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Everything posted by KaylaJoy

  1. I've told him I do not wish to talk to him. I've asked him to stop texting me. He continues. Tonight he texted me to say his dad had been in a wreck and was being flown to a hospital about an hour away, and that he didn't know anything more. I did not respond, and deleted the text. My reasonings are this: he has a fiancee (that he obtained 11 weeks after he last told me he loved me and still wanted to marry me). I know he assumes because we dated and I met his family that I would want to know this, and while I don't wish his father ill will, I don't think I'm in a position to DO anything about this since we have both moved on and he is engaged, I'm not really sure exactly why he texted me to tell me this. Not to mention, I don't think he ever said a kind word about his dad the entire time we dated. He called him "the old man" and gave me the impression that he hated him, as he dad was very abusive to him when he was young. I'm at a loss for words...am I insensitive for not responding? Should I respond, given the fact it is over, and he is engaged to someone else?? Is this normal to text your ex girlfriend to tell her something like this, since we have no contact now?? (Other than his incessant text messages that I keep deleting.)
  2. Day 9 and I'm doing fine...don't miss him, don't want to hear from him, don't care what he's doing. This is good, right??
  3. I'm doing just fine with NC for now....nope, don't even miss him. Of course the reason is because I've gotten to see mi amor (who just happens to be my "ex ex") twice in the last 24 hours!
  4. Just started my "day 8", will post more in the afternoon. Just got back from my "friend date" with my ex ex. Meanwhile I check my cell at the movies to find out that my ex (the one who I'm doing the NC over) sent me a text message. again!! Geesh that guy just doesn't get it! Kudos to me though...I didn't even read it! I just deleted it! I saw the number it was from and saw the word "happy...." so I presume it was a happy mother's day message but I don't want any part of it. Not to mention the fact that I was out with my love, aka my ex ex, so I didn't really even want to think about my NC ex.
  5. Wow! A whole week already, so far so good....I can't say I'm suffering too much right now though, I have a "friend date" tonight with my ex ex (the one who is really the love of my life, and who is partly responsible for me not marrying my ex who I'm in NC over)...nothing special, maybe dinner and a movie, who knows...he waited until last night to set it up with me, which I wasn't too happy about, but we both are going with the unspoken understanding that this is not a rekindle, but merely two friends hanging out together. Of course there is a little teeny weeny part of my heart that is dying inside because I would give anything if this was a REAL date and he really wanted to be with me. But it's not, and he doesn't, so I have to either be content to be his friend or nothing at all. Some days nothing at all seems like a viable alternative. Other times, I'd hold on to him no matter what the cost or situation. Tonight I'm just happy to be with him just for a few hours. ...if he only knew....
  6. I agree! Being a plan B date always sucks!
  7. Have done OK with NC today...kind of disgusted, which I guess is a good thing...didn't really miss him as much as I just miss being with somebody. I miss being in a relationship, having feelings for someone and they are returned. I miss feeling special to someone, and he made me feel special. Apparently (yes, you do hear sarcasm in my voice) I was not quite as special as I thought since I was replaced VERY quickly. But overall, day 6 has been OK. I'm not much tempted to view his MySpace page, because I'm sure he's got it posted all over about their engagement, and I've already been slapped by him with a text message about it this week, I really don't want to read all about it on MySpace. No, time is crucial to me now. I want to forget, move on, and be done with it.
  8. Nope don't respond...there'll probably be 1/2 a dozen more such messages....she wants YOU to care, even if she doesn't. Ego thing. Be strong.
  9. That's what I'm thinking too. I'm sitting here crying, reading all his old emails...you know the ones...the ones where he expresses undying love and affection, there'll never be anyone touch his life like I did, I'm the best girlfriend on the planet, and then the real kicker, the one dated March 17 (not even 8 weeks ago) - this one was an angry one, where he stated very angrily that he had offered to marry me, raise my son as his own, love me, etc etc, and had I accepted his proposal he would be doing that now. Now, just 7 weeks later, he is engaged to the woman he swore he'd never date. I'm sad today. Feel cheated, betrayed, sad that I believed in such love, and it went away so easily. Disheartened. Just want to cry.
  10. well, scratch that NC for day 4. My ex just texted me to inform me that he and his girlfriend of 11 weeks (the one he got the week after Valentine's Day, which is also the week after the last time he told me he loved me and wanted to marry me) are getting married. I'm numb. will post more on another thread, but suffice it to say "ouch". I did not respond by the way, so I did not break my NC, and I deleted his text also.
  11. Day 4 of NC. sad one today, kept remembering stuff, kept visualizing him and her, missed his daily phone calls, a few tears, but I'm OK. Another day of NC under my belt. Whew!
  12. Day 3 of NC...today was a sorta hard one...I wonder what's going on with him, I'm tempted to check out his MySpace page but I'm trying to stay strong. I got a little teary eyed today, hearing some songs, thinking about how things used to be. He used to treat me so well when we were together; I felt like a princess. He made me feel important to him. I felt secure in a way that I'd never felt before really, and I suppose that was part of his charm, he was very smooth, and I believed him for the longest time. It was only until he abruptly decided he was going to start dating someone he swore to me that he would never date, that things took a very bad turn for the worse. In that moment, and since that time, I doubted every thing he ever told me. He said he loved me more than life itself, that no one had ever made him happier, that no one would ever love me more, and that I was the one he'd been waiting for all his life. Valentine's Day 2008 he told me he loved me and still wanted to marry me, even though I had already told him no. Within a month, he was dating the one woman he swore he'd never date if she was the last woman on earth, and now, just barely two months later, they are planning on getting married. So yeah, I'm having major trust issues in anything he told me while we were dating. How can you love someone more than anything in the world, and then a month later be in love with someone else and ready to marry them? He said what he felt for the new gal didn't diminish what he had felt with me. Oh yes it did!! So I've had very melancholy feelings today...I miss the sweetness of our relationship...we didn't break up because we didn't care about each other, we broke up for reasons beyond our control. I miss talking and laughing with him. I miss leaning on him and depending on him. He was a huge part of my life, and today I feel that void. NC today? Well, I can't say I want to contact him, but I do miss him.
  13. day 2 of NC with my most recent ex. I'm fine with it. Not much curiosity even as to what's going on with him. That'll come later I'm sure. Talked to my favorite ex (the one I wish wasn't an ex) today (sigh!)...about once a week or so I think I'm going break down and do NC with him, because he's the one I still love, and can't get over, and he tears me apart. So I broke my own rules today and invited him to hang out with me this weekend...he usually does it if I ask him to, but he doesn't hardly ever initiate it on his own. I figured I can only handle one NC at a time though, and he will be the toughest one of all!
  14. OK, I'm at the end of day 1 of my no contact with my most recent ex boyfriend (but not the love of my life ex boyfriend - I may end up doing NC with him too before it's over with)...I made it thru the day w/o looking at his MySpace page once! Woohoo! No texts from him either, so that's a good thing...I just hope he doesn't text me and inform me that he and the new gal has up and got hitched, like they are planning. I'd like to think surely he wouldn't be that mean to rub it in my face, but yeah...he would, out of ignorance more than meanness, perhaps, but yeah he would. So I hope he just leaves me alone and stops texting me period. It's hard to think that we were as close as we were last year, and just a few months later, I can't even talk to him...I thought we would always be friends, but I didn't expect him to go down the road he went after we broke up. I just can't be his buddy, and I told him that. Now if he will only leave me alone and let me move on. Last year was a farce and a fraud as far as I'm concerned...it was fun while it was, but makes me sick to think it wasn't even real. 29 days and counting...but then what??
  15. OK, Dave...I'm up for the challenge. I have my ex and his new girlfriend's MySpace pages saved as favorites, and it kills me everytime I check it, to see what their latest little love note will be, and yet I can't seem to stay away. He is still texting me occasionally, even though I've asked him not to. (He's texted me the last two nights). Nothing romantically, just everyday stuff that doesn't make sense why he's doing it. I'm deleting them and not answering them. No emails though, or IM's, or calls, thank goodness. So I will accept this challenge because I need to for my sanity's sake! I need to stay far away from him and his new love life...I broke up with him for multiple reasons, one being he's been married 3 times already, but he swore to me that he loved me in spite of that, and then within a few weeks was dating the woman he swore he wouldn't date if she was the last woman on earth. And just two months later they are getting married supposedly. And it's a hard pill to swallow. So I need closure. I just delete the texts, but I need a challenge to stay away from his MySpace page. I don't understand why he is texting me if he's so in love with her, and they are planning a wedding? Is it to rub it in my face?? I don't get it. So the challenge starts today, May 3, 2008. Day 1!!
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