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Everything posted by imsuperman

  1. 47 F and overcast. It rained all day yesterday but basically no chance today.
  2. I'm one of those freaks that sanitizes my keyboard after someone else uses it.
  3. The Take My Breath Away song from Top Gun was on at the gas station.
  4. 12:22 am. Not going to be a great night of sleep I don't think.
  5. Well I'm pretty happy this exists. [video=youtube;Jk7nISpZQ6g] ]
  6. Bored. Might hit the gym. Should hit the gym.
  7. Scrooge (1970) "You don't look like a ghost." "Thank you."
  8. The old mumbly song. [video=youtube;G5ftgRthre8] ]
  9. Louis CK on the privilege of being white. [video=youtube;iPVG4vgPWAc] ]
  10. Best live version of this I've seen. [video=youtube;gShySVpUHD8] ]
  11. (Song starts at around 1:40) [video=youtube;_uoc052wT4w] ]
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