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Everything posted by kwilkerson

  1. I am so sorry for what you are going through. Please get the book, "Your Medication May Be Your Problem" by Dr. Peter Breggin. It will help you understand your mom, yourself and what the psychiatric drugs can do to you. It may have been the drug that "took over" your mothers mental state. It has happened to thousands of people.
  2. If your husband is on any type of psychiatric medication (prozac, zoloft, effexor, etc) this could be your problem. These type of drugs can cause an emotional condition called emotional blunting or insesitivity. I noticed many things different about my husband when he began taking prozac, but one day when he told me he just didn't love me the way he used to, it totally blew my mind. We had a good loving marriage. I did the same - freaked out! Yelled, cried, called him every name in the book. But mostly I just didn't believe it! Because I also noticed other personality changes, I began researching his medication right away. It was beginning to make sense. Of course, the problem is that his feelings are very real to him. We are currently separated so that we do not kill what feelings we do have left for each other with our arguing and fighting. He is in withdraw of his medication and his feelings are reawakening. From what I understand, this is going to be a very rough road for us! I hope we can salvage what was once a great marriage. We have 3 children. Ages 11, 6, 4. We are both in counseling! Ironically, I had just found out my dad had pancreatic cancer. My husband was very indifferent about that. Another clue that feelings weren't right. He just is not normally like that. I hope this is helpful.
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