might make him nervous unless he's already made up his mind that he wants 2 somehow contact u. I'd say go again.. no smile this time and see what happens from there.


    He was probably just surprised or maybe shy and it's not like everyone will smile back if someone smiles at them for no reason, i would but that's just me.


    Happy Heb

  6. Well the way i figure it. U can either tell her u got feelings for her (which may screw up ur relationship wif her or her bf's or both coz she might b confused then annoyed then pissed). Or u can hold it back if it's really obvious.


    Another possiblity i see is just 2 b friends for now unless u don't wanna b anything else except bf/gf status.


    Happy Heb

  7. Don't worry about it, sure they might like u for ur breasts but at the end of the day it won't b enough 2 keep them around forever so just take advantage of it coz there's always good and bad things for everthing and the only way 2 balance that out is ADVANTAGE ALL THE WAY.


    happy heb

  8. joey. I'm one of those ppl who feel insecure about relationships 2 but the way i figure it, there's nothin i can do coz at the end of the day what's me is me and if it's lil things then sure, i can change and she'll tell me and give me a chance coz that's all i'd need.


    I think u're putting way 2 much pressure on urself, she's probably not even so worried like u and most likely luvs u a lot. Just think about it this way... we can't hide from destiny. What's meant 2 b, will b.


    happy heb


    PS i kno it sucks.

  9. Don't exactly agree wif u there glassbell.


    ---[EDIT by Secret_Agent_Man]---


    I used 2 hav the same opinions like u... guys are more quiet, girls like 2 talk more.


    I've asked heaps of times but at the end of the day it's just crap coz all the excuses don't work, coz for me, it's not the reason u call, it's the fact u do it if u kno what i mean.


    Well thnx for the help from glassbell, swingfox and turboz in addition 2 LOL dfcannon - "Women feel a little shy and awkward about taking the initiative with men. So, they just don't call and whine about the fact that men don't call. "


    Happy Heb

  10. lol musicchicus.. choc bars. hmm yum.


    Sabena.. we all hav good,bad, funny, interesting, meaningful, fun, experimental etc. No doubt that u are going thru bad times right now. Think positive like me b HAPPY ur luck will change in due time. Just get ur mind of things or do somethin about it. It's a total waste of time thinkin bout stuff i reckon.


    Hope things change soon.


    happy heb

  11. Hey, i can't relate to what u're going thru right now and i don't kno if i can help much.


    I think u worry 2 much and u're 2 uptight from the impression i get from u. U need 2 let it all go, screw what everyon else thinks, do it ur way and BELIEVE in urself. I dunno how u're gonna do this but i guess, constant reminder would b a start.


    Hope that helped.


    Happy heb

  12. Hey ppls, thnx for ur replies so far.


    "I really wish I could understand women, I really do." - Turboz

    Yea turboz, don't we all...



    I really don't mind, i don't want her 2 feel awkward anyway. I tell her all the time that she should call me more but she's just one of those ppl who are really shy and yea, hard 2 explain.


    Still... will someone out there give me an answre? WHY?


    Happy Heb

  13. I was just wondering and i kno there'll b others out there as well. Why don't chicks call up? Like is it just me for do/are ppl out there the kinda ppl who don't call guys up? Me and my gf hav been 2getha for a while... i've called her up like 50 times and she's called up twice but she's told me she loves me so it's not like coz she hates me.


    I think a posibility is that some ppl might not b talkative or are really nervous on the fone... so yea com'on, what does everyone else think about a situation like this?


    Happy Heb

  14. Yea.. fifi's kinda right, u dont' wanna give the chick 2 much right now. Give her some space.. call her like 4 times a week instead. Just coz she won't call won't mean anything... well my gf neva calls me.. ok twice and i've called her like ova 50 and she still luvs me. So don't get wrong idea just coz she doesn't call...


    Happy Heb

  15. It's really up 2 u Meiso but let me lay the cards out on the table. How do u kno that's what she wants? maybe she really liked it as friends... If u really wanted 2 tell her now then just do it straight up i hate all the "o sure.. but we're not going as friends" cheesy crap.


    U gotta take in mind that.. if u're friendship bond ain't that close right now there's a high chance that if she rejects u.. u might not b friends again. I'd say develop the friendship (agree wif Swingfox) coz that'll give u a chance to kno who she is even more and hav a steady foundatation already b4 heading into the next stage.


    Happy Heb

  16. Yea.. isn't life all about takin chances? u shouldn't think bout things, just do it coz u kno, chances are u'll neva b able 2 predict the future.


    What if he's just feelin what u're feelin, someone's gotta spill it out sonner or later, sure u might screw ur relationship ova for a while but at least he'll kno and u might get a chance in the future. Like me, i was in the same situation and now me and my really good friend's 2getha.


    So what if u do screw up the friendship, if u're so close already, it'll just take some time b4 u're back 2 ur old friend style again coz like it's virtually impossible 2 drift away from best friends unless u don't do anything about it.


    Happy Heb

  17. Hmm let me think, at the start at atually kinda agreed but then i thought again, it could b a guy thing but like we all like 2 c chicks show a lil skin so i thought maybe there's gotta b somethin that chicks like 2.


    Actually, no, she's right, just b urself, it doesn't matter what u wear, it's like just the cover of the book, it's u that matters, what's on the inside so just wear whateva u're confident in.


    happy heb

  18. Actually, i don't agree wif mkgirl (nothin personal) and yea, sure it's a good idea but everyone's different. I think u shouldn't tell her, so what if her relationship wif the other guy's not workin as well right now and she likes herself better when u're around (one of the reasons i think would b like u's don't fight so obviously ppl like themselves when they ain't pissed and stuff). If u tell her now i think u could b pushin her into somethin she ain't sure about and she might become frustrated and dunno what 2 do, u could get a rejection or u could break up their relationship. Yea, at the end of the day, it's up 2 u.


    happy heb

  19. lol, sounds like it could work out after all. I reckon he just felt there wasn't enough 2 keep the relationship 2getha in the first place but he still luved u probably, just the wrong time and he might've thought it'd b better 2 get on wif each others lives for now or somethin like that.


    I think now u're goin back and if u's still like each other, chances are, u should get back 2getha.


    Happy Heb

  20. Swingfox man... can't use Pikewong here is like kinda obsessed wif this chick. He can't just forget about her like that.


    Pikewong, take it easy, just coz she seems cold doesn't mean anything necessarily. She could like u, could, i don't wanna give u any false hope. When ppl in ur age like other ppl, they become more shy but that's only a possiblity. Do somethin wif her, what does she do? any extra-cirricular activities? coz that'd b a start.


    Happy Heb

  21. Really shy could mean lotsa things, she's like that or both, she likes u. My gf's really shy on the fone and i'm an outgoing person like u, it's quite hard and i can relate 2 ur experience. Maybe she wants u 2 call, i dunno.


    Happy Heb

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