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Everything posted by Staticz09

  1. To tell ya the truth, I never freaken heard of that! But hey, learn somethen new everyday Anyways, I think Heretic is right, I would do something to encourage blood flow. Sorry I cant be any more help . Good LucK! Staticz09 0X
  2. Hey again, First I just want to thank everyone who answered my hopeless romantic problem. Just wanted to let yall know that the girl mentioned in my "article" is breaking up with her boyfriend and we are both volunteering @ the same place for 2 wks starting tomorrow! So I'll let ya know how it goes. 8) Staticz09 0X
  3. Hey Steve, I would say that she likes you...her getting nervous at the restaraunt doesnt mean anything because if she didn't like you at all, she would have stayed and prolly just blown you off. I would keep at it if I were you cause maybe she just doesnt know what to do, maybe shes playing hard to get. My reason says it needs more investigation, but my heart says she diggs you man. Staticz09
  4. Hey man, Listen, I can relate to your situation. Ive never been the hottest guy in school ,or for that matter, my piers think Im just an average LOOKING guy. These days females (our age) tend to prefer a hot guy with a nice car among other things. So if we dont have either, than were screwed right? WRONG! I've found that if ya dont have the looks or material stuff, you still have a fighting chance! Its your personality that will get you further, anyway . You say that you are quite shy and reclusive, well, you can change that. Not so much your personality, but the way you interact with people can be improved. If you know how to be funny, witty, stupid, loose, and have a good time than people will feel more comfortable around you. When that happens, they seem to start to notice whats inside rather than looks. So thats the first thing. The second thing is to do something off-the-wall for her. If she has any bit of a sense of humor, play on it. I believe that a female appreciates a sense of humor over anything else (besides hygene) C'mon ladies, back me up here! If you do something totally unexpected, such as a flower in her locker or binder (without being stalker-ish) or just find a really nice thing to for her, than it might just work out. Because anyone could ask her out, but only you would be the one to go out of your way to do something positive and kind. If she doesnt respond to that, and blows you off or gets upset, than SHE DOESNT DESERVE YOU!!! You would'nt want to be around someone like that anyways. So give it a shot, if it doesnt work, than you'll just be back where you started, which isnt all that bad. 8) -Statiz09 0X
  5. Hey guys, I have a huge problem! Im 17 and "never been kissed". Im going into Senior year and I really like this girl @ school. She has a boyfriend but isnt really diggin him and I think that I may have a chance. We have had a lot of "friend" fun over the past few days (but Ive known and liked her for 6 years) and Im just inveloped with this person. She's made several comments about how Im more fun/cool/funny that her b/f but the problem is, I have no experience at kissing, making out, or anything else for that matter. I know that dozens of people on this site have similar problems and I think I've even read most of them. I think what Im looking for here, is just some feedback from u all about anything you might know (do's, dont's, advice, backup, anything!) My confidence meter is in negative numbers here. I understand that practice makes perfect and I believe it, I just dont want to be a flunk the first time. Thanks a lot. Let me know what ya think.
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